import React, { useState, useEffect, useReducer } from 'react'; import { BrowserRouter as Router, Switch, Route, Link, useParams, useLocation } from 'react-router-dom'; import moment from 'moment-timezone'; import './light.css'; import { Container, Divider, Dropdown, Form, Grid, Header, Icon, Image, Menu, Message, Popup, Segment, Table } from 'semantic-ui-react'; import { statusColor, BasicTable, staticUrl, requester, isAdmin } from './utils.js'; import { LoginForm, SignupForm } from './LoginSignup.js'; import { AccountForm } from './Account.js'; import { PayPalSubscribeDeal } from './PayPal.js'; function MemberInfo(props) { const user = props.user; const member = user.member; const lastTrans = user.transactions && user.transactions.slice(0,3); const lastCard = &&, b) => a.last_seen_at < b.last_seen_at)[0]; return (
{member.preferred_name} {member.last_name}
Status: {member.status || 'Unknown'} Expiry: {member.expire_date}
{!member.photo_medium && Welcome, new member!

Click here to view your application forms.

} {!!lastTrans.length && !member.photo_medium && Please set a member photo!

Visit the account settings page to set one.

} {!lastTrans.length &&

Create a ${user.member.monthly_fees} / month subscription, get your first three months for the price of two:

Application: {member.application_date || 'Unknown'} Start: {member.current_start_date || 'Unknown'} Vetted: {member.vetted_date || 'Not vetted'} Monthly: ${member.monthly_fees || 'Unknown'} Card Number: {lastCard && lastCard.card_number || 'None'} { > 1 && [more]} {member.photo_medium &&

View application forms

Latest Transactions
{lastTrans.length ? => {} {x.account_type} ${x.amount} ) : None }
); }; export function Home(props) { const { user, token } = props; const [stats, setStats] = useState(JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('stats', 'false'))); const [refreshCount, refreshStats] = useReducer(x => x + 1, 0); const location = useLocation(); const bypass_code = location.hash.replace('#', ''); useEffect(() => { requester('/stats/', 'GET', token) .then(res => { setStats(res); localStorage.setItem('stats', JSON.stringify(res)); }) .catch(err => { console.log(err); setStats(false); }); }, [refreshCount]); const getStat = (x) => stats && stats[x] ? stats[x] : '?'; const getZeroStat = (x) => stats && stats[x] ? stats[x] : '0'; const getDateStat = (x) => stats && stats[x] ? moment.utc(stats[x]).tz('America/Edmonton').format('ll') : '?'; const mcPlayers = stats && stats['minecraft_players'] ? stats['minecraft_players'] : []; const mumbleUsers = stats && stats['mumble_users'] ? stats['mumble_users'] : []; const getTrackStat = (x) => stats && stats.track && stats.track[x] ? moment().unix() - stats.track[x]['time'] > 60 ? 'Free' : 'In Use' : '?'; const getTrackLast = (x) => stats && stats.track && stats.track[x] ? moment.unix(stats.track[x]['time']).tz('America/Edmonton').format('llll') : 'Unknown'; const getTrackAgo = (x) => stats && stats.track && stats.track[x] ? moment.unix(stats.track[x]['time']).tz('America/Edmonton').fromNow() : ''; const getTrackName = (x) => stats && stats.track && stats.track[x] && stats.track[x]['username'] ? stats.track[x]['username'] : 'Unknown'; const alarmStat = () => stats && stats.alarm && moment().unix() - stats.alarm['time'] < 300 ? stats.alarm['data'] > 200 ? 'Armed' : 'Disarmed' : 'Unknown'; return ( {user ? user.member.set_details ? :
Please submit your member details

Press submit at the bottom if everything's correct.

{bypass_code ? Outside Registration

This page allows you to sign up from outside of Protospace.

: <> Or }

Welcome to the Protospace member portal! Here you can view member info, join classes, and manage your membership.

Quick Links

Main Website

Protospace Wiki

Discussion Google Group

Admin Google Group

{!!user &&

Google Drive

} {!!user && isAdmin(user) &&

Property Management Portal

} refreshStats()} />
Protospace Stats

Next member meeting: {getDateStat('next_meeting')}

Next monthly clean: {getDateStat('next_clean')}

Member count: {getStat('member_count')} [more]

Green members: {getStat('green_count')}

Card scans today: {getZeroStat('card_scans')}

Minecraft players: {mcPlayers.length} {mcPlayers.length > 5 && '🔥'}

Server IP:

{mcPlayers.length ? => {x}
) : 'None'}

} trigger={[more]} /> {' '}[map]

Mumble users: {mumbleUsers.length}

Server IP:

{mumbleUsers.length ? => {x}
) : 'None'}

} trigger={[more]} />

Trotec availability: {getTrackStat('TROTECS300')}

Last use:
by {getTrackName('TROTECS300')}

} trigger={[more]} />

Rabbit availability: {getTrackStat('FRICKIN-LASER')}

Last use:
by {getTrackName('FRICKIN-LASER')}

} trigger={[more]} />

{user && user.member.vetted_date &&

Alarm status: {alarmStat()}

); };