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# How to translate 2048 to another language.
First, if you do not have Gettext, get it by entering the following command by terminal
sudo apt-get install gettext
We aim to have the following structure for our directory:
So, go to the ./po directory and then create a directory with your language standard name.
for example:
mkdir po/es_AR
The next step is to generate the .po files with the following command (change 'es_AR' by your language standard name):
msginit --input=po/gfx_curses.pot --locale=es_AR --output=po/es_AR/gfx_curses.po
msginit --input=po/gfx_terminal.pot --locale=es_AR --output=po/es_AR/gfx_terminal.po
msginit --input=po/highscore.pot --locale=es_AR --output=po/es_AR/highscore.po
### Translation
Now, we can translate the strings:
so, go to ./po/language_name/ and translate the strings in the .po files with a text editor.
for example:
Nwe should create the directory where we'll place the .mo files (change es_AR by your language standard name):
mkdir -p 18n/es_AR/LC_MESSAGES
The last step is to generate the .mo file:
msgfmt --output-file=18n/es_AR/LC_MESSAGES/ po/es_AR/gfx_curses.po
msgfmt --output-file=18n/es_AR/LC_MESSAGES/ po/es_AR/gfx_terminal.po
msgfmt --output-file=18n/es_AR/LC_MESSAGES/ po/es_AR/highscore.po
## And this is it!