import React, { useState } from 'react'; import { Link } from 'react-router-dom'; import './light.css'; import { Container, Form, Grid, Header, Input } from 'semantic-ui-react'; import { PayPalPayNow, PayPalSubscribe } from './PayPal.js'; import { MembersDropdown } from './Members.js'; import { requester } from './utils.js'; export function PayWithProtocoin(props) { const { token, user, refreshUser, amount, onSuccess, custom } = props; const member = user.member; const [error, setError] = useState({}); const [loading, setLoading] = useState(false); const [success, setSuccess] = useState(false); const handleSubmit = (e) => { if (loading) return; setSuccess(false); setLoading(true); const data = { amount: amount, ...custom, balance: member.protocoin }; requester('/protocoin/spend_request/', 'POST', token, data) .then(res => { setLoading(false); setSuccess(true); if (onSuccess) { onSuccess(); } setError({}); refreshUser(); }) .catch(err => { setLoading(false); console.log(err); setError(; }); }; return (
Pay with Protocoin {success &&
); }; export function SendProtocoin(props) { const { token, user, refreshUser } = props; const member = user.member; const [input, setInput] = useState({}); const [error, setError] = useState({}); const [loading, setLoading] = useState(false); const [success, setSuccess] = useState(false); const handleValues = (e, v) => setInput({ ...input, []: v.value }); const handleChange = (e) => handleValues(e, e.currentTarget); const handleSubmit = (e) => { if (loading) return; setSuccess(false); setLoading(true); const data = { ...input, balance: member.protocoin }; requester('/protocoin/send_to_member/', 'POST', token, data) .then(res => { setLoading(false); setSuccess(true); setInput({}); setError({}); refreshUser(); }) .catch(err => { setLoading(false); console.log(err); setError(; }); }; const makeProps = (name) => ({ name: name, onChange: handleChange, value: input[name] || '', error: error[name], }); return (
Send {success &&
); }; export function Paymaster(props) { const { token, user, refreshUser } = props; const [locker, setLocker] = useState('5.00'); const [consumables, setConsumables] = useState(''); const [buyProtocoin, setBuyProtocoin] = useState('10.00'); const [consumablesMemo, setConsumablesMemo] = useState(''); const [donate, setDonate] = useState(''); const [memo, setMemo] = useState(''); const monthly_fees = user.member.monthly_fees || 55; return (

Use these buttons to send money to Protospace.


Protocoin is used to buy things from Protospace's vending machines. No cash value.

Current balance: ₱ {user.member.protocoin.toFixed(2)}

Total circulation: ₱ {user.member.total_protocoin.toFixed(2)}

Buy any amount of Protocoin:
setBuyProtocoin(v.value)} />

See a director to purchase Protocoin with a different payment method.

Send Protocoin:

Member Dues

Pay ${monthly_fees}.00 once:

Subscribe ${monthly_fees}.00 / month:

Pay ${monthly_fees * 11}.00 for a year:

...get one month for free!


Pay for materials you use (ie. welding gas, 3D printing, etc).

Custom amount:
setConsumables(v.value)} />
Please explain what you bought:
setConsumablesMemo(v.value)} />
setConsumables('')} custom={{ category: 'Consumables', memo: consumablesMemo }} />

Donation of any amount to Protospace.

Custom amount:
setDonate(v.value)} />
Optional memo:
setMemo(v.value)} />
setDonate('')} custom={{ category: 'Donation', memo: memo }} />
Locker Storage

Confirm location and availability with Scott Young before subscribing.

Custom amount:
setLocker(v.value)} />
); };