import itertools import json from six.moves import urllib, map import xmltodict from jaraco.itertools import always_iterable from . import compat compat.fix_HTTPMessage() class Client(object): """ Wolfram|Alpha v2.0 client Pass an ID to the object upon instantiation, then query Wolfram Alpha using the query method. """ def __init__(self, app_id): self.app_id = app_id def query(self, input, timeout=5, params=(), **kwargs): """ Query Wolfram|Alpha using the v2.0 API Allows for arbitrary parameters to be passed in the query. For example, to pass assumptions: client.query(input='pi', assumption='*C.pi-_*NamedConstant-') To pass multiple assumptions, pass multiple items as params: params = ( ('assumption', '*C.pi-_*NamedConstant-'), ('assumption', 'DateOrder_**Day.Month.Year--'), ) client.query(input='pi', params=params) For more details on Assumptions, see """ data = dict( input=input, appid=self.app_id, ) data = itertools.chain(params, data.items(), kwargs.items()) query = urllib.parse.urlencode(tuple(data)) url = '' + query resp = urllib.request.urlopen(url, timeout=timeout) assert resp.headers.get_content_type() == 'text/xml' assert resp.headers.get_param('charset') == 'utf-8' return Result(resp) class ErrorHandler(object): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(ErrorHandler, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._handle_error() def _handle_error(self): if 'error' not in self: return template = 'Error {error[code]}: {error[msg]}' raise Exception(template.format(**self)) class Document(dict): _attr_types = {} "Override the types from the document" @classmethod def from_doc(cls, doc): """ Load instances from the xmltodict result. Always return an iterable, even if the result is a singleton. """ return map(cls, always_iterable(doc)) def __getattr__(self, name): type = self._attr_types.get(name, lambda x: x) attr_name = '@' + name try: val = self[name] if name in self else self[attr_name] except KeyError: raise AttributeError(name) return type(val) class Assumption(Document): @property def text(self): text = self.template.replace('${desc1}', self.description) try: text = text.replace('${word}', self.word) except Exception: pass return text[:text.index('. ') + 1] class Warning(Document): pass class Image(Document): """ Holds information about an image included with an answer. """ _attr_types = dict( height=int, width=int, ) class Subpod(Document): """ Holds a specific answer or additional information relevant to said answer. """ _attr_types = dict( img=Image.from_doc, ) def xml_bool(str_val): """ >>> xml_bool('true') True >>> xml_bool('false') False """ return bool(json.loads(str_val)) class Pod(ErrorHandler, Document): """ Groups answers and information contextualizing those answers. """ _attr_types = dict( position=float, numsubpods=int, subpod=Subpod.from_doc, ) @property def subpods(self): return self.subpod @property def primary(self): return '@primary' in self and xml_bool(self['@primary']) @property def texts(self): """ The text from each subpod in this pod as a list. """ return [subpod.plaintext for subpod in self.subpod] @property def text(self): return next(iter(self.subpod)).plaintext class Result(ErrorHandler, Document): """ Handles processing the response for the programmer. """ _attr_types = dict( pod=Pod.from_doc, ) def __init__(self, stream): doc = xmltodict.parse(stream, dict_constructor=dict)['queryresult'] super(Result, self).__init__(doc) @property def info(self): """ The pods, assumptions, and warnings of this result. """ return itertools.chain(self.pods, self.assumptions, self.warnings) @property def pods(self): return self.pod @property def assumptions(self): return Assumption.from_doc(self.get('assumptions')) @property def warnings(self): return Warning.from_doc(self.get('warnings')) def __iter__(self): return def __len__(self): return sum(1 for _ in @property def results(self): """ The pods that hold the response to a simple, discrete query. """ return ( pod for pod in self.pods if pod.primary or pod.title == 'Result' ) @property def details(self): """ A simplified set of answer text by title. """ return {pod.title: pod.text for pod in self.pods}