from base64 import b64decode, b64encode from binascii import hexlify, unhexlify from copy import deepcopy import hashlib import hmac import json import sys from Crypto.Cipher import AES from Crypto.Random import random BITS_PER_HEX_DIGIT = 4 PASS_KEY_LEN = 96 AES_KEY_LEN = 256 AES_BLK_SIZE = 16 AES_STR_KEY_LEN = AES_KEY_LEN // BITS_PER_HEX_DIGIT AES_IV_LEN = 128 AES_STR_IV_LEN = AES_IV_LEN // BITS_PER_HEX_DIGIT class EncryptionHelper: def pure_generate_password_and_key(self, password, pw_salt, pw_cost): output = hashlib.pbkdf2_hmac( 'sha512', password.encode(), pw_salt.encode(), pw_cost, dklen=PASS_KEY_LEN) output = hexlify(output).decode() output_length = len(output) split_length = output_length // 3 pw = output[0 : split_length] mk = output[split_length : split_length * 2] ak = output[split_length * 2 : split_length * 3] return dict(pw=pw, mk=mk, ak=ak) def encrypt_dirty_items(self, dirty_items, keys): return [self.pure_encrypt_item(item, keys) for item in dirty_items] def decrypt_response_items(self, response_items, keys): return [self.pure_decrypt_item(item, keys) for item in response_items] def pure_encrypt_item(self, item, keys): uuid = item['uuid'] content = json.dumps(item['content']) # all this is to follow the Standard Notes spec item_key = hex(random.getrandbits(AES_KEY_LEN * 2)) # remove '0x', pad with 0's, then split in half item_key = item_key[2:].rjust(AES_STR_KEY_LEN * 2, '0') item_ek = item_key[:AES_STR_KEY_LEN] item_ak = item_key[AES_STR_KEY_LEN:] enc_item = deepcopy(item) enc_item['content'] = self.pure_encrypt_string_002( content, item_ek, item_ak, uuid) enc_item['enc_item_key'] = self.pure_encrypt_string_002( item_key, keys['mk'], keys['ak'], uuid) return enc_item def pure_decrypt_item(self, item, keys): if item['deleted']: return item uuid = item['uuid'] content = item['content'] enc_item_key = item['enc_item_key'] if content[:3] == '001': print('Old encryption protocol detected. This version is not ' 'supported by standardnotes-fs. Please resync all of ' 'your notes by following the instructions here:\n' '') sys.exit(1) elif content[:3] == '002': item_key = self.pure_decrypt_string_002( enc_item_key, keys['mk'], keys['ak'], uuid) item_key_length = len(item_key) item_ek = item_key[:item_key_length//2] item_ak = item_key[item_key_length//2:] dec_content = self.pure_decrypt_string_002( content, item_ek, item_ak, uuid) else: print('Invalid protocol version. This could indicate tampering or ' 'that something is wrong with the server. Exiting.') sys.exit(1) dec_item = deepcopy(item) dec_item['content'] = json.loads(dec_content) return dec_item def pure_encrypt_string_002(self, string_to_encrypt, encryption_key, auth_key, uuid): IV = hex(random.getrandbits(AES_IV_LEN)) IV = IV[2:].rjust(AES_STR_IV_LEN, '0') # remove '0x', pad with 0's cipher =, AES.MODE_CBC, unhexlify(IV)) pt = string_to_encrypt.encode() pad = AES_BLK_SIZE - len(pt) % AES_BLK_SIZE padded_pt = pt + pad * bytes([pad]) ciphertext = b64encode(cipher.encrypt(padded_pt)).decode() string_to_auth = ':'.join(['002', uuid, IV, ciphertext]) auth_hash = unhexlify(auth_key), string_to_auth.encode(), 'sha256').digest() auth_hash = hexlify(auth_hash).decode() result = ':'.join(['002', auth_hash, uuid, IV, ciphertext]) return result def pure_decrypt_string_002(self, string_to_decrypt, encryption_key, auth_key, uuid): components = string_to_decrypt.split(':') version, auth_hash, local_uuid, IV, ciphertext = components if local_uuid != uuid: print('UUID does not match. This could indicate tampering or ' 'that something is wrong with the server. Exiting.') sys.exit(1) string_to_auth = ':'.join([version, uuid, IV, ciphertext]) local_auth_hash = unhexlify(auth_key), string_to_auth.encode(), 'sha256').digest() local_auth_hash = hexlify(local_auth_hash).decode() if local_auth_hash != auth_hash: print('Auth hash does not match. This could indicate tampering or ' 'that something is wrong with the server. Exiting.') sys.exit(1) cipher =, AES.MODE_CBC, unhexlify(IV)) result = cipher.decrypt(b64decode(ciphertext)) result = result[:-result[-1]] # remove PKCS#7 padding result = result.decode() return result