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from math import floor
from import block_change_packet, chunk_data
class ChunksManager:
def __init__(self, data_manager): = data_manager
self.chunks = {}
self.biomes = {}
def handle_block(self, block_packet):
self.set_block_at(block_packet.location.x, block_packet.location.y, block_packet.location.z, block_packet.block_state_id)
#self.print_chunk(self.get_chunk(floor(block_packet.location.x/16), floor(block_packet.location.y/16), floor(block_packet.location.z/16)), block_packet.location.y%16)
#print('Block %s at %s'%(blocks_states[block_packet.block_state_id], block_packet.location))
def handle_multiblock(self, multiblock_packet):
for b in multiblock_packet.records:
def handle_chunk(self, chunk_packet):
for i in chunk_packet.chunks:
self.chunks[(chunk_packet.x, i, chunk_packet.z)] = chunk_packet.chunks[i]
self.biomes[(chunk_packet.x, None, chunk_packet.z)] = chunk_packet.biomes # FIXME
def register(self, connection):
connection.register_packet_listener(self.handle_block, block_change_packet.BlockChangePacket)
connection.register_packet_listener(self.handle_multiblock, block_change_packet.MultiBlockChangePacket)
connection.register_packet_listener(self.handle_chunk, chunk_data.ChunkDataPacket)
def get_chunk(self, x, y, z):
index = (x, y, z)
if not index in self.chunks:
raise ChunkNotLoadedException(index)
return self.chunks[index]
def get_loaded_area(self, ignore_empty=False):
first = next(iter(self.chunks.keys()))
x0 = x1 = first[0]
y0 = y1 = first[1]
z0 = z1 = first[2]
for k in self.chunks.keys():
if ignore_empty and self.chunks[k].empty:
x0 = min(x0, k[0])
x1 = max(x1, k[0])
y0 = min(y0, k[1])
y1 = max(y1, k[1])
z0 = min(z0, k[2])
z1 = max(z1, k[2])
return ((x0,y0,z0),(x1,y1,z1))
def get_block_at(self, x, y, z):
c = self.get_chunk(floor(x/16), floor(y/16), floor(z/16))
return c.get_block_at(x%16, y%16, z%16)
def set_block_at(self, x, y, z, block):
c = self.get_chunk(floor(x/16), floor(y/16), floor(z/16))
c.set_block_at(x%16, y%16, z%16, block)
def print_chunk(self, chunk, y_slice):
print("This is chunk %d %d %d at slice %d:"%(chunk.x, chunk.y, chunk.z, y_slice))
for z in range(16):
missing = []
print("|", end="")
for x in range(16):
sid = chunk.get_block_at(x, y_slice, z)
bloc =[sid]
if bloc == "minecraft:air" or bloc == "minecraft:cave_air":
c = " "
elif bloc == "minecraft:grass_block" or bloc == "minecraft:dirt":
c = "-"
elif bloc == "minecraft:water":
c = "~"
elif bloc == "minecraft:lava":
c = "!"
elif bloc == "minecraft:bedrock":
c = "_"
elif bloc == "minecraft:stone":
c = "X"
c = "?"
print(c, end="")
print("| %s"%(",".join(missing)))
if chunk.entities:
print("Entities in slice: %s"%(", ".join([x['id'].decode() for x in chunk.entities])))
class ChunkNotLoadedException(Exception):
def __str__(self):
pos = self.args[0]
return "Chunk at %d %d %d not loaded (yet?)"%(pos[0], pos[1], pos[2])