
106 lines
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Raw Normal View History

import hashlib, hmac, json
from base64 import b64encode, b64decode
from binascii import hexlify, unhexlify
from Crypto.Cipher import AES
from Crypto.Random import random
from copy import deepcopy
class EncryptionHelper:
def pure_generatePasswordAndKey(self, password, pw_salt, pw_cost):
output = hashlib.pbkdf2_hmac('sha512', password.encode(), pw_salt.encode(), pw_cost, dklen=96)
output = hexlify(output).decode()
output_length = len(output)
split_length = output_length // 3
pw = output[0 : split_length]
mk = output[split_length : split_length * 2]
ak = output[split_length * 2 : split_length * 3]
return dict(pw=pw, mk=mk, ak=ak)
def encryptDirtyItems(self, dirty_items, keys):
return [self.pure_encryptItem(item, keys) for item in dirty_items]
def decryptResponseItems(self, response_items, keys):
return [self.pure_decryptItem(item, keys) for item in response_items]
def pure_encryptItem(self, item, keys):
uuid = item['uuid']
content = json.dumps(item['content'])
item_key = hex(random.getrandbits(512))
item_key = item_key[2:].rjust(128, '0') # remove '0x', pad to 128
item_key_length = len(item_key)
item_ek = item_key[:item_key_length//2]
item_ak = item_key[item_key_length//2:]
enc_item = deepcopy(item)
enc_item['content'] = self.pure_encryptString002(content, item_ek, item_ak, uuid)
enc_item['enc_item_key'] = self.pure_encryptString002(item_key, keys['mk'], keys['ak'], uuid)
return enc_item
def pure_decryptItem(self, item, keys):
uuid = item['uuid']
content = item['content']
enc_item_key = item['enc_item_key']
if not content:
return item
if content[:3] == '002':
item_key = self.pure_decryptString002(enc_item_key, keys['mk'], keys['ak'], uuid)
item_key_length = len(item_key)
item_ek = item_key[:item_key_length//2]
item_ak = item_key[item_key_length//2:]
dec_content = self.pure_decryptString002(content, item_ek, item_ak, uuid)
print('Invalid protocol version.')
dec_item = deepcopy(item)
dec_item['content'] = json.loads(dec_content)
return dec_item
def pure_encryptString002(self, string_to_encrypt, encryption_key, auth_key, uuid):
IV = hex(random.getrandbits(128))
IV = IV[2:].rjust(32, '0') # remove '0x', pad to 32
cipher =, AES.MODE_CBC, unhexlify(IV))
pt = string_to_encrypt.encode()
pad = 16 - len(pt) % 16
padded_pt = pt + pad * bytes([pad])
ciphertext = b64encode(cipher.encrypt(padded_pt)).decode()
string_to_auth = ':'.join(['002', uuid, IV, ciphertext])
auth_hash =, string_to_auth.encode(), 'sha256').digest()
auth_hash = hexlify(auth_hash).decode()
result = ':'.join(['002', auth_hash, uuid, IV, ciphertext])
return result
def pure_decryptString002(self, string_to_decrypt, encryption_key, auth_key, uuid):
components = string_to_decrypt.split(':')
version = components[0]
auth_hash = components[1]
local_uuid = components[2]
IV = components[3]
ciphertext = components[4]
if local_uuid != uuid:
print('UUID does not match.')
string_to_auth = ':'.join([version, uuid, IV, ciphertext])
local_auth_hash =, string_to_auth.encode(), 'sha256').digest()
local_auth_hash = hexlify(local_auth_hash).decode()
if local_auth_hash != auth_hash:
print('Message has been tampered with.')
cipher =, AES.MODE_CBC, unhexlify(IV))
result = cipher.decrypt(b64decode(ciphertext))
result = result[:-result[-1]] # remove PKCS#7 padding
return result.decode()