
450 lines
12 KiB

from math import floor
from minecraft.networking.packets import Packet, PacketBuffer
from minecraft.networking.types import (
VarInt, Integer, UnsignedByte, Position, Vector, MutableRecord,
attribute_alias, multi_attribute_alias, Long, Boolean, VarLong,
Short, UnsignedLong, Byte, BlockFace, String, UUID, Angle, Double,
Float, Direction, PositionAndLook
from protocol.types import Nbt, Slot, Entry, Trade
import blocks
class ChunkDataPacket(Packet):
id = 0x20
packet_name = 'chunk data'
fields = 'x', 'bit_mask_y', 'z', 'full_chunk'
def read(self, file_object):
self.x = Integer.read(file_object)
self.z = Integer.read(file_object)
self.full_chunk = Boolean.read(file_object)
self.bit_mask_y = VarInt.read(file_object)
self.heightmaps = Nbt.read(file_object)
self.biomes = []
if self.full_chunk:
biomes_length = VarInt.read(file_object)
for i in range(biomes_length):
size = VarInt.read(file_object)
self.data = file_object.read(size)
size_entities = VarInt.read(file_object)
self.entities = []
for i in range(size_entities):
def write_fields(self, packet_buffer):
Integer.send(self.x, packet_buffer)
Integer.send(self.z, packet_buffer)
Boolean.send(self.full_chunk, packet_buffer)
VarInt.send(self.bit_mask_y, packet_buffer)
Nbt.send(self.heightmaps, packet_buffer)
if self.full_chunk:
for i in range(1024):
Integer.send(self.biomes[i], packet_buffer)
VarInt.send(len(self.data), packet_buffer)
VarInt.send(len(self.entities), packet_buffer)
for e in self.entities:
Nbt.send(e, packet_buffer)
def decode_chunk_data(self):
packet_data = PacketBuffer()
self.chunks = {}
for i in range(16): #0-15
self.chunks[i] = Chunk(self.x, i, self.z)
if self.bit_mask_y & (1 << i):
for e in self.entities:
y = e['y']
class Chunk:
position = multi_attribute_alias(Vector, 'x', 'y', 'z')
def __init__(self, x, y, z, empty=True):
self.x = x
self.y = y
self.z = z
self.empty = empty
self.entities = []
self.sub_index = {}
def __repr__(self):
return 'Chunk(%r, %r, %r)' % (self.x, self.y, self.z)
def read(self, file_object):
self.empty = False
self.block_count = Short.read(file_object)
self.bpb = UnsignedByte.read(file_object)
if self.bpb <= 4:
self.bpb = 4
if self.bpb <= 8: # Indirect palette
self.palette = []
size = VarInt.read(file_object)
for i in range(size):
else: # Direct palette
self.palette = None
size = VarInt.read(file_object)
longs = []
for i in range(size):
self.blocks = []
mask = (1 << self.bpb)-1
bits_used = int(64 / self.bpb) * self.bpb
for i in range(4096):
l1 = int((i*self.bpb)/bits_used)
offset = (i*self.bpb)%bits_used
n = longs[l1] >> offset
n &= mask
if self.palette:
n = self.palette[n]
if n in blocks.INDEXED_IDS:
if n not in self.sub_index:
self.sub_index[n] = []
def write_fields(self, packet_buffer):
pass # TODO
def get_block_at(self, x, y, z):
if self.empty:
return 0
return self.blocks[x+y*256+z*16]
def set_block_at(self, x, y, z, block):
if self.empty:
self.blocks[x+y*256+z*16] = block
def init_empty(self):
self.blocks = []
for i in range(4096):
self.empty = False
def origin(self):
return self.position*16
class AcknowledgePlayerDiggingPacket(Packet):
id = 0x07
packet_name = 'acknowledge player digging'
definition = [
{'location': Position},
{'block': VarInt},
{'status': VarInt},
{'successful': Boolean},
class BlockBreakAnimationPacket(Packet):
id = 0x08
packet_name = 'block break animation'
definition = [
{'entity_id': VarInt},
{'location': Position},
{'destroy_stage': Byte},
class SetSlotPacket(Packet):
id = 0x15
packet_name = 'set slot'
definition = [
{'window_id': Byte},
{'slot': Short},
{'slot_data': Slot},
class PlayerDiggingPacket(Packet):
# used when player mines / breaks blocks
# https://wiki.vg/Protocol#Player_Digging
id = 0x1B
packet_name = 'player digging'
definition = [
{'status': VarInt},
{'location': Position},
{'face': VarInt},
# PlayerBlockPlacementPacket.Face is an alias for BlockFace.
Face = BlockFace
class PickItemPacket(Packet):
# used when player picks item (middle click)
# https://wiki.vg/Protocol#Pick_Item
id = 0x18
packet_name = 'pick item'
definition = [
{'slot_to_use': VarInt},
class HeldItemChangePacket(Packet):
# Sent when the player changes the slot selection
# https://wiki.vg/Protocol#Held_Item_Change_.28serverbound.29
id = 0x25
packet_name = 'held item change'
definition = [
{'slot': Short},
class OpenWindowPacket(Packet):
# Sent to the client when it should open an inventory, such as a chest, workbench, or furnace
# https://wiki.vg/Protocol#Open_Window
id = 0x2D
packet_name = 'open window'
definition = [
{'window_id': VarInt},
{'window_type': VarInt},
{'window_title': String},
class CloseWindowPacket(Packet):
# Sent by the client when closing a window
# https://wiki.vg/Protocol#Close_Window_.28serverbound.29
id = 0x0A
packet_name = 'close window'
definition = [
{'window_id': UnsignedByte},
class ClickWindowPacket(Packet):
# Sent by the player when it clicks on a slot in a window
# https://wiki.vg/Protocol#Click_Window
id = 0x09
packet_name = 'click window'
definition = [
{'window_id': UnsignedByte},
{'slot': Short},
{'button': Byte},
{'action_number': Short},
{'mode': VarInt},
{'clicked_item': Slot},
class ClientWindowConfirmationPacket(Packet):
# Sent by the server indicating whether a request from the client was accepted
# https://wiki.vg/Protocol#Window_Confirmation_.28clientbound.29
id = 0x11
packet_name = 'client window confirmation'
definition = [
{'window_id': Byte},
{'action_number': Short},
{'accepted': Boolean},
class ServerWindowConfirmationPacket(Packet):
# Sent by the client to confirm an unaccepted click
# https://wiki.vg/Protocol#Window_Confirmation_.28serverbound.29
id = 0x07
packet_name = 'client window confirmation'
definition = [
{'window_id': Byte},
{'action_number': Short},
{'accepted': Boolean},
class EntityMetadataPacket(Packet):
# Updates one or more metadata properties for an existing entity
# https://wiki.vg/Protocol#Entity_Metadata
id = 0x44
packet_name = 'entity metadata'
fields = 'entity_id', 'metadata'
class Entry:
__slots__ = 'index', 'type', 'value'
def read(self, file_object):
self.entity_id = VarInt.read(file_object)
self.metadata = []
for _ in range(99):
entry = Entry.read(file_object, self.context)
if not entry: break
class SpawnLivingEntityPacket(Packet):
# Sent by the server when a living entity is spawned
# https://wiki.vg/Protocol#Spawn_Entity
id = 0x02
packet_name = 'spawn living entity'
definition = [
{'entity_id': VarInt},
{'entity_uuid': UUID},
{'type': VarInt},
{'x': Double},
{'y': Double},
{'z': Double},
{'yaw': Angle},
{'pitch': Angle},
{'head_pitch': Angle},
{'velocity_x': Short},
{'velocity_y': Short},
{'velocity_z': Short},
class EntityTeleport(Packet):
# Sent by the server when an entity moves more than 8 blocks
# https://wiki.vg/Protocol#Entity_Teleport
id = 0x56
packet_name = 'entity teleport'
definition = [
{'entity_id': VarInt},
{'x': Double},
{'y': Double},
{'z': Double},
{'yaw': Angle},
{'pitch': Angle},
{'on_ground': Boolean},
class EntityPositionRotationPacket(Packet):
# Sent by the server when an entity rotates and moves
# https://wiki.vg/Protocol#Entity_Position_and_Rotation
id = 0x28
packet_name = 'entity position and rotation'
definition = [
{'entity_id': VarInt},
{'delta_x': Short},
{'delta_y': Short},
{'delta_z': Short},
{'yaw': Angle},
{'pitch': Angle},
{'on_ground': Boolean},
class DestroyEntitiesPacket(Packet):
# Sent by the server when a list of entities is to be destroyed on the client
# https://wiki.vg/Protocol#Destroy_Entities
id = 0x36
packet_name = 'destroy entities'
fields = 'count', 'entity_ids'
def read(self, file_object):
self.count = VarInt.read(file_object)
self.entity_ids = []
for _ in range(self.count):
eid = VarInt.read(file_object)
class EntityActionPacket(Packet):
# Sent by the client when it performs an action
# https://wiki.vg/Protocol#Entity_Action
id = 0x1C
packet_name = 'entity action'
definition = [
{'entity_id': VarInt},
{'action_id': VarInt},
{'jump_boost': VarInt},
class InteractEntityPacket(Packet):
# Sent when the client attacks or right-clicks another entity
# https://wiki.vg/Protocol#Interact_Entity
id = 0x0E
packet_name = 'interact entity'
definition = [
{'entity_id': VarInt},
{'type': VarInt},
#{'target_x': Float},
#{'target_y': Float},
#{'target_z': Float},
{'hand': VarInt},
{'sneaking': Boolean},
class TradeListPacket(Packet):
# The list of trades a villager NPC is offering.
# https://wiki.vg/Protocol#Trade_List
id = 0x26
packet_name = 'trade list'
fields = (
def read(self, file_object):
self.window_id = VarInt.read(file_object)
self.size = Byte.read(file_object)
self.trades = []
for _ in range(self.size):
trade = Trade.read(file_object)
self.villager_level = VarInt.read(file_object)
self.experience = VarInt.read(file_object)
self.is_regular_villager = Boolean.read(file_object)
self.can_restock = Boolean.read(file_object)
class SelectTradePacket(Packet):
# Sent when a player selects a specific trade offered by a villager
# https://wiki.vg/Protocol#Select_Trade
id = 0x23
packet_name = 'select trade entity'
definition = [
{'selected_slot': VarInt},