Notes from Andy --------------- Mastering your mind: - can you control yourself? - can you sit still physically? - can you control your mind? - can you concentrate on a simple object and nothing else? - can you have no thoughts? - can you free your mind from remembering the past or future? - can you have no visual images / sounds? - can you stop your inner monologue? How to meditate: - these steps are very gradual, not distinct steps: - master focusing in the present (1-2 years) - disregard the past and future - focus on noises in the present. can jump around or listen to all. - on failure gently pull back to the present - mastery when you can do this for an hour - can start with shorter sessions - master focusing only a single element in the present - for example, your breath - master stopping the monologue - stop talking to yourself - stop making comments - stop the chatter - master total absorption into that single element - deeper focus into the element - Samadhi state - can only experience your own, dont read the wiki - Andy reached this only once, he felt omnipotent - this becomes an intrinsic skill like talking and walking rather than a motor skill like throwing? - if you dont use it you lose it? - one you reach Samadhi your mind always meditates Naval theory: