import React, { useState, useEffect, useReducer } from 'react'; import { useLocation } from 'react-router-dom'; import { Button, Container, Divider, Dropdown, Form, Grid, Header, Icon, Image, Input, Item, Menu, Message, Segment, Table } from 'semantic-ui-react'; export function PayPalPayNow(props) { const { amount, custom, name } = props; return (
); } export function PayPalSubscribe(props) { const { amount, custom, name } = props; return (
); } export function PayPalSubscribeDeal(props) { const { amount, custom, name } = props; return (
); } export function Subscribe(props) { const qs = useLocation().search; const params = new URLSearchParams(qs); const monthly_fees = params.get('monthly_fees') || false; const id = params.get('id') || false; return (
Create a PayPal Subscription

Use this page to set up a Protospace membership subscription.

{monthly_fees && id ? :

Error, invalid subscribe link.


Click "Checkout as Guest" if you don't have a PayPal account.

); }