diff --git a/webclient/src/Classes.js b/webclient/src/Classes.js
index d38b0ba..0c1e79a 100644
--- a/webclient/src/Classes.js
+++ b/webclient/src/Classes.js
@@ -450,19 +450,61 @@ export function ICalButtons(props) {
+ const addToGoogleCalendar = (e) => {
+ e.preventDefault();
+ // construct and set the dates format that google calendar links require
+ let starttime = moment(clazz.datetime);
+ let endtime = starttime.clone().add(1, 'hour');
+ const datestringfmt = 'YYYYMMDDTkkmmss';
+ let dates = `${starttime.format(datestringfmt)}/${endtime.format(datestringfmt)}`
+ // send user to google calendar
+ window.location = `https://www.google.com/calendar/render?action=TEMPLATE&text=${clazz.course_data.name}&dates=${dates}`;
+ };
+ const options = [
+ { key: 'email', icon: 'mail outline', text: 'Email ICS Event', value: 'Email', action: handleEmail },
+ { key: 'download', icon: 'download', text: 'Download ICS Event', value: 'Download', action: handleDownload },
+ { key: 'google', icon: 'google', text: 'Add to Google Calendar', value: 'Google', action: addToGoogleCalendar },
+ ];
+ // get default option from local storage or default to first item in options list
+ const calendarValue = localStorage.getItem('calendarPreference') || 'Email';
+ const defaultOption = options.find(x => x.value === calendarValue);
+ const [selectedOption, setOption] = useState(defaultOption);
+ const onChange = (e, data) => {
+ const newOption = options.find(x => x.value === data.value);
+ setOption(newOption);
+ // set the option as users preference
+ localStorage.setItem('calendarPreference', newOption.value);
+ };
return (
- {success ?
- Sent!
- :