import hashlib, hmac, json, requests, time from base64 import b64encode, b64decode from binascii import hexlify, unhexlify from Crypto.Cipher import AES from Crypto.Random import random from copy import deepcopy class RESTAPI: def __init__(self, base_url): self.base_url = base_url self.headers = {} def get(self, route, params=None): url = self.base_url + route return requests.get(url, params, headers=self.headers).json() def post(self, route, data=None): url = self.base_url + route print(data) res =, json=data, headers=self.headers) print(res.text) return res.json() def addHeader(self, header): self.headers.update(header) class EncryptionHelper: def pure_generatePasswordAndKey(self, password, pw_salt, pw_cost): output = hashlib.pbkdf2_hmac('sha512', password.encode(), pw_salt.encode(), pw_cost, dklen=96) output = hexlify(output).decode() output_length = len(output) split_length = output_length // 3 pw = output[0 : split_length] mk = output[split_length : split_length * 2] ak = output[split_length * 2 : split_length * 3] return dict(pw=pw, mk=mk, ak=ak) def encryptDirtyItems(self, dirty_items, keys): return [self.pure_encryptItem(item, keys) for item in dirty_items] def decryptResponseItems(self, response_items, keys): return [self.pure_decryptItem(item, keys) for item in response_items] def pure_encryptItem(self, item, keys): uuid = item['uuid'] content = json.dumps(item['content']) item_key = hex(random.getrandbits(512)) item_key = item_key[2:].rjust(128, '0') # remove '0x', pad to 128 item_key_length = len(item_key) item_ek = item_key[:item_key_length//2] item_ak = item_key[item_key_length//2:] enc_item = deepcopy(item) enc_item['content'] = self.pure_encryptString002(content, item_ek, item_ak, uuid) enc_item['enc_item_key'] = self.pure_encryptString002(item_key, keys['mk'], keys['ak'], uuid) return enc_item def pure_decryptItem(self, item, keys): uuid = item['uuid'] content = item['content'] enc_item_key = item['enc_item_key'] if not content: return item if content[:3] == '002': item_key = self.pure_decryptString002(enc_item_key, keys['mk'], keys['ak'], uuid) item_key_length = len(item_key) item_ek = item_key[:item_key_length//2] item_ak = item_key[item_key_length//2:] dec_content = self.pure_decryptString002(content, item_ek, item_ak, uuid) else: print('Invalid protocol version.') dec_item = deepcopy(item) dec_item['content'] = json.loads(dec_content) return dec_item def pure_encryptString002(self, string_to_encrypt, encryption_key, auth_key, uuid): IV = hex(random.getrandbits(128)) IV = IV[2:].rjust(32, '0') # remove '0x', pad to 32 cipher =, AES.MODE_CBC, unhexlify(IV)) pt = string_to_encrypt.encode() pad = 16 - len(pt) % 16 padded_pt = pt + pad * bytes([pad]) ciphertext = b64encode(cipher.encrypt(padded_pt)).decode() string_to_auth = ':'.join(['002', uuid, IV, ciphertext]) auth_hash =, string_to_auth.encode(), 'sha256').digest() auth_hash = hexlify(auth_hash).decode() result = ':'.join(['002', auth_hash, uuid, IV, ciphertext]) return result def pure_decryptString002(self, string_to_decrypt, encryption_key, auth_key, uuid): components = string_to_decrypt.split(':') version = components[0] auth_hash = components[1] local_uuid = components[2] IV = components[3] ciphertext = components[4] if local_uuid != uuid: print('UUID does not match.') return string_to_auth = ':'.join([version, uuid, IV, ciphertext]) local_auth_hash =, string_to_auth.encode(), 'sha256').digest() local_auth_hash = hexlify(local_auth_hash).decode() if local_auth_hash != auth_hash: print('Message has been tampered with.') return cipher =, AES.MODE_CBC, unhexlify(IV)) result = cipher.decrypt(b64decode(ciphertext)) result = result[:-result[-1]] # remove PKCS#7 padding return result.decode() class StandardNotesAPI: encryption_helper = EncryptionHelper() base_url = '' sync_token = None def getAuthParamsForEmail(self): return self.api.get('/auth/params', dict(email=self.username)) def signIn(self, password): pw_info = self.getAuthParamsForEmail() self.keys = self.encryption_helper.pure_generatePasswordAndKey(password, pw_info['pw_salt'], pw_info['pw_cost']) res ='/auth/sign_in', dict(email=self.username, password=self.keys['pw'])) self.api.addHeader(dict(Authorization='Bearer ' + res['token'])) def sync(self, dirty_items): items = self.handleDirtyItems(dirty_items) if items: json_items = items print(json_items) else: json_items = [] response ='/items/sync', dict(sync_token=self.sync_token, items=json_items)) print(json.dumps(response)) self.sync_token = response['sync_token'] return self.handleResponseItems(response) def handleDirtyItems(self, dirty_items): items = self.encryption_helper.encryptDirtyItems(dirty_items, self.keys) return items def handleResponseItems(self, response): response_items = self.encryption_helper.decryptResponseItems(response['retrieved_items'], self.keys) saved_items = self.encryption_helper.decryptResponseItems(response['saved_items'], self.keys) return dict(response_items=response_items, saved_items=saved_items) def __init__(self, username, password): self.api = RESTAPI(self.base_url) self.username = username self.signIn(password) if __name__ == '__main__': standard_notes = StandardNotesAPI('', 'complexpass') test_item = standard_notes.encryption_helper.pure_encryptItem(dict(content=dict(hello='world'), uuid='1234'), standard_notes.keys) print(test_item) test_item = standard_notes.encryption_helper.pure_decryptItem(test_item, standard_notes.keys) print(test_item)