Pull chunk data files over from Elektordi/pyCraft

Tanner Collin 4 years ago
parent ef1c4498ee
commit 55ea50a6de
  1. 2
  2. 0
  3. 2
  4. 97
  5. 32
  6. 0
  7. 0
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  10. 122
  11. 139
  12. 0
  13. 12
  14. 95
  15. 10
  16. 7

.gitignore vendored

@ -101,3 +101,5 @@ ENV/
# Editor

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
from .data import DataManager
from .chunks import ChunksManager

@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
from math import floor
from ..networking.packets.clientbound.play import block_change_packet, chunk_data
class ChunksManager:
def __init__(self, data_manager):
self.data = data_manager
self.chunks = {}
self.biomes = {}
def handle_block(self, block_packet):
self.set_block_at(block_packet.location.x, block_packet.location.y, block_packet.location.z, block_packet.block_state_id)
#self.print_chunk(self.get_chunk(floor(block_packet.location.x/16), floor(block_packet.location.y/16), floor(block_packet.location.z/16)), block_packet.location.y%16)
#print('Block %s at %s'%(blocks_states[block_packet.block_state_id], block_packet.location))
def handle_multiblock(self, multiblock_packet):
for b in multiblock_packet.records:
def handle_chunk(self, chunk_packet):
for i in chunk_packet.chunks:
self.chunks[(chunk_packet.x, i, chunk_packet.z)] = chunk_packet.chunks[i]
self.biomes[(chunk_packet.x, None, chunk_packet.z)] = chunk_packet.biomes # FIXME
def register(self, connection):
connection.register_packet_listener(self.handle_block, block_change_packet.BlockChangePacket)
connection.register_packet_listener(self.handle_multiblock, block_change_packet.MultiBlockChangePacket)
connection.register_packet_listener(self.handle_chunk, chunk_data.ChunkDataPacket)
def get_chunk(self, x, y, z):
index = (x, y, z)
if not index in self.chunks:
raise ChunkNotLoadedException(index)
return self.chunks[index]
def get_loaded_area(self, ignore_empty=False):
first = next(iter(self.chunks.keys()))
x0 = x1 = first[0]
y0 = y1 = first[1]
z0 = z1 = first[2]
for k in self.chunks.keys():
if ignore_empty and self.chunks[k].empty:
x0 = min(x0, k[0])
x1 = max(x1, k[0])
y0 = min(y0, k[1])
y1 = max(y1, k[1])
z0 = min(z0, k[2])
z1 = max(z1, k[2])
return ((x0,y0,z0),(x1,y1,z1))
def get_block_at(self, x, y, z):
c = self.get_chunk(floor(x/16), floor(y/16), floor(z/16))
return c.get_block_at(x%16, y%16, z%16)
def set_block_at(self, x, y, z, block):
c = self.get_chunk(floor(x/16), floor(y/16), floor(z/16))
c.set_block_at(x%16, y%16, z%16, block)
def print_chunk(self, chunk, y_slice):
print("This is chunk %d %d %d at slice %d:"%(chunk.x, chunk.y, chunk.z, y_slice))
for z in range(16):
missing = []
print("|", end="")
for x in range(16):
sid = chunk.get_block_at(x, y_slice, z)
bloc = self.data.blocks_states[sid]
if bloc == "minecraft:air" or bloc == "minecraft:cave_air":
c = " "
elif bloc == "minecraft:grass_block" or bloc == "minecraft:dirt":
c = "-"
elif bloc == "minecraft:water":
c = "~"
elif bloc == "minecraft:lava":
c = "!"
elif bloc == "minecraft:bedrock":
c = "_"
elif bloc == "minecraft:stone":
c = "X"
c = "?"
print(c, end="")
print("| %s"%(",".join(missing)))
if chunk.entities:
print("Entities in slice: %s"%(", ".join([x['id'].decode() for x in chunk.entities])))
class ChunkNotLoadedException(Exception):
def __str__(self):
pos = self.args[0]
return "Chunk at %d %d %d not loaded (yet?)"%(pos[0], pos[1], pos[2])

@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
import os
import json
class DataManager:
def __init__(self, directory):
self.blocks = {}
self.blocks_states = {}
self.blocks_properties = {}
self.registries = {}
self.biomes = {}
self.entity_type = {}
if not os.path.isdir(directory):
raise FileNotFoundError("%s is not a valid directory")
if not os.path.isfile("%s/registries.json"%(directory)):
raise FileNotFoundError("%s is not a valid minecraft data directory")
with open("%s/blocks.json"%(directory)) as f:
blocks = json.loads(f.read())
for x in blocks:
for s in blocks[x]['states']:
self.blocks_states[s['id']] = x
self.blocks_properties[s['id']] = s.get('properties', {})
with open("%s/registries.json"%(directory)) as f:
registries = json.loads(f.read())
#for x in registries["minecraft:biome"]["entries"]:
# self.biomes[registries["minecraft:biome"]["entries"][x]["protocol_id"]] = x
for x in registries["minecraft:entity_type"]["entries"]:
self.entity_type[registries["minecraft:entity_type"]["entries"][x]["protocol_id"]] = x

@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
from minecraft.networking.packets import Packet
from minecraft.networking.types import (
VarInt, Integer, UnsignedByte, Position, Vector, MutableRecord,
attribute_alias, multi_attribute_alias,
class BlockChangePacket(Packet):
def get_id(context):
return 0x0C if context.protocol_version >= 550 else \
0x0B if context.protocol_version >= 332 else \
0x0C if context.protocol_version >= 318 else \
0x0B if context.protocol_version >= 67 else \
0x24 if context.protocol_version >= 62 else \
packet_name = 'block change'
definition = [
{'location': Position},
{'block_state_id': VarInt}]
block_state_id = 0
# For protocols < 347: an accessor for (block_state_id >> 4).
def blockId(self):
return self.block_state_id >> 4
def blockId(self, block_id):
self.block_state_id = (self.block_state_id & 0xF) | (block_id << 4)
# For protocols < 347: an accessor for (block_state_id & 0xF).
def blockMeta(self):
return self.block_state_id & 0xF
def blockMeta(self, meta):
self.block_state_id = (self.block_state_id & ~0xF) | (meta & 0xF)
# This alias is retained for backward compatibility.
blockStateId = attribute_alias('block_state_id')
class MultiBlockChangePacket(Packet):
def get_id(context):
return 0x10 if context.protocol_version >= 550 else \
0x0F if context.protocol_version >= 343 else \
0x10 if context.protocol_version >= 332 else \
0x11 if context.protocol_version >= 318 else \
0x10 if context.protocol_version >= 67 else \
packet_name = 'multi block change'
fields = 'chunk_x', 'chunk_z', 'records'
# Access the 'chunk_x' and 'chunk_z' fields as a tuple.
chunk_pos = multi_attribute_alias(tuple, 'chunk_x', 'chunk_z')
class Record(MutableRecord):
__slots__ = 'x', 'y', 'z', 'block_state_id', 'location'
def __init__(self, **kwds):
self.block_state_id = 0
super(MultiBlockChangePacket.Record, self).__init__(**kwds)
# Access the 'x', 'y', 'z' fields as a Vector of ints.
position = multi_attribute_alias(Vector, 'x', 'y', 'z')
# For protocols < 347: an accessor for (block_state_id >> 4).
def blockId(self):
return self.block_state_id >> 4
def blockId(self, block_id):
self.block_state_id = self.block_state_id & 0xF | block_id << 4
# For protocols < 347: an accessor for (block_state_id & 0xF).
def blockMeta(self):
return self.block_state_id & 0xF
def blockMeta(self, meta):
self.block_state_id = self.block_state_id & ~0xF | meta & 0xF
# This alias is retained for backward compatibility.
blockStateId = attribute_alias('block_state_id')
def read(self, file_object, parent):
h_position = UnsignedByte.read(file_object)
self.x, self.z = h_position >> 4, h_position & 0xF
self.y = UnsignedByte.read(file_object)
self.block_state_id = VarInt.read(file_object)
# Absolute position in world to be compatible with BlockChangePacket
self.location = Vector(self.position.x + parent.chunk_x*16, self.position.y, self.position.z + parent.chunk_z*16)
def write(self, packet_buffer):
UnsignedByte.send(self.x << 4 | self.z & 0xF, packet_buffer)
UnsignedByte.send(self.y, packet_buffer)
VarInt.send(self.block_state_id, packet_buffer)
def read(self, file_object):
self.chunk_x = Integer.read(file_object)
self.chunk_z = Integer.read(file_object)
records_count = VarInt.read(file_object)
self.records = []
for i in range(records_count):
record = self.Record()
record.read(file_object, self)
def write_fields(self, packet_buffer):
Integer.send(self.chunk_x, packet_buffer)
Integer.send(self.chunk_z, packet_buffer)
VarInt.send(len(self.records), packet_buffer)
for record in self.records:

@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
from math import floor
from minecraft.networking.packets import Packet, PacketBuffer
from minecraft.networking.types import (
VarInt, Integer, Boolean, UnsignedByte, Long, Short,
multi_attribute_alias, Vector, UnsignedLong
from ....types import nbt
class ChunkDataPacket(Packet):
def get_id(context):
return 0x22 # FIXME
packet_name = 'chunk data'
fields = 'x', 'bit_mask_y', 'z', 'full_chunk'
def read(self, file_object):
self.x = Integer.read(file_object)
self.z = Integer.read(file_object)
self.full_chunk = Boolean.read(file_object)
self.bit_mask_y = VarInt.read(file_object)
self.heightmaps = Nbt.read(file_object)
self.biomes = []
if self.full_chunk:
for i in range(1024):
size = VarInt.read(file_object)
self.data = file_object.read(size)
size_entities = VarInt.read(file_object)
self.entities = []
for i in range(size_entities):
def write_fields(self, packet_buffer):
Integer.send(self.x, packet_buffer)
Integer.send(self.z, packet_buffer)
Boolean.send(self.full_chunk, packet_buffer)
VarInt.send(self.bit_mask_y, packet_buffer)
Nbt.send(self.heightmaps, packet_buffer)
if self.full_chunk:
for i in range(1024):
Integer.send(self.biomes[i], packet_buffer)
VarInt.send(len(self.data), packet_buffer)
VarInt.send(len(self.entities), packet_buffer)
for e in self.entities:
Nbt.send(e, packet_buffer)
def decode_chunk_data(self):
packet_data = PacketBuffer()
self.chunks = {}
for i in range(16): #0-15
self.chunks[i] = Chunk(self.x, i, self.z)
if self.bit_mask_y & (1 << i):
for e in self.entities:
y = e['y']
class Chunk:
position = multi_attribute_alias(Vector, 'x', 'y', 'z')
def __init__(self, x, y, z, empty=True):
self.x = x
self.y = y
self.z = z
self.empty = empty
self.entities = []
def __repr__(self):
return 'Chunk(%r, %r, %r)' % (self.x, self.y, self.z)
def read(self, file_object):
self.empty = False
self.block_count = Short.read(file_object)
self.bpb = UnsignedByte.read(file_object)
if self.bpb <= 4:
self.bpb = 4
if self.bpb <= 8: # Indirect palette
self.palette = []
size = VarInt.read(file_object)
for i in range(size):
else: # Direct palette
self.palette = None
size = VarInt.read(file_object)
longs = []
for i in range(size):
self.blocks = []
mask = (1 << self.bpb)-1
for i in range(4096):
l1 = int((i*self.bpb)/64)
offset = (i*self.bpb)%64
l2 = int(((i+1)*self.bpb-1)/64)
n = longs[l1] >> offset
if l2>l1:
n |= longs[l2] << (64-offset)
n &= mask
if self.palette:
n = self.palette[n]
def write_fields(self, packet_buffer):
pass # TODO
def get_block_at(self, x, y, z):
if self.empty:
return 0
return self.blocks[x+y*256+z*16]
def set_block_at(self, x, y, z, block):
if self.empty:
self.blocks[x+y*256+z*16] = block
def init_empty(self):
self.blocks = []
for i in range(4096):
self.empty = False
def origin(self):
return self.position*16

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
from minecraft.networking.types.basic import Type, Byte, Short, Integer, Long, Float, Double, ShortPrefixedByteArray
class IntegerPrefixedByteArray(Type):
def read(file_object):
length = Integer.read(file_object)
return struct.unpack(str(length) + "s", file_object.read(length))[0]
def send(value, socket):
Integer.send(len(value), socket)

@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
"""Contains definition for minecraft's NBT format.
from __future__ import division
import struct
from minecraft.networking.types.utility import Vector
from minecraft.networking.types.basic import Type, Byte, Short, Integer, Long, Float, Double, ShortPrefixedByteArray
from .basic import IntegerPrefixedByteArray
__all__ = (
TAG_End = 0
TAG_Byte = 1
TAG_Short = 2
TAG_Int = 3
TAG_Long = 4
TAG_Float = 5
TAG_Double = 6
TAG_Byte_Array = 7
TAG_String = 8
TAG_List = 9
TAG_Compound = 10
TAG_Int_Array = 11
TAG_Long_Array = 12
class Nbt(Type):
def read(file_object):
type_id = Byte.read(file_object)
if type_id != TAG_Compound:
raise Exception("Invalid NBT header")
name = ShortPrefixedByteArray.read(file_object).decode('utf-8')
a = Nbt.decode_tag(file_object, TAG_Compound)
a['_name'] = name
return a
def decode_tag(file_object, type_id):
if type_id == TAG_Byte:
return Byte.read(file_object)
elif type_id == TAG_Short:
return Short.read(file_object)
elif type_id == TAG_Int:
return Integer.read(file_object)
elif type_id == TAG_Long:
return Long.read(file_object)
elif type_id == TAG_Float:
return Float.read(file_object)
elif type_id == TAG_Double:
return Double.read(file_object)
elif type_id == TAG_Byte_Array:
return IntegerPrefixedByteArray.read(file_object).decode('utf-8')
elif type_id == TAG_String:
return ShortPrefixedByteArray.read(file_object)
elif type_id == TAG_List:
list_type_id = Byte.read(file_object)
size = Integer.read(file_object)
a = []
for i in range(size):
a.append(Nbt.decode_tag(file_object, list_type_id))
return a
elif type_id == TAG_Compound:
c = { }
child_type_id = Byte.read(file_object)
while child_type_id != TAG_End:
child_name = ShortPrefixedByteArray.read(file_object).decode('utf-8')
c[child_name] = Nbt.decode_tag(file_object, child_type_id)
child_type_id = Byte.read(file_object)
return c
elif type_id == TAG_Int_Array:
size = Integer.read(file_object)
a = []
for i in range(size):
return a
elif type_id == TAG_Long_Array:
size = Integer.read(file_object)
a = []
for i in range(size):
return a
raise Exception("Invalid NBT tag type")
def send(value, socket):

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
wget -O/tmp/mcdata.zip https://apimon.de/mcdata/$VERSION/$VERSION.zip
rm -rf mcdata
mkdir mcdata
unzip /tmp/mcdata.zip -d mcdata
rm /tmp/mcdata.zip

@ -10,6 +10,8 @@ from minecraft.exceptions import YggdrasilError
from minecraft.networking.connection import Connection
from minecraft.networking.packets import Packet, clientbound, serverbound
from custom.managers import DataManager, ChunksManager
def get_options():
parser = OptionParser()
@ -63,6 +65,8 @@ def get_options():
def main():
options = get_options()
mcdata = DataManager('./mcdata')
if options.offline:
print("Connecting in offline mode...")
connection = Connection(
@ -107,6 +111,9 @@ def main():
print("Message (%s): %s" % (
chat_packet.field_string('position'), chat_packet.json_data))
chunks = ChunksManager(mcdata)
print_chat, clientbound.play.ChatMessagePacket)
