import logging logging.basicConfig( format='%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s', level=logging.DEBUG) import requests import time from bs4 import BeautifulSoup import itertools import settings from feeds import hackernews, reddit, tildes, substack, manual, news from scrapers import outline, declutter, local ONE_HOUR = 60*60 ONE_DAY = 24*ONE_HOUR INVALID_DOMAINS = ['', '', ''] MAX_AGE_IN_DAYS = 3*ONE_DAY substacks = {} for key, value in settings.SUBSTACK.items(): substacks[key] = substack.Publication(value['url']) categories = {} for key, value in settings.CATEGORY.items(): categories[key] = news.Category(value['url'], value.get('tz')) sitemaps = {} for key, value in settings.SITEMAP.items(): sitemaps[key] = news.Sitemap(value['url'], value.get('tz')) def get_list(): feeds = {} if settings.NUM_HACKERNEWS: feeds['hackernews'] = [(x, 'hackernews') for x in hackernews.feed()[:settings.NUM_HACKERNEWS]] if settings.NUM_REDDIT: feeds['reddit'] = [(x, 'reddit') for x in reddit.feed()[:settings.NUM_REDDIT]] if settings.NUM_TILDES: feeds['tildes'] = [(x, 'tildes') for x in tildes.feed()[:settings.NUM_TILDES]] if settings.NUM_SUBSTACK: feeds['substack'] = [(x, 'substack') for x in[:settings.NUM_SUBSTACK]] for key, publication in substacks.items(): count = settings.SUBSTACK[key]['count'] feeds[key] = [(x, key) for x in publication.feed()[:count]] for key, sites in categories.items(): count = settings.CATEGORY[key].get('count') or 0 excludes = settings.CATEGORY[key].get('excludes') tz = settings.CATEGORY[key].get('tz') feeds[key] = [(x, key) for x in sites.feed(excludes)[:count]] for key, sites in sitemaps.items(): count = settings.SITEMAP[key].get('count') or 0 excludes = settings.SITEMAP[key].get('excludes') feeds[key] = [(x, key) for x in sites.feed(excludes)[:count]] values = feeds.values() feed = itertools.chain.from_iterable(itertools.zip_longest(*values, fillvalue=None)) feed = list(filter(None, feed)) return feed def get_article(url): scrapers = { 'declutter': declutter, 'outline': outline, 'local': local, } available = settings.SCRAPERS or ['local'] if 'local' not in available: available += ['local'] for scraper in available: if scraper not in scrapers.keys(): continue try: html = scrapers[scraper].get_html(url) if html: return html except KeyboardInterrupt: raise except: pass return '' def get_content_type(url): try: headers = { 'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Googlebot/2.1; +', 'X-Forwarded-For': '', } return requests.get(url, headers=headers, timeout=5).headers['content-type'] except: pass try: headers = {'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:77.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/77.0'} return requests.get(url, headers=headers, timeout=10).headers['content-type'] except: return '' def update_story(story, is_manual=False): res = {} if story['source'] == 'hackernews': res = hackernews.story(story['ref']) elif story['source'] == 'reddit': res = reddit.story(story['ref']) elif story['source'] == 'tildes': res = tildes.story(story['ref']) elif story['source'] == 'substack': res =['ref']) elif story['source'] in categories.keys(): res = categories[story['source']].story(story['ref']) elif story['source'] in sitemaps.keys(): res = sitemaps[story['source']].story(story['ref']) elif story['source'] in substacks.keys(): res = substacks[story['source']].story(story['ref']) elif story['source'] == 'manual': res = manual.story(story['ref']) if res: story.update(res) # join dicts else:'Story not ready yet') return False if story['date'] and not is_manual and story['date'] + MAX_AGE_IN_DAYS < time.time():'Story too old, removing') return False if story.get('url', '') and not story.get('text', ''): if not get_content_type(story['url']).startswith('text/'):'URL invalid file type / content type:')['url']) return False if any([domain in story['url'] for domain in INVALID_DOMAINS]):'URL invalid domain:')['url']) return False'Getting article ' + story['url']) story['text'] = get_article(story['url']) if not story['text']: return False return True if __name__ == '__main__': #test_news_cache = {} #nid = 'jean' #ref = 20802050 #source = 'hackernews' #test_news_cache[nid] = dict(id=nid, ref=ref, source=source) #news_story = test_news_cache[nid] #update_story(news_story) #print(get_article('')) a = get_article('') print(a) print('done')