feat(sleeper): add and adjust functionality to properly sleep

Can now use beds in inventory but with a hacky block placing workaround.
`findBlock` returns a null position.
So it uses the closest adjacent block and assumes it'll work.

Bot also is more robust at sleeping,
jay 3 years ago
parent 112eb04a8d
commit 8e719d5ccf
  1. 59

@ -12,11 +12,15 @@ function sleep(quiet = cfg.sleep.quiet) {
!quiet && bot.chat("can't sleep, not in overworld now")
if (bot.isSleeping && !cfg.sleep.force) {
!quiet && bot.chat("already in bed!")
let bed = bot.findBlock({
matching: block => bot.isABed(block)
let bed_occupied = bed && bot.parseBedMetadata(bed).occupied
if (bed && !bed_occupied) {
if (bed && bed_occupied) {
bed = bot.findBlock({
matching: block => bot.isABed(block) && !bot.parseBedMetadata(block).occupied
@ -26,23 +30,46 @@ function sleep(quiet = cfg.sleep.quiet) {
if (bed && !bed_occupied) {
bot.waitForChunksToLoad(() => {
cfg.plugins.mover && cfg.plugins.mover.moveNear(bed.position)
bot.sleep(bed, (err) => {
if (err) {
!quiet && bot.chat(`can't sleep: ${err.message}`)
} else {
!quiet && bot.chat("zzz")
console.log("sleeping? ", bot.isSleeping)
// hack until this is fixed
// TODO confirm this is fixed
// bot.isSleeping = true
cfg.plugins.mover && cfg.plugins.mover.moveNear(bed.position, 2)
bot.once('goal_reached', (goal) => {
bot.sleep(bed, (err) => {
if (err) {
!quiet && bot.chat(`can't sleep: ${err.message}`)
} else {
!quiet && bot.chat("zzz")
console.log("sleeping? ", bot.isSleeping)
// hack until this is fixed
// TODO confirm this is fixed
// bot.isSleeping = true
} else if (inv && inv.equipItem("red_bed", "hand", true)) {
// doesn't work fortunately
// FIXME: DONT IMPLEMENT until it is detected as NOT NETHER
// bot.placeBlock()
} else if (bed = bot.inventory.items().filter(bot.isABed)[0]) {
const v = require('vec3')
bot.equip(bed, "hand", (err) => { if (err) console.error(err) })
bot.waitForChunksToLoad(() => {
let refBlock =
// FIXME hack to get around findBlock returning null
bot.blockAt(bot.entity.position.offset(1, 0, 1), false)
// bot.findBlock({
// matching: (block) => {
// // if (block && block.type !== 0 && block.position) {
// if (block && block.position) {
// console.info("found", block)
// const blockAbove = bot.blockAt(block.position.offset(0, 1, 0))
// return !blockAbove || blockAbove.type === 0
// }
// // console.info("not found", block)
// return false
// }
// , maxDistance: 10
// })
bot.placeBlock(refBlock, new v.Vec3(0, 1, 0), console.error)
setTimeout(sleep, 3000, true)
} else {
// TODO: use mover
// bot.gameplay.solveFor(
