66 lines
1.9 KiB
66 lines
1.9 KiB
import aiohttp
import asyncio
import emoji
import logging
import re
import settings
from telethon import TelegramClient, events
bot = TelegramClient('bot', settings.API_ID, settings.API_HASH).start(bot_token=settings.API_TOKEN)
web = None
api = lambda route: settings.DYNMAP_ADDRESS + route
emojis = list(emoji.unicode_codes.UNICODE_EMOJI_ENGLISH.keys())
logging.info('Bridge initialized')
async def new_message(event):
text = event.raw_text
sender = await event.get_sender()
if event.chat.id != settings.CHAT_ID:
logging.info('Wrong chat ID')
if not text:
logging.info('No text found')
name = re.sub(r'\W+', '', sender.first_name) + '(TG)'
name = name.replace('Somebody', 'Applezaus')
logging.info('[SEND] {}: {}'.format(name, text))
data = dict(name=name, message=text)
await web.post(api('/up/sendmessage'), json=data)
async def main():
global web
web = aiohttp.ClientSession()
last_time = 0
last_msg = ''
logging.info('Bridge loaded')
while True:
async with web.get(api('/up/world/world/' + str(last_time))) as res:
j = await res.json(content_type='text/plain;charset=utf-8')
last_time = j['timestamp']
for update in j['updates']:
if update['type'] != 'chat': continue
if update['playerName'].endswith('(TG)'): continue
name = update['playerName']
icon = emojis[hash(name) % len(emojis)]
message = '{} <{}> {}'.format(icon, name, update['message'])
if message == last_msg: continue
logging.info('[RECV] ' + message)
await bot.send_message(settings.CHAT_ID, message)
last_msg = message
await asyncio.sleep(1)
with bot: