import logging logging.basicConfig( format='%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s', level=logging.INFO) import gevent from gevent import monkey monkey.patch_all() from gevent.pywsgi import WSGIServer import copy import json import threading import traceback import time from datetime import datetime, timedelta from urllib.parse import urlparse, parse_qs import settings import database import search import feed from utils import gen_rand_id from flask import abort, Flask, request, render_template, stream_with_context, Response from werkzeug.exceptions import NotFound from flask_cors import CORS database.init() search.init() def new_id(): nid = gen_rand_id() while database.get_story(nid): nid = gen_rand_id() return nid build_folder = '../webclient/build' flask_app = Flask(__name__, template_folder=build_folder, static_folder=build_folder, static_url_path='') cors = CORS(flask_app) @flask_app.route('/api') def api(): skip = request.args.get('skip', 0) limit = request.args.get('limit', 20) stories = database.get_stories(skip=skip, limit=limit) res = Response(json.dumps({"stories": stories})) res.headers['content-type'] = 'application/json' return res @flask_app.route('/api/search', strict_slashes=False) def apisearch(): q = request.args.get('q', '') skip = request.args.get('skip', 0) limit = request.args.get('limit', 20) if len(q) >= 3: results =, skip=skip, limit=limit) else: results = [] return dict(results=results) @flask_app.route('/api/submit', methods=['POST'], strict_slashes=False) def submit(): try: url = request.form['url'] nid = new_id() parse = urlparse(url) if '' in parse.hostname: source = 'hackernews' ref = parse_qs(parse.query)['id'][0] elif '' in parse.hostname and '~' in url: source = 'tildes' ref = parse.path.split('/')[2] elif '' in parse.hostname and 'comments' in url: source = 'reddit' ref = parse.path.split('/')[4] elif settings.HOSTNAME in parse.hostname: raise Exception('Invalid article') else: source = 'manual' ref = url existing = database.get_story_by_ref(ref) if existing: return {'nid': existing.sid} else: story = dict(id=nid, ref=ref, source=source) valid = feed.update_story(story, is_manual=True) if valid: database.put_story(story) search.put_story(story) return {'nid': nid} else: raise Exception('Invalid article') except BaseException as e: logging.error('Problem with article submission: {} - {}'.format(e.__class__.__name__, str(e))) print(traceback.format_exc()) abort(400) @flask_app.route('/api/') def story(sid): story = database.get_story(sid) if story: related = [] if story.meta['url']: related = database.get_stories_by_url(story.meta['url']) related = [r.meta for r in related] res = Response(json.dumps({"story":, "related": related})) res.headers['content-type'] = 'application/json' return res else: return abort(404) @flask_app.route('/') @flask_app.route('/search') def index(): return render_template('index.html', title='Feed', url=settings.HOSTNAME, description='Reddit, Hacker News, and Tildes combined, then pre-rendered in reader mode') @flask_app.route('/', strict_slashes=False) @flask_app.route('//c', strict_slashes=False) def static_story(sid): try: return flask_app.send_static_file(sid) except NotFound: pass story = database.get_story(sid) if not story: return abort(404) story = score = story['score'] num_comments = story['num_comments'] source = story['source'] description = '{} point{}, {} comment{} on {}'.format( score, 's' if score != 1 else '', num_comments, 's' if num_comments != 1 else '', source) url = urlparse(story['url']).hostname or urlparse(story['link']).hostname or '' url = url.replace('www.', '') return render_template('index.html', title=story['title'], url=url, description=description) http_server = WSGIServer(('', settings.API_PORT or 33842), flask_app) def _add_new_refs(): added = [] for ref, source, urlref in feed.get_list(): if database.get_story_by_ref(ref): continue try: nid = new_id() database.put_ref(ref, nid, source, urlref)'Added ref ' + ref) added.append(ref) except database.IntegrityError:'Unable to add ref ' + ref) continue return added def _update_current_story(item): try: story = database.get_story(item['sid']).data except AttributeError: story = dict(id=item['sid'], ref=item['ref'], source=item['source'])'Updating story: {}'.format(str(story['ref']))) valid = feed.update_story(story, urlref=item['urlref']) if valid: try: database.put_story(story) search.put_story(story) except database.IntegrityError:'Unable to add story with ref ' + ref) else: database.del_ref(item['ref'])'Removed ref {}'.format(item['ref'])) def feed_thread(): new_refs = [] update_refs = [] last_check = - timedelta(minutes=20) try: while True: # onboard new stories time_since_check = - last_check if not len(new_refs) and time_since_check > timedelta(minutes=15): added = _add_new_refs() ref_list = database.get_reflist() new_refs = list(filter(None, [i if i['ref'] in added else None for i in ref_list])) update_queue = list(filter(None, [i if i['ref'] not in added else None for i in ref_list])) current_queue_refs = [i['ref'] for i in update_refs] update_queue = list(filter(None, [i if i['ref'] not in current_queue_refs else None for i in update_queue])) update_refs += update_queue'Added {} new refs'.format(len(added)))'Have {} refs in update queue'.format(len(current_queue_refs)))'Fetched {} refs for update queue'.format(len(update_queue))) last_check = gevent.sleep(1) # update new stories if len(new_refs): item = new_refs.pop(0)'Processing new story ref {}'.format(item['ref'])) _update_current_story(item) gevent.sleep(1) # update current stories if len(update_refs): item = update_refs.pop(0)'Processing existing story ref {}'.format(item['ref'])) _update_current_story(item) gevent.sleep(1) gevent.sleep(1) except KeyboardInterrupt:'Ending feed thread...') except ValueError as e: logging.error('feed_thread error: {} {}'.format(e.__class__.__name__, e)) http_server.stop() gevent.kill(feed_thread_ref) print('Starting Feed thread...') feed_thread_ref = gevent.spawn(feed_thread) print('Starting HTTP thread...') try: http_server.serve_forever() except KeyboardInterrupt: gevent.kill(feed_thread_ref)'Exiting...')