import logging logging.basicConfig( format='%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s', level=logging.DEBUG) if __name__ == '__main__': import sys sys.path.insert(0,'.') import requests from datetime import datetime from utils import clean WEBWORM_DOMAIN = "" API_STORIES = lambda x: f"{WEBWORM_DOMAIN}/api/v1/archive?sort=new&search=&offset=0&limit=100" #API_ITEM = lambda x : f'{x}' API_ITEM_COMMENTS = lambda x: f"{WEBWORM_DOMAIN}/api/v1/post/{x}/comments?all_comments=true&sort=best_first" SITE_LINK = lambda x: f"{WEBWORM_DOMAIN}/p/{x}" SITE_AUTHOR_LINK = lambda x : f"{WEBWORM_DOMAIN}/people/{x}" def api(route, ref=None): try: r = requests.get(route(ref), timeout=5) if r.status_code != 200: raise Exception('Bad response code ' + str(r.status_code)) return r.json() except KeyboardInterrupt: raise except BaseException as e: logging.error('Problem hitting Substack API: {}, trying again'.format(str(e))) try: r = requests.get(route(ref), timeout=15) if r.status_code != 200: raise Exception('Bad response code ' + str(r.status_code)) return r.json() except KeyboardInterrupt: raise except BaseException as e: logging.error('Problem hitting Substack API: {}'.format(str(e))) return False def feed(): stories = api(API_STORIES) stories = list(filter(None, [None if i.get("audience") == "only_paid" else i for i in stories])) return [str(i.get("id")) for i in stories or []] def bylines(b): if 'id' not in b: return None a = {} a['name'] = b.get('name') a['link'] = SITE_AUTHOR_LINK(b.get('id')) return a def unix(date_str): return int(datetime.strptime(date_str, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ').timestamp()) def comment(i): if 'body' not in i: return False c = {} c['date'] = unix(i.get('date')) c['author'] = i.get('name', '') c['score'] = o.get('reactions').get('❤') c['text'] = clean(i.get('body', '') or '') c['comments'] = [comment(j) for j in i['children']] c['comments'] = list(filter(bool, c['comments'])) return c def comment_count(i): alive = 1 if i['author'] else 0 return sum([comment_count(c) for c in i['comments']]) + alive def story(ref): stories = api(API_STORIES) stories = list(filter(None, [None if i.get("audience") == "only_paid" else i for i in stories])) stories = list(filter(None, [i if str(i.get('id')) == ref else None for i in stories])) if len(stories) == 0: print("no items") return False r = stories[0] if not r: print("not r") return False s = {} s['author'] = '' s['author_link'] = '' s['date'] = unix(r.get('post_date')) s['score'] = r.get('reactions').get('❤') s['title'] = r.get('title', '') s['link'] = r.get('canonical_url', '') s['url'] = r.get('canonical_url', '') s['comments'] = [comment(i) for i in api(API_ITEM_COMMENTS, r.get('id'))] s['comments'] = list(filter(bool, s['comments'])) s['num_comments'] = r.get('comment_count', 0) authors = list(filter(None, [bylines(byline) for byline in r.get('publishedBylines')])) if len(authors): s['author'] = authors[0].get('name') s['author_link'] = authors[0].get('link') if 'text' in r and r['text']: s['text'] = clean(r['text'] or '') return s # scratchpad so I can quickly develop the parser if __name__ == '__main__': stories = feed() print(stories) print(story(stories[0]))