from datetime import datetime import errno import logging import os from pathlib import PurePath from stat import S_IFDIR, S_IFREG from threading import Event, Thread from time import sleep from fuse import FuseOSError, LoggingMixIn, Operations import iso8601 from requests.exceptions import ConnectionError from itemmanager import ItemManager class StandardNotesFUSE(LoggingMixIn, Operations): def __init__(self, sn_api, sync_sec, path='.'): self.item_manager = ItemManager(sn_api) self.notes = self.item_manager.get_notes() self.uid = os.getuid() self.gid = os.getgid() now = self.dir_stat = dict(st_mode=(S_IFDIR | 0o755), st_ctime=now, st_mtime=now, st_atime=now, st_nlink=2, st_uid=self.uid, st_gid=self.gid) self.note_stat = dict(st_mode=(S_IFREG | 0o644), st_ctime=now, st_mtime=now, st_atime=now, st_nlink=1, st_uid=self.uid, st_gid=self.gid) self.sync_sec = sync_sec self.run_sync = Event() self.stop_sync = Event() self.sync_thread = Thread(target=self._sync_thread) def init(self, path): self.sync_thread.start() def destroy(self, path): self._sync_now()'Stopping sync thread.') self.stop_sync.set() self.sync_thread.join() return 0 def _sync_thread(self): while not self.stop_sync.is_set(): self.run_sync.clear() manually_synced = self.run_sync.wait(timeout=self.sync_sec) if not manually_synced:'Auto-syncing items...') sleep(0.1) # fixes race condition of quick create() then write() try: self.item_manager.sync_items() except ConnectionError: logging.error('Unable to connect to sync server. Retrying...') def _sync_now(self): self.run_sync.set() def _path_to_note(self, path): pp = PurePath(path) note_name =[1] self.notes = self.item_manager.get_notes() note = self.notes[note_name] return note, note['uuid'] def getattr(self, path, fh=None): if path == '/': return self.dir_stat try: note, uuid = self._path_to_note(path) st = self.note_stat st['st_size'] = len(note['text']) st['st_ctime'] = iso8601.parse_date(note['created']).timestamp() st['st_mtime'] = iso8601.parse_date(note['modified']).timestamp() return st except KeyError: raise FuseOSError(errno.ENOENT) def readdir(self, path, fh): dirents = ['.', '..'] if path == '/': dirents.extend(list(self.notes.keys())) return dirents def read(self, path, size, offset, fh): note, uuid = self._path_to_note(path) return note['text'][offset : offset + size] def truncate(self, path, length, fh=None): note, uuid = self._path_to_note(path) text = note['text'][:length] self.item_manager.write_note(uuid, text) self._sync_now() return 0 def write(self, path, data, offset, fh): note, uuid = self._path_to_note(path) text = note['text'][:offset] + data try: self.item_manager.write_note(uuid, text) except UnicodeError: logging.error('Unable to parse non-unicode data.') raise FuseOSError(errno.EIO) self._sync_now() return len(data) def create(self, path, mode): path_parts = path.split('/') note_name = path_parts[1] # disallow hidden files (usually editor / OS files) if note_name[0] == '.': logging.error('Creation of hidden files is disabled.') raise FuseOSError(errno.EPERM) now = datetime.utcnow().isoformat()[:-3] + 'Z' # hack self.item_manager.create_note(note_name, now) self._sync_now() return 0 def unlink(self, path): note, uuid = self._path_to_note(path) self.item_manager.delete_note(uuid) self._sync_now() return 0 def mkdir(self, path, mode): logging.error('Creation of directories is disabled.') raise FuseOSError(errno.EPERM) def utimens(self, path, times=None): note, uuid = self._path_to_note(path) self.item_manager.touch_note(uuid) self._sync_now() return 0 def rename(self, old, new): note, uuid = self._path_to_note(old) new_path_parts = new.split('/') new_note_name = new_path_parts[1] self.item_manager.rename_note(uuid, new_note_name) self._sync_now() return 0 def chmod(self, path, mode): logging.error('chmod is disabled.') raise FuseOSError(errno.EPERM) def chown(self, path, uid, gid): logging.error('chown is disabled.') raise FuseOSError(errno.EPERM) def readlink(self, path): return 0 def rmdir(self, path): return 0 def symlink(self, target, source): return 0