from import BaseCommand, CommandError from django.utils.timezone import now from apiserver.api import models, utils, utils_stats, utils_email from datetime import datetime, timedelta import time class Command(BaseCommand): help = 'Tasks to run on the portal hourly.' def generate_stats(self): utils_stats.calc_next_events() counts = utils_stats.calc_member_counts() signup_count = utils_stats.calc_signup_counts() # do this hourly in case an admin causes a change models.StatsMemberCount.objects.update_or_create( date=utils.today_alberta_tz(), defaults=dict( member_count=counts['member_count'], green_count=counts['green_count'], six_month_plus_count=counts['six_month_plus_count'], vetted_count=counts['vetted_count'], subscriber_count=counts['subscriber_count'], ), ) models.StatsSignupCount.objects.update_or_create( month=utils.today_alberta_tz().replace(day=1), defaults=dict(signup_count=signup_count), ) utils_stats.calc_card_scans() utils.gen_search_strings() def send_class_reminders(self): # sends reminders to instructors that they are teaching a class # within 6-7 hours from now count = 0 now = utils.now_alberta_tz() current_hour_start = now.replace(minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0) in_six_hours = current_hour_start + timedelta(hours=6) in_seven_hours = current_hour_start + timedelta(hours=7) sessions = models.Session.objects.all() reminder_sessions = sessions.filter( datetime__gte=in_six_hours, datetime__lt=in_seven_hours, ) if reminder_sessions.count() == 0: self.stdout.write('No classes found within timeframe, returning') return 0 self.stdout.write('Found {} reminder sessions between {} and {} mountain time.'.format( reminder_sessions.count(), str(in_six_hours), str(in_seven_hours), )) for session in reminder_sessions: self.stdout.write('Session {} instructor {}:'.format( str(session), session.instructor.username, )) if session.is_cancelled: self.stdout.write(' Is cancelled, skipping.') continue if in [317, 273, 413]: self.stdout.write(' Is members meeting or cleanup, skipping.') continue if 'Event' in session.course.tags or 'Outing' in session.course.tags: self.stdout.write(' Is partially outing or event, skipping.') continue self.stdout.write(' Emailing {} {}:'.format(session.instructor.username, utils.alert_tanner('Class reminder {} for {} {}'.format( str(session), session.instructor.username,, )) self.stdout.write(' Sent class reminder email.') count += 1 return count def send_attendance_reminders(self): # sends reminders to instructors to mark attendance for classes # that happened 6-7 hours ago if they haven't already count = 0 now = utils.now_alberta_tz() current_hour_start = now.replace(minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0) six_hours_ago = current_hour_start - timedelta(hours=6) seven_hours_ago = current_hour_start - timedelta(hours=7) sessions = models.Session.objects.all() reminder_sessions = sessions.filter( datetime__gte=seven_hours_ago, datetime__lt=six_hours_ago, ) if reminder_sessions.count() == 0: self.stdout.write('No classes found within timeframe, returning') return 0 self.stdout.write('Found {} sessions between {} and {} mountain time.'.format( reminder_sessions.count(), str(seven_hours_ago), str(six_hours_ago), )) for session in reminder_sessions: self.stdout.write('Session {} instructor {}:'.format( str(session), session.instructor.username, )) if session.is_cancelled: self.stdout.write(' Is cancelled, skipping.') continue if in [317, 273, 413]: self.stdout.write(' Is members meeting or cleanup, skipping.') continue if 'Event' in session.course.tags or 'Outing' in session.course.tags: self.stdout.write(' Is partially outing or event, skipping.') continue if session.students.count() == 0: self.stdout.write(' Class is empty, skipping.') continue if session.students.filter(attendance_status='Attended').count() > 0: self.stdout.write(' Instructor already marked attendance, skipping.') continue self.stdout.write(' Emailing {} {}:'.format(session.instructor.username, utils.alert_tanner('Attendance reminder {} for {} {}'.format( str(session), session.instructor.username,, )) self.stdout.write(' Sent attendance reminder email.') count += 1 return count def handle(self, *args, **options): self.stdout.write('{} - Beginning hourly tasks'.format(str(now()))) start = time.time() self.generate_stats() self.stdout.write('Generated stats') count = self.send_class_reminders() self.stdout.write('Sent {} class reminders'.format(count)) count = self.send_attendance_reminders() self.stdout.write('Sent {} attendance reminders'.format(count)) self.stdout.write('Completed tasks in {} s'.format( str(time.time() - start)[:4] ))