You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

191 lines
6.6 KiB

import os
from math import floor
import json
import time
from minecraft.networking.packets import clientbound, serverbound
from protocol import packets
import utils
class DataManager:
def __init__(self, directory):
self.blocks = {}
self.blocks_states = {}
self.blocks_properties = {}
self.registries = {}
self.biomes = {}
self.entity_type = {}
if not os.path.isdir(directory):
raise FileNotFoundError("%s is not a valid directory")
if not os.path.isfile("%s/registries.json"%(directory)):
raise FileNotFoundError("%s is not a valid minecraft data directory")
with open("%s/blocks.json"%(directory)) as f:
blocks = json.loads(
for x in blocks:
for s in blocks[x]['states']:
self.blocks_states[s['id']] = x
self.blocks_properties[s['id']] = s.get('properties', {})
with open("%s/registries.json"%(directory)) as f:
registries = json.loads(
#for x in registries["minecraft:biome"]["entries"]:
# self.biomes[registries["minecraft:biome"]["entries"][x]["protocol_id"]] = x
for x in registries["minecraft:entity_type"]["entries"]:
self.entity_type[registries["minecraft:entity_type"]["entries"][x]["protocol_id"]] = x
class ChunksManager:
def __init__(self, data_manager): = data_manager
self.chunks = {}
self.biomes = {}
self.index = {}
def handle_block(self, block_packet):
self.set_block_at(block_packet.location.x, block_packet.location.y, block_packet.location.z, block_packet.block_state_id)
def handle_multiblock(self, multiblock_packet):
dx = 16 * multiblock_packet.chunk_section_pos.x
dy = 16 * multiblock_packet.chunk_section_pos.y
dz = 16 * multiblock_packet.chunk_section_pos.z
for b in multiblock_packet.records:
self.set_block_at(dx+b.x, dy+b.y, dz+b.z, b.block_state_id)
def handle_chunk(self, chunk_packet):
for i in chunk_packet.chunks:
chunk = chunk_packet.chunks[i]
self.chunks[(chunk_packet.x, i, chunk_packet.z)] = chunk
if chunk.sub_index:
dx = chunk.x * 16
dy = chunk.y * 16
dz = chunk.z * 16
for item_id, locations in chunk.sub_index.items():
if item_id not in self.index:
self.index[item_id] = []
for l in locations:
coords = (dx + l%16, dy + l//256, dz + l%256//16)
self.biomes[(chunk_packet.x, None, chunk_packet.z)] = chunk_packet.biomes # FIXME
def register(self, connection):
connection.register_packet_listener(self.handle_chunk, packets.ChunkDataPacket)
def get_chunk(self, x, y, z):
index = (x, y, z)
if not index in self.chunks:
return None
#raise ChunkNotLoadedException(index)
return self.chunks[index]
def get_loaded_area(self, ignore_empty=False):
first = next(iter(self.chunks.keys()))
x0 = x1 = first[0]
y0 = y1 = first[1]
z0 = z1 = first[2]
for k in self.chunks.keys():
if ignore_empty and self.chunks[k].empty:
x0 = min(x0, k[0])
x1 = max(x1, k[0])
y0 = min(y0, k[1])
y1 = max(y1, k[1])
z0 = min(z0, k[2])
z1 = max(z1, k[2])
return ((x0,y0,z0),(x1,y1,z1))
def get_block_at(self, x, y, z):
c = self.get_chunk(floor(x/16), floor(y/16), floor(z/16))
if not c: return None
return c.get_block_at(x%16, y%16, z%16)
def set_block_at(self, x, y, z, block):
c = self.get_chunk(floor(x/16), floor(y/16), floor(z/16))
if not c: return None
c.set_block_at(x%16, y%16, z%16, block)
def check_loaded(self, position, steps):
x, y, z = utils.pint(position)
player_chunk = (x//16, 1, z//16)
for i in range(steps): # TODO: base off render_distance?
offset = utils.spiral(i)
check = utils.padd(player_chunk, offset)
if check not in self.chunks:
return False
return True
def unload_chunks(self, position):
x, y, z = utils.pint(position)
player_chunk = (x//16, 0, z//16)
loaded_chunks = list(self.chunks.keys())
for chunk in loaded_chunks:
check = (chunk[0], 0, chunk[2])
if utils.phyp_king(player_chunk, check) > 20:
del self.chunks[chunk]
class ChunkNotLoadedException(Exception):
def __str__(self):
pos = self.args[0]
return "Chunk at %d %d %d not loaded (yet?)"%(pos[0], pos[1], pos[2])
class ChatManager:
def __init__(self, global_state):
self.g = global_state
self.handler = None
def translate_chat(self, data):
if isinstance(data, str):
return data
elif 'extra' in data:
return ''.join([self.translate_chat(x) for x in data['extra']])
elif 'text' in data:
return data['text']
elif 'with' in data:
if len(data['with']) >= 2:
return '<{}> {}'.format(*[self.translate_chat(x) for x in data['with']])
return self.translate_chat(data['with'][0])
elif 'translate' in data:
return data['translate']
return '?'
def print_chat(self, chat_packet):
source = chat_packet.field_string('position')
text = self.translate_chat(json.loads(chat_packet.json_data))
print('[%s] %s'%(source, text))
except Exception as ex:
print('Exception %r on message (%s): %s' % (ex, chat_packet.field_string('position'), chat_packet.json_data))
if self.handler:
self.handler((source, text))
def set_handler(self, func):
self.handler = func
def send(self, text):
if not text:
# Prevents connection bug when sending empty chat message
packet =
packet.message = text