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# Protospace lockout authorization server
Provides an API to the web client and web server to serve tool data and authenticate users on tools.
## Setup
$ sudo apt install python3 python3-pip python3-virtualenv # for Debian
$ virtualenv -p python3 env
$ . env/bin/activate
(env) $ pip install -r requirements.txt
(env) $ python migrate --run-syncdb
(env) $ python createsuperuser --email --username admin
(env) $ python runserver
Authenticate a Protospace login using the `curl` command below against **your** server, then navigate to and login with the superuser account you just created above.
Once logged in, navigate to "Profiles" and make your Protospace user a lockout admin.
Now you have total control of the system and can make other users lockout admins though the API or web interface.
## API
The API is RESTful and returns hyperlinked json data. **URLs require a trailing slash.**
It's also possible to interact with the API through a web interface at from the Protospace LAN. Any Protospace users that have already authenticated through /login/ are able to login.
### Authentication
Authentication is token-based and done against the Protospace member portal. Upon successful login, the auth server will automatically register the user and create them a profile.
#### POST `/login/`
POST data `username` and `password`. Upon successful login, a 200 status and a token will be returned.
Example request:
curl -d username=tanner.collin -d password=supersecret
Example response:
"token": "9944b09199c62bcf9418ad846dd0e4bbdfc6ee4b"
In subsequent requests, the token key should be included in the `Authorization` HTTP header. The key should be prefixed by the string literal "Token", with whitespace separating the two strings. For example:
Authorization: Token 9944b09199c62bcf9418ad846dd0e4bbdfc6ee4b
Example authenticated request:
curl -H "Authorization: Token 9944b09199c62bcf9418ad846dd0e4bbdfc6ee4b"
### For anonymous users
#### GET `/tooldata/`
Returns all the info about the shop and its tools. Tools are split into categories.
Example response:
"categories": [
"url": "",
"tools": [
"url": "",
"category": "",
"name": "Table Saw",
"slug": "table-saw",
"info": "scary tool",
"wiki_id": 123,
"photo": "",
"mac": "2C3AE843A15F"
"url": "",
"category": "",
"name": "Jointer",
"slug": "jointer",
"info": "goes buzz buzz",
"wiki_id": 1,
"photo": "",
"mac": "2C3AE8439EAD"
"name": "Wood Shop",
"slug": "wood-shop",
"info": "protospace wood shop",
"photo": ""
"url": "",
"tools": [
"url": "",
"category": "",
"name": "Metal Lathe",
"slug": "metal-lathe",
"info": "spins fast",
"wiki_id": 42,
"photo": "",
"mac": "ABCDEF000003"
"name": "Metal Shop",
"slug": "metal-shop",
"info": "protospace metal shop",
"photo": ""
#### GET `/cards/[MAC]/`
Returns all card numbers authorized to use a machine based on MAC address.
Card numbers are on one line separated by a comma.
Example request:
Example response:
### For authenticated users
#### GET `/user/`
Returns info about the logged in user, including which tools they are authorized on. Note the top-level array (a quirk of django-rest-framework).
Example response:
"username": "tanner.collin",
"profile": {
"url": "",
"user": "tanner.collin",
"card": "00000A4123",
"authorized_tools": [
"lockout_admin": true
### For lockout admins
Ensure images are square and 1280x1280 px large. Slugs should be lowercase and one word (replace spaces with hyphens).
#### GET, POST `/tool/`
Get a list of tools, or post a new tool to the database.
#### GET, PUT, DELETE `/tool/[slug]/`
Get a specific tool, modify or delete an existing one.
#### GET, POST `/category/`
Get a list of categories, or post a new category to the database.
#### GET, PUT, DELETE `/category/[slug]/`
Get a specific category, modify or delete an existing one.
Note: you can only delete a category that has no tools.
#### GET `/profile/`
Get a list of all profiles.
#### GET, PUT `/profile/[id]/`
Get a specific profile, or modify an existing one.
Here you can authorize users on tools or make them another lockout admin.
#### PUT `/update-cards/`
Send a dictionary of username=card_number pairs to update any profiles already in the system. Users not already registered will be ignored.
Responds with the number of profiles updated.
Operation is idempotent.
Example PUT data:
"tanner.collin": "00000A4123",
"matthew.mulrooney": "00000B8567",
"not-a-member": "539830843A"
Example response:
Example request:
curl -X PUT -H "Authorization: Token 9944b09199c62bcf9418ad846dd0e4bbdfc6ee4b" -d tanner.collin=00000A4123 -d matthew.mulrooney=00000B8567