import appdirs import argparse import logging import os import pathlib import sys from configparser import ConfigParser from getpass import getpass from api import StandardNotesAPI OFFICIAL_SERVER_URL = '' APP_NAME = 'standardnotes-fs' logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG) # path settings cfg_env = os.environ.get('SN_FS_CONFIG_PATH') CONFIG_PATH = cfg_env if cfg_env else appdirs.user_config_dir(APP_NAME) CONFIG_FILE = os.path.join(CONFIG_PATH, APP_NAME + '.conf') CONFIG_FILE = pathlib.PurePath(CONFIG_PATH, APP_NAME + '.conf') def parse_options(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(formatter_class=argparse.RawTextHelpFormatter) parser.add_argument('--username', help='Standard Notes username to log in with') parser.add_argument('--password', help='Standard Notes password to log in with\n' 'NOTE: It is NOT recommended to use this! The\n' ' password may be stored in history, so\n' ' use the password prompt instead.') parser.add_argument('--sync-url', help='URL of Standard File sync server. Defaults to:\n' ''+OFFICIAL_SERVER_URL) parser.add_argument('--no-config-file', action='store_true', help='Don\'t load or create a config file') parser.add_argument('--config', help='Specify a config file location. Defaults to:\n' ''+str(CONFIG_FILE)) return parser.parse_args() def main(): args = parse_options() config = ConfigParser() config['DEFAULT'] = {} keys = {} if not args.no_config_file: config_file = args.config if args.config else CONFIG_FILE config_file = pathlib.Path(config_file) try: config_file.parent.mkdir(mode=0o0700, parents=True, exist_ok=True) except OSError: err_msg = 'Error creating directory "%s".' logging.critical(err_msg % str(config_file.parent)) sys.exit(1) try: with as f: config.read_file(f) except OSError: err_msg = 'Config file "%s" not found.' logging.debug(err_msg % str(config_file)) if config.has_option('user', 'sync_url'): sync_url = config.get('user', 'sync_url') else: sync_url = args.sync_url if args.sync_url else OFFICIAL_SERVER_URL if config.has_option('user', 'username') and config.has_section('keys'): username = config.get('user', 'username') keys = dict(config.items('keys')) else: username = args.username if args.username else \ input('Please enter your Standard Notes username: ') password = args.password if args.password else \ getpass('Please enter your password (hidden): ') sn_api = StandardNotesAPI(sync_url, username) if not keys: keys = sn_api.genKeys(password) sn_api.signIn(keys) if __name__ == '__main__': main()