from log import logger import time import secrets import subprocess import requests from uuid import uuid4 from flask import abort HTTP_NOTFOUND = 404 random_email = lambda: 'spaceport-' + str(uuid4()).split('-')[0] + '' def set_wiki_password(username, password): # sets a user's wiki password # creates the account if it doesn't exist if not secrets.WIKI_MAINTENANCE: logger.error('Wiki setting not configured, aborting') abort(400) if not username: logger.error('Empty username, aborting') abort(400)'Setting wiki password for: ' + username) if not password: logger.error('Empty password, aborting') abort(400) script = secrets.WIKI_MAINTENANCE + '/createAndPromote.php' result =['php', script, '--force', username, password], shell=False, text=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) output = result.stdout or result.stderr output = output.strip()'Output: ' + output) if result.stderr: abort(400) def discourse_api_get(url, params={}): headers = { 'Api-Key': secrets.DISCOURSE_API_KEY, 'Api-Username': secrets.DISCOURSE_API_USER, } response = requests.get(url, headers=headers, params=params, timeout=10) response.raise_for_status()'Response: %s %s', response.status_code, response.text) return response def discourse_api_put(url, data={}): headers = { 'Api-Key': secrets.DISCOURSE_API_KEY, 'Api-Username': secrets.DISCOURSE_API_USER, } response = requests.put(url, headers=headers, data=data, timeout=10) response.raise_for_status()'Response: %s %s', response.status_code, response.text) return response def discourse_api_post(url, data={}): headers = { 'Api-Key': secrets.DISCOURSE_API_KEY, 'Api-Username': secrets.DISCOURSE_API_USER, } response =, headers=headers, data=data, timeout=10) response.raise_for_status()'Response: %s %s', response.status_code, response.text) return response def discourse_rails_script(script): result =['docker', 'exec', '-i', secrets.DISCOURSE_CONTAINER, 'rails', 'runner', script], shell=False, text=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) output = result.stdout or result.stderr output = output.strip() or 'No complaints' return result, output def set_discourse_password(username, password, first_name, email): # sets a user's discourse password # creates the account if it doesn't exist # things to test: # - user changes Spaceport password # - user changes Spaceport password to same # - new Spaceport signup # - existing Discourse user Spaceport signup # - existing Discourse user Spaceport signup with same email # note: Spaceport emails are unconfirmed!! if not secrets.DISCOURSE_CONTAINER or not secrets.DISCOURSE_API_KEY or not secrets.DISCOURSE_API_USER: logger.error('Discourse setting not configured, aborting') abort(400) if not username: logger.error('Empty username, aborting') abort(400) if not password: logger.error('Empty password, aborting') abort(400) if not first_name: logger.error('Empty first_name, aborting') abort(400) if not email: logger.error('Empty email, aborting') abort(400)'Checking Discourse for existing email: ' + email) params = { 'filter': email, 'show_emails': 'true', } response = discourse_api_get('', params) response = response.json() for user in response: if user['email'] == email: if user['username'] == username:'Username match, skipping') continue new_email = random_email()'Email found on different user %s, changing to: %s', user['username'], new_email) script = 'UserEmail.find_by(email: "{}").update!(email: "{}")'.format(email, new_email) result, output = discourse_rails_script(script)'Confirming email change...') response = discourse_api_get('', params) if len(response.json()): logger.error('Email change failed, aborting') abort(400)'Creating Discourse user for: ' + username) data = { 'name': first_name, 'username': username, 'password': password, 'email': email, 'active': True, 'approved': True, } response = discourse_api_post('', data) response = response.json() if response['success']:'Skipping set password') return True'User exists, setting Discourse password for: ' + username) script = 'User.find_by(username: "{}").update!(password: "{}")'.format(username, password) result, output = discourse_rails_script(script) if 'Password is the same' in result.stderr:'Output: Password is the same as your current password. (ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid)') return True else:'Output: ' + output) if result.stderr: abort(400) if __name__ == '__main__': #set_wiki_password('tanner.collin', 'protospace1') set_discourse_password('test8a', 'protospace1', 'testie', '') pass