import React from 'react'; import './Grid.css'; import logo from './logo.png'; import GridItem from './GridItem'; import tanner from './tanner.jpg'; import dress1 from './dress1.jpg'; import switch1 from './switch1.jpg'; import pump1 from './pump1.jpg'; import hand1 from './hand1.jpg'; import banff1 from './banff1.jpg'; import bee1 from './bee1.jpg'; import canmore1 from './canmore1.jpg'; import carshow1 from './carshow1.jpg'; //function importAll(r) { // return r.keys().map(x => r(x)); //} //const images = importAll(require.context('./images')); class Grid extends React.Component { render() { return (
More info or a .onion link.
LED Dress

A dress lit up with LEDs that act as twinkling stars. Seven act as The Big Dipper, and the rest twinkle randomly.

Thorncliffe Car Show
Remote Control Lightswitch

Custom circuit that lets me control a ceiling light over Wifi.

Plant Waterer

Controller that waters my plant automatically every day.

Prince's Island Park
Johnston Creek, Banff
Hand of Ozymandias

Sculpture welded together out of scrap metal for practice.

VW Van in Canmore
); } } export default Grid;