Python Client built against the `Wolfram|Alpha <http://wolframalpha.com>`_
v2.0 API. This project is hosted on `Github
Basic usage is pretty simple. Create the client with your App ID (request from
Wolfram Alpha)::
import wolframalpha
client = wolframalpha.Client(app_id)
Then, you can send queries, which return Result objects::
res = client.query('temperature in Washington, DC on October 3, 2012')
Result objects have `pods` (a Pod is an answer group from Wolfram Alpha)::
for pod in res.pods:
Pod objects have `subpods` (a Subpod is a specific response with the plaintext
reply and some additional info)::
for pod in res.pods:
for sub in pod.subpod:
You may also query for simply the pods which have 'Result' titles or are
marked as 'primary' using ``Result.results``::
For more information, read the source.