163 lines
4.8 KiB
163 lines
4.8 KiB
import logging
format='%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s',
if __name__ == '__main__':
import sys
import requests
from utils import clean
API_TOPSTORIES = lambda x: 'https://hacker-news.firebaseio.com/v0/topstories.json'
ALG_API_ITEM = lambda x : 'https://hn.algolia.com/api/v1/items/{}'.format(x)
BHN_API_ITEM = lambda x : 'https://api.hnpwa.com/v0/item/{}.json'.format(x)
SITE_LINK = lambda x : 'https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id={}'.format(x)
SITE_AUTHOR_LINK = lambda x : 'https://news.ycombinator.com/user?id={}'.format(x)
def api(route, ref=None):
r = requests.get(route(ref), timeout=5)
if r.status_code != 200:
raise Exception('Bad response code ' + str(r.status_code))
return r.json()
except KeyboardInterrupt:
except BaseException as e:
logging.error('Problem hitting hackernews API: {}, trying again'.format(str(e)))
r = requests.get(route(ref), timeout=15)
if r.status_code != 200:
raise Exception('Bad response code ' + str(r.status_code))
return r.json()
except KeyboardInterrupt:
except BaseException as e:
logging.error('Problem hitting hackernews API: {}'.format(str(e)))
return False
def feed():
return [str(x) for x in api(API_TOPSTORIES) or []]
def alg_comment(i):
if 'author' not in i:
return False
c = {}
c['author'] = i.get('author', '')
c['score'] = i.get('points', 0)
c['date'] = i.get('created_at_i', 0)
c['text'] = clean(i.get('text', '') or '')
c['comments'] = [alg_comment(j) for j in i['children']]
c['comments'] = list(filter(bool, c['comments']))
return c
def alg_comment_count(i):
alive = 1 if i['author'] else 0
return sum([alg_comment_count(c) for c in i['comments']]) + alive
def alg_story(ref):
r = api(ALG_API_ITEM, ref)
if not r:
logging.info('Bad Algolia Hackernews API response.')
return None
if 'deleted' in r:
logging.info('Story was deleted.')
return False
elif r.get('type', '') != 'story':
logging.info('Type "{}" is not "story".'.format(r.get('type', '')))
return False
s = {}
s['author'] = r.get('author', '')
s['author_link'] = SITE_AUTHOR_LINK(r.get('author', ''))
s['score'] = r.get('points', 0)
s['date'] = r.get('created_at_i', 0)
s['title'] = r.get('title', '')
s['link'] = SITE_LINK(ref)
s['url'] = r.get('url', '')
s['comments'] = [alg_comment(i) for i in r['children']]
s['comments'] = list(filter(bool, s['comments']))
s['num_comments'] = alg_comment_count(s) - 1
if 'text' in r and r['text']:
s['text'] = clean(r['text'] or '')
return s
def bhn_comment(i):
if 'user' not in i:
return False
c = {}
c['author'] = i.get('user', '')
c['score'] = 0 # Not present?
c['date'] = i.get('time', 0)
c['text'] = clean(i.get('content', '') or '')
c['comments'] = [bhn_comment(j) for j in i['comments']]
c['comments'] = list(filter(bool, c['comments']))
return c
def bhn_story(ref):
r = api(BHN_API_ITEM, ref)
if not r:
logging.info('Bad BetterHN Hackernews API response.')
return None
if 'deleted' in r: # TODO: verify
logging.info('Story was deleted.')
return False
elif r.get('type', '') != 'link':
logging.info('Type "{}" is not "link".'.format(r.get('type', '')))
return False
s = {}
s['author'] = r.get('user', '')
s['author_link'] = SITE_AUTHOR_LINK(r.get('user', ''))
s['score'] = r.get('points', 0)
s['date'] = r.get('time', 0)
s['title'] = r.get('title', '')
s['link'] = SITE_LINK(ref)
s['url'] = r.get('url', '')
if s['url'].startswith('item'):
s['url'] = SITE_LINK(ref)
s['comments'] = [bhn_comment(i) for i in r['comments']]
s['comments'] = list(filter(bool, s['comments']))
s['num_comments'] = r.get('comments_count', 0)
if 'content' in r and r['content']:
s['text'] = clean(r['content'] or '')
return s
def story(ref):
s = alg_story(ref)
if s is None:
s = bhn_story(ref)
if not s:
return False
if s['score'] < 25 and s['num_comments'] < 10:
logging.info('Score ({}) or num comments ({}) below threshold.'.format(s['score'], s['num_comments']))
return False
return s
# scratchpad so I can quickly develop the parser
if __name__ == '__main__':
#print(story(42899834)) # type "job"
#print(story(42900076)) # Ask HN
#print(story(42898201)) # Show HN
#print(story(42899703)) # normal
print(story(42902678)) # bad title?