
538 lines
21 KiB
Raw Normal View History

import re
import time
import random
from itertools import count
from munch import Munch
from mosfet.protocol.types import Slot
from mosfet import print_help
from mosfet import utils
from mosfet import path
from mosfet import bot
from mosfet.info import blocks
from mosfet.info import items
from mosfet.info import mobs
class Commands:
def __init__(self, global_state):
self.g = global_state
def handle_chat(self, message):
2021-04-29 02:18:01 +00:00
source, sender, text = message
reply = None
private = False
for_me = False
2021-04-29 02:18:01 +00:00
authed = sender == '0c123cfa-1697-4427-9413-4b645dee7ec0'
bot_num = self.g.name[-1]
if source == 'SYSTEM':
self.g.command_lock = False
if text == 'You are now AFK.':
self.g.afk = True
elif text == 'You are no longer AFK.':
self.g.afk = False
2021-04-29 02:18:01 +00:00
text = text.replace('zzz', '!zzz')
match = re.match(r'(.*\W+)\s+(['+bot_num+'|!])(\w+) ?(.*)', text)
if match:
meta, prefix, command, data = match.groups()
2021-04-29 02:18:01 +00:00
if '-> me' in meta:
private = True
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if prefix == bot_num:
for_me = True
2021-05-02 01:38:26 +00:00
if data.startswith('[') and data.endswith(']'):
command = 'nosquarebrackets'
## ### Public Commands
## These can be ran by anyone, all bots will reply.
## !help - prints this whole help message to console
## !help [command] - replies in-game explaining command
if command == 'help':
if data:
for line in print_help.HELP_LINES:
if line[1:].startswith(data) or line[1:].startswith(data[1:]):
reply = 'command ' + line
else: # for
reply = 'command not found'
for line in print_help.HELP_LINES:
reply = 'check console'
## !ping - replies with "pong"
if command == 'ping':
reply = 'pong'
## !echo [data] - replies with "data"
if command == 'echo' and data:
reply = data
2021-05-02 01:38:26 +00:00
if command == 'nosquarebrackets':
reply = 'don\'t literally put the [ ]'
## !pos - replies with position and dimension
if command == 'pos':
reply = str(utils.pint(self.g.pos))[1:-1] + ', ' + self.g.dimension
## !afk - goes AFK with /afk
if command == 'afk':
if not self.g.afk:
reply = '/afk'
## !unafk - goes not AFK with /afk
if command == 'unafk':
if self.g.afk:
reply = '/afk'
## !error - raises an error
if command == 'error':
reply = 'ok'
2021-05-06 09:29:26 +00:00
## !inv - replies and prints current inventory
if command == 'inv' or command == 'inventory':
inv_list = []
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uniq_item_counts = {}
for i in self.g.inv.values():
if i.present:
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inv_list.append((items.ITEM_NAMES[i.item_id], str(i.item_id), i.item_count))
if i.item_id not in uniq_item_counts:
uniq_item_counts[i.item_id] = 0
uniq_item_counts[i.item_id] += i.item_count
2021-05-06 09:29:26 +00:00
console_result = '\n'.join(['{}:{} x {}'.format(*x) for x in inv_list])
if not console_result:
reply = 'empty'
reply_result_1 = ', '.join(['{}:{} x {}'.format(*x) for x in inv_list])
reply_result_2 = ', '.join(['{}:{} x {}'.format(items.ITEM_NAMES[k], str(k), v) for k,v in uniq_item_counts.items()])
reply_result_3 = ', '.join(['{}:{}x{}'.format(items.ITEM_NAMES[k], str(k), v) for k,v in uniq_item_counts.items()])
reply_result_4 = ', '.join(['{}:{}x{}'.format(re.sub(r'[aeiou]', '', items.ITEM_NAMES[k]), str(k), v) for k,v in uniq_item_counts.items()])
reply_result_5 = ' '.join(['{}{}x{}'.format(re.sub(r'[aeiou]', '', items.ITEM_NAMES[k]), str(k), v) for k,v in uniq_item_counts.items()])
for r in [reply_result_1, reply_result_2, reply_result_3, reply_result_4, reply_result_5]:
reply = r
if len(reply) < 256:
## !time - replies with Minecraft world time
if command == 'time':
reply = str(self.g.time)
## !count [id] - counts the number of items with that id
if command == 'count' and data:
item = int(data)
reply = str(self.g.game.count_items([item]))
## !loaded - replies with the current loaded area
if command == 'loaded':
l = self.g.chunks.get_loaded_area()
reply = '{}, {}, {} to {}, {}, {}'.format(*l[0], *l[1])
reply += ' - ' + str(len(self.g.chunks.chunks)//16) + ' chunks'
## !players - prints the current players
## !players clear - clears the current player list
if command == 'players':
if data == 'clear':
self.g.players = {}
reply = 'ok'
for k, v in self.g.players.items():
print(str(k) + ':', v, self.g.player_names[v.player_uuid])
## !objects - prints the current items on ground
## !objects clear - clears the current object list
if command == 'objects':
if data == 'clear':
self.g.objects = {}
reply = 'ok'
for k, v in self.g.objects.items():
if data and v.item_id != int(data): continue
print(str(k) + ':', v, items.ITEM_NAMES[v.item_id])
## !mobs - prints the current mobs
## !mobs clear - clears the current mob list
if command == 'mobs':
if data == 'clear':
self.g.mobs = {}
reply = 'ok'
all_mobs = sorted(list(self.g.mobs.items()), key=lambda x: x[1].type)
for k, v in all_mobs:
if data and v.type != int(data): continue
print(str(k) + ':', v, mobs.MOB_NAMES[v.type])
reply = str(len(all_mobs)) + ' mobs'
## !monsters - prints the current monsters
if command == 'monsters':
monsters = sorted(list(self.g.mobs.items()), key=lambda x: x[1].type)
count = 0
for k, v in monsters:
if v.type not in mobs.EVIL_IDS: continue
if data and v.type != int(data): continue
count += 1
print(str(k) + ':', v, mobs.MOB_NAMES[v.type])
reply = str(count) + ' monsters'
## !villagers - prints the current villagers
if command == 'villagers':
all_mobs = sorted(list(self.g.mobs.items()), key=lambda x: x[1].type)
count = 0
for k, v in all_mobs:
type_name = mobs.MOB_NAMES[v.type]
if type_name != 'villager' : continue
count += 1
print(str(k) + ':', v, type_name)
reply = str(count) + ' villagers'
## !threats - prints the dangerous monsters within 20 blocks
## !threats [num] - prints the dangerous monsters within num blocks
if command == 'threats':
distance = int(data) if data else 20
p = utils.pint(self.g.pos)
threats = self.g.world.find_threats(p, distance)
for t in threats:
print(str(t.entity_id) + ':', t, mobs.MOB_NAMES[t.type])
reply = str(len(threats)) + ' threats'
if command == 'spiral' and data:
for i in range(int(data)):
if command == 'sand_slice':
result = self.g.world.find_sand_slice(utils.pint(self.g.pos), 50)
reply = str(result)
## "zzz" or !zzz - bot does /afk to let others sleep
if command == 'zzz':
if not self.g.afk and self.g.dimension == 'overworld':
reply = '/afk'
self.g.afk_timeout = 5.0
## !tree - replies with the closest tree
if command == 'tree':
pos = utils.pint(self.g.pos)
tree = next(self.g.world.find_trees(pos, 50))
reply = str(tree)[1:-1]
## !block x y z - replies what block is at (x, y, z)
if command == 'block':
data = data.replace('(', ' ').replace(')', ' ').replace(',', ' ')
x1, y1, z1 = [int(x) for x in data.split()]
except (AttributeError, ValueError):
reply = 'usage: !block x1 y1 z1'
if not reply:
coord = (x1, y1, z1)
block = self.g.world.block_at(*coord)
if not reply and block is None:
reply = 'first coord out of range'
if not reply:
reply = blocks.BLOCKS[block] + ':' + str(block)
################# Specific commands ##########################
## ### Bot-specific Commands
## These will only run for the bot they are addressed to.
if for_me:
## 1respawn - respawns the bot if it's dead
if command == 'respawn':
reply = 'ok'
## 1gather wood - gathers wood from the world
## 1gather sand - gathers sand from the world
if command == 'gather' and data:
if data == 'wood':
self.g.job.state = self.g.job.gather_wood
reply = 'ok'
elif data == 'sand':
2021-04-24 22:34:25 +00:00
if not self.g.sand_origin or not self.g.chunks.check_loaded(self.g.sand_origin):
self.g.sand_origin = utils.pint(self.g.pos)
self.g.job.state = self.g.job.gather_sand
reply = 'ok'
if reply:
for i in self.g.inv.values():
if i.item_id in items.BED_IDS:
reply += ', I need a bed'
## 1farm wood - farms wood from a certain area
## 1farm sand - farms sand from a certain area
## 1farm wart - farms netherwart from a certain area
## 1farm crop - farms mature crops from a certain area
if command == 'farm' and data:
if data == 'wood':
self.g.job.state = self.g.job.farm_wood
reply = 'ok'
elif data == 'sand':
2021-04-24 22:34:25 +00:00
if not self.g.sand_origin or not self.g.chunks.check_loaded(self.g.sand_origin):
self.g.sand_origin = utils.pint(self.g.pos)
self.g.job.state = self.g.job.farm_sand
reply = 'ok'
elif data == 'wart':
self.g.job.state = self.g.job.farm_wart
reply = 'ok'
elif data.startswith('crop'):
self.g.job.state = self.g.job.farm_crop
reply = 'ok'
if reply and self.g.dimension == 'overworld':
for i in self.g.inv.values():
if i.item_id in items.BED_IDS:
reply += ', I need a bed'
## 1loiter - stands still but eats, sleeps, and flees
if command == 'loiter':
self.g.job.state = self.g.job.loiter
reply = 'ok'
## 1trade - sells items to villagers to get emeralds
if command == 'trade':
self.g.job.state = self.g.job.trade
reply = 'ok'
## 1stop - stops the current job and resets bot
if command == 'stop':
reply = 'ok'
## 1drop - drops the current stack its holding
if command == 'drop':
## 1select [id] - moves item with id into main hand
if command == 'select' and data:
item = int(data)
if self.g.game.select_item([item]):
reply = 'ok'
reply = 'not found'
## 1dump [id] - drops all items matching id
if command == 'dump' and data:
item = int(data)
if self.g.game.count_items([item]):
self.g.dumping = item
reply = 'ok'
reply = 'not found'
## 1drain - drops all items in inventory
if command == 'drain':
self.g.draining = True
reply = 'ok'
if command == 'gapple':
self.g.job.state = self.g.job.find_gapple
if data:
self.g.job.find_gapple_states.count = int(data)
reply = 'ok'
if command == 'cache':
self.g.job.state = self.g.job.cache_items
self.g.job.cache_items_states.minimum = 0
self.g.job.cache_items_states.silent = True
reply = 'ok'
## 1fill [x] [y] [z] [x] [y] [z] - fills the cuboid with the block at the first coordinate
if command == 'fill':
data = data.replace('(', ' ').replace(')', ' ').replace(',', ' ')
x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2 = [int(x) for x in data.split()]
except (AttributeError, ValueError):
reply = 'usage: !fill x1 y1 z1 x2 y2 z2'
if not reply:
coord1 = (x1, y1, z1)
coord2 = (x2, y2, z2)
block = self.g.world.block_at(*coord1)
if not reply and y1 > y2:
reply = 'can only fill upwards'
if not reply and block is None:
reply = 'first coord out of range'
if not reply and block == 0:
reply = 'can\'t fill with air'
if not reply:
self.g.filling = Munch(coord1=coord1, coord2=coord2, block=block)
self.g.job.state = self.g.job.fill_blocks
reply = 'filling ' + str(utils.pvolume(coord1, coord2)) + ' with ' + blocks.BLOCKS[block]
## 1here - bot comes to your location
if command == 'here':
if not reply:
for p in self.g.players.values():
2021-04-29 02:18:01 +00:00
if p.player_uuid == sender:
player = p
else: # for
reply = 'can\'t find you'
if not reply:
pos = utils.pint(self.g.pos)
goal = utils.pint((p.x, p.y, p.z))
start = time.time()
navpath = self.g.world.path_to_place(pos, goal)
if navpath:
self.g.path = navpath
if self.g.job:
print(round(time.time() - start, 3), 'seconds')
if self.g.job:
self.g.look_at = None
reply = 'ok'
reply = 'no path'
## 1goto [x] [y] [z] - sends the bot to coordinate (x, y, z)
if command == 'goto':
data = data.replace('(', ' ').replace(')', ' ').replace(',', ' ')
x2, y2, z2 = [int(x) for x in data.split()]
except (AttributeError, ValueError):
reply = 'usage: !goto x y z'
if not reply:
pos = utils.pint(self.g.pos)
goal = utils.pint((x2, y2, z2))
start = time.time()
navpath = self.g.world.path_to_place(pos, goal)
if navpath:
self.g.path = navpath
if self.g.job:
print(round(time.time() - start, 3), 'seconds')
if self.g.job:
self.g.look_at = None
reply = 'ok'
reply = 'no path'
if command == 'break':
reply = 'ok'
if command == 'open':
## 1close - closes the current Minecraft window
if command == 'close':
if self.g.window:
reply = 'ok'
reply = 'nothing open'
## 1click [slot] [button] [mode] - clicks the current window
if command == 'click' and data:
if self.g.window:
slot, button, mode = [int(x) for x in data.split(' ')]
item = self.g.window.contents[slot]
except KeyError:
item = Slot(present=False)
self.g.game.click_window(slot, button, mode, item)
reply = 'nothing open'
## 1use - use the item it's currently holding
if command == 'use':
## 1interact [entity id] - interacts with that entity
if command == 'interact' and data:
if command == 'test':
reply = 'ok'
r = self.g.world.find_villager_openings((615, 78, 493))
################# Authorized commands ##########################
## ### Authorized Commands
## These dangerous commands can only be ran by the bot owner.
if authed:
## 1print [expression] - replies with Python eval(expression)
if command == 'print':
data = data.replace('`', '.')
reply = str(eval(data))
## 1exit - exits the program
if command == 'exit':
import os
except BaseException as e:
import traceback
reply = 'Error: {} - {}\n'.format(e.__class__.__name__, e)
if reply:
print('Reply:', reply)
if len(reply) >= 256:
reply = 'reply too long, check console'
if private and not reply.startswith('/'):
2021-04-29 02:18:01 +00:00
self.g.chat.send('/r ' + reply)