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No commits in common. "786418496b72cf62d5b00d359c8bfc3da54f3653" and "5a91907f4c37003d6161dc70a5d0a49700695434" have entirely different histories.
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Title: Choosing a Linux Flavour
Date: 2020-10-31
Category: Writing
Summary: A recommendation on which flavour of Linux to run.
People often ask me which flavour of Linux they should install. In summary,
choose Ubuntu if it's your first time. Once you are comfortable, install Debian
the next time you need to install Linux.
I run Debian on my computers and servers.
## Linux Distributions
When people refer to the "flavour of Linux" they are talking about a Linux
distribution (distro). It mostly describes what software is distributed in its
software repository.
"A typical Linux distribution comprises a Linux kernel, GNU tools and
libraries, additional software, documentation, a window system, a window
manager, and a desktop environment." [Wikipedia]
The major Linux distros are practically all the same. If you master one it's
easy to pick up the others. The main differences you'll run into are which
tools you use to install new software, and the desktop environment, which is
what all the windows and buttons look like.
I recommend two Linux distros, Debian and Ubuntu. Ubuntu is based off of
Debian, so they are very similar.
## Pros of Debian
Debian is one of the oldest distros and many other distros are based off it.
You can see a timeline visualization of all its derivatives here:
This image is what originally convinced me to use Debian. Scroll down until you
see it and zoom out so you grasp how many derivatives it has.
Debian is also non-commercial and requires that all software in its main
repository is free and open source. This is important because that grants you
the right to study, change, and distribute the software and source code to
anyone and for any purpose. They also follow a strong social contract you can
see here:
It's also a very stable Linux distro since they freeze all software features on
each release. This makes it great for servers because nothing will break when
it updates.
The main Raspberry Pi distro is nearly identical to Debian, so you'll also gain
familiarity with it.
## Cons of Debian
Since Debian requires all its software to be free and open source, proprietary
hardware drivers aren't included in its main repo. This can make installing
Debian difficult if your hardware requires non-free drivers. You'll need to use
a non-free installation image found here:
The fact that Debian freezes software features can also mean that your software
gets old until the next Debian release. If you want versions that are bleeding
edge, you'll need to use Debian Unstable as described here:
Don't be fooled by the name "unstable". I use it for my personal computers and
it runs fine.
## Pros of Ubuntu
Ubuntu is incredibly easy to install. You can also try it out before deciding
to install it. The distro pretty much just works on what ever hardware you
It's very beginner friendly because it's so popular. Any problem you search for
will reveal dozens of threads with people solving the same problem.
## Cons of Ubuntu
Unfortunately Ubuntu is developed by a commercial company, Canonical. The
company's interests come first, before the users' and they have a track record
of betraying their users' trust and privacy.
Years ago Ubuntu had a feature enabled by default that would send your desktop
searches to Amazon so they could suggest products for you to buy:
Currently whenever you remote login to your Ubuntu machine, it phones home to
Canonical and they collect info about your system:
While these reasons are fairly minor, they are quite frowned upon in the Linux
community and are reason enough to switch to Debian once you are comfortable
with using Linux.
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Tanner Collin
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<div class="info">
Tanner Collin
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{{ super() }}
<meta name="description" content="The personal website of Tanner Collin." />
<meta name="summary" content="The personal website of Tanner Collin." />
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Hi, I'm Tanner! I do firmware and web development in Calgary.
Hi, I'm Tanner! I do firmware design and web development.
<h2>Contact Info</h2>
Email: <a href=""></a> <br />
Telegram: <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">@tannercollin</a>
Telegram: <a href="" target="_blank">@tannercollin</a>
<li>Firmware Engineer at <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">Cabana Blockchain</a>, 2018–</li>
<li>Lead Hardware Engineer at <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">Critical Control</a>, 2016–2018</li>
<li>Electrical Engineer at <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">Opener Aero</a>, 2016–2016</li>
<li>Electrical Engineer Intern at <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">Pason Systems</a>, 2014–2015</li>
<li>Firmware Engineer at <a href="" target="_blank">Cabana Blockchain</a>, 2018–</li>
<li>Lead Hardware Engineer at <a href="" target="_blank">Critical Control</a>, 2016–2018</li>
<li>Electrical Engineer at <a href="" target="_blank">Opener Aero</a>, 2016–2016</li>
<li>Electrical Engineer Intern at <a href="" target="_blank">Pason Systems</a>, 2014–2015</li>
<li>BSc. Electrical Engineering from University of Calgary</li>
@ -37,10 +30,10 @@
You can find my code on <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">GitHub</a>.
You can find my code on <a href="" target="_blank">GitHub</a>.
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{% for article in articles_page.object_list %}
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<div class="summary">
{{ article.summary }}
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