A high-level, general purpose and modular minecraft bot using hot re-loadable (without restarting the bot!) plugins. Batteries included, launch to run!
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

217 lines
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// const mineflayer = require('mineflayer')
// let pathfinder
// const { pathfinder, Movements, goals } = require('mineflayer-pathfinder')
const { Vec3 } = require('vec3')
// const { GoalFollow, GoalNear } = goals
let GoalFollow, GoalNear
// const mcData = require('minecraft-data')('1.16.5')
let mcData
// let bot = mineflayer.createBot()
let bot
let cfg = { bot: null }
let timer
let movements
/* let mcData
bot.once('spawn', () => {
mcData = require('minecraft-data')(bot.version)
}) */
function stopCovering(quiet = cfg.quiet, resetGoal = true) { // This is a function to stop the cover() loop when called
if (timer) {
timer = null;
if (resetGoal) bot.pathfinder.setGoal(null)
quiet || bot.chat("stopped covering")
function init() {
const { Movements, goals } = require('mineflayer-pathfinder')
GoalFollow = goals.GoalFollow
GoalNear = goals.GoalNear
movements = new Movements(bot, mcData)
movements.canDig = true // Lets the bot dig
console.info("mycelium start")
function cover(timeInt = 1000) {
if (!Number.isSafeInteger(timeInt)) {
console.log("cover int maybe goal?", timeInt)
switch (timeInt.message) {
case "No path to the goal!":
console.info("Cover: can't reach")
cfg.quiet || bot.chat("can't reach")
if (timeInt) {
timeInt = 5000
} else if (timeInt < 300) {
timeInt = 1000
const wool = "white_wool"
const wool_item = mcData.itemsByName[wool]
const inventoryWool = bot.inventory.findInventoryItem(wool_item.id)
// console.info(wool_item.id, inventoryWool)
// if (!inventoryWool) return
// bot.loadPlugin(pathfinder)
const myceliumClean = bot.findBlock({ // Const that is a brown_mushroom
maxDistance: 6,
matching: (block) => {
// First check the type
// lol
// const { brown_mushroom, red_mushroom, white_wool } = mcData.blocksByName
// if ([brown_mushroom.id, red_mushroom.id, white_wool.id].includes(block?.type)) {
const { brown_mushroom, red_mushroom, } = mcData.blocksByName
if ([brown_mushroom.id, red_mushroom.id,].includes(block?.type)) {
// If position is defined, you can refine the search
if (block.position) {
const blockBelow = bot.blockAt(block.position.offset(0, -1, 0))
return blockBelow?.type === mcData.blocksByName.mycelium.id || blockBelow?.type === mcData.blocksByName.spruce_fence.id // Makes sure there is mycelium below
return true // otherwise return always true (there is water in the section so it should be checked)
return false
function findMycelium(dist = 5) {
return bot.findBlock({
maxDistance: dist,
matching: (block) => {
// First check the type
if (block?.type === mcData.blocksByName.mycelium.id) { // Const that is a mycelium block
// If position is defined, you can refine the search
if (block.position) {
const blockAbove = bot.blockAt(block.position.offset(0, 1, 0))
return !blockAbove || blockAbove?.type === mcData.blocksByName.air.id // Makes sure there is nothing above
return true // otherwise return always true (there is water in the section so it should be checked)
return false
let mycelium = findMycelium()
if (myceliumClean) {
// bot.dig(myceliumClean, true)
if (mycelium) {
timeInt = 500
if (bot.heldItem?.type !== wool_item.id) { // Equips wool if not already
if (!inventoryWool || inventoryWool.count < 10) { // Checks if there is less than 10 wool in the bots inventory
timeInt = 5000
console.warn("no wool")
// const chestLocation = new Vec3(10614, 70, 5350) // Sets chest location
const chestLocation = bot.findBlock({
maxDistance: 100,
matching: block => block && block.type === mcData.blocksByName.chest.id
})?.position // Sets chest location
const chestGoal = new GoalNear(chestLocation.x, chestLocation.y, chestLocation.z, 6) // Sets goal to chest location
return bot.pathfinder.goto(chestGoal, () => { // Run code below when it gets to the chest
bot.lookAt(chestLocation, true) // Looks at chest
const chest = bot.openChest(bot.blockAt(chestLocation)) // Sets const to for opening chest
chest.once('open', (err) => { // Opens chest
if (err) {
return console.error('Chest error', err)
const chest_item = chest.items().filter(item => item.type === wool_item.id)
console.info(chest, chest_item)
if (chest_item.length > 0) { // Checks that there is stuff in chest
try {
// Pulls out a chest (27 stack) of wool
// chest.withdraw(chest_item[0].type, null, 64 * 27)
chest.withdraw(chest_item[0].type, null, 64 * 3)
} catch (error) {
console.error('Chest withdraw error', error)
bot.once("close", cover)
} else {
console.log('Chest dont have', wool_item)
cfg.quiet || bot.chat(`Not enough ${wool} in chest`)
setTimeout(chest.close, timeInt)
} else {
bot.equip(wool_item.id, "hand")
} else {
const pos = mycelium.position
bot.lookAt(pos, true)
// let tryCount = 0
const flooredPos = bot.entity.position.floored()
if (flooredPos.offset(0, 1, 0).distanceTo(pos) <= 2) {
bot.setControlState('jump', true)
if (bot.entity.position.y > mycelium.position.y) {
bot.placeBlock(mycelium, new Vec3(0, 1, 0), (err) => {
setTimeout(bot.setControlState, 2000, 'jump', false)
if (err) {
console.error('Place (jumped)', err)
} else {
bot.placeBlock(mycelium, new Vec3(0, 1, 0), (err) => {
if (err) {
if (err.message !== `No block has been placed : the block is still ${wool}`) {
return console.error('Place (normal)', err)
} else {
} else {
mycelium = findMycelium(100)
if (mycelium) {
const pos = mycelium.position
const goal = new GoalNear(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z, 3)
timeInt = 2000
return bot.pathfinder.goto(goal, cover)
} else {
return cfg.quiet || bot.chat("no uncovered mycelium nearby")
timer = setTimeout(cover, timeInt, timeInt)
function command(params) {
const load = (config) => {
cfg = config
bot = cfg.bot
mcData = bot.mcData || (bot.mcData = require('minecraft-data')(bot.version))
pathfinder = bot.pathfinder || bot.loadPlugin(require('mineflayer-pathfinder').pathfinder)
const unload = () => {
module.exports = { load, unload, command, cover, stopCovering }