Go to file
2017-10-17 00:49:29 -06:00
.gitignore Initial commit 2017-10-01 17:07:43 -06:00
api.py Bring code up to PEP8 standard 2017-10-16 23:41:45 -06:00
crypt.py Bring code up to PEP8 standard 2017-10-16 23:41:45 -06:00
itemmanager.py Bring code up to PEP8 standard 2017-10-16 23:41:45 -06:00
LICENSE Initial commit 2017-10-01 17:07:43 -06:00
README.md Add README 2017-10-17 00:49:29 -06:00
requirements.txt Begin CLI tool and sign the user in 2017-10-06 22:43:45 -06:00
sn_fuse.py Bring code up to PEP8 standard 2017-10-16 23:41:45 -06:00
standardnotes_fs.py Bring code up to PEP8 standard 2017-10-16 23:41:45 -06:00



Mount your Standard Notes account as a filesystem and edit your notes as plain text files.

This allows you to edit your notes in your favorite text editor, use standard *nix programs and Bash scripts to manipulate them, or back them up with rsync.

This is an unofficial Standard Notes client.


(env) $ python standardnotes_fs.py ~/notes
Please enter your Standard Notes username: tanner@example.com
Please enter your password (hidden): 

(env) $ tree ~/notes
├── Accounts
├── Books
├── Checklists
├── Invention Ideas
├── News Notes
├── Shopping
├── standardnotes-fs
├── Todo
└── Wifi

0 directories, 31 files

(env) $ cat ~/notes/Todo 
V Get groceries
V Laundry
X Replace kitchen light
O Write standardnotes-fs readme
O Release standardnotes-fs

(env) $ fusermount -u ~/notes


usage: standardnotes_fs.py [-h] [--username USERNAME] [--password PASSWORD]
                           [-v] [--foreground] [--sync-sec SYNC_SEC]
                           [--sync-url SYNC_URL] [--no-config-file]
                           [--config CONFIG] [--logout]

positional arguments:
  mountpoint           local mountpoint folder

optional arguments:
  -h, --help           show this help message and exit
  --username USERNAME  Standard Notes username to log in with
  --password PASSWORD  Standard Notes password to log in with
                       NOTE: It is NOT recommended to use this option!
                             The password may be stored in history, so
                             use the password prompt instead.
  -v, --verbosity      output verbosity -v or -vv (implies --foreground)
  --foreground         run standardnotes-fs in the foreground
  --sync-sec SYNC_SEC  how many seconds between each sync. Default: 30
  --sync-url SYNC_URL  URL of Standard File sync server. Defaults to:
  --no-config-file     don't load or create a config file
  --config CONFIG      specify a config file location. Defaults to:
  --logout             delete login credentials saved in config and quit


For Debian/Ubuntu-based systems

Install dependencies:

$ sudo apt-get install fuse python3 python3-pip python3-virtualenv

Clone the repo and install Python Dependencies:

$ git clone https://github.com/tannercollin/standardnotes-fs.git
$ cd standardnotes-fs/
$ virtualenv -p python3 env
$ . env/bin/activate
(env) $ pip install -r requirements.txt
(env) $ deactivate

Run standardnotes-fs:

$ mkdir ~/notes
$ . env/bin/activate
(env) $ python standardnotes_fs.py ~/notes
(env) $

When you are finished, unmount:

(env) $ fusermount -u ~/notes
(env) $ deactivate


  • Important: standardnotes-fs has not been tested vigorously yet. Before you use it, please make a backup of your notes by selecting Account > Download Data Archive in the official Standard Notes client.
  • Your account password is not stored and the Python variable is deleted after your encryption keys are generated with it.
  • Your account's encryption keys are stored in a config file on disk. This can be disabled with --no-config-file.
  • By default the client syncs with the Standard Notes server every 30 seconds and after any note modifications are saved.
  • If connection to the server is lost, it will keep trying to sync periodically.
  • Filesystem functions currently supported: getattr, readdir, read, truncate, write, create, unlink, utimens, and rename.
  • Creating hidden files (names beginning with a period) is disabled to prevent junk file creation.
  • Notes with identical names are deduplicated by adding a number to the end.


This program is free and open-source software licensed under the GNU GPLv3. Please see the LICENSE file for details.

That means you have the right to study, change, and distribute the software and source code to anyone and for any purpose as long as you grant the same rights when distributing it. You deserve these rights. Please take advantage of them because I like pull requests and would love to see this code put to use.


Thanks to all the devs behind Standard Notes, Python, libfuse and FUSE.