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import re
import time
import importlib
import random
from itertools import count
from math import hypot, floor
from minecraft.networking.types import BlockFace
from protocol.managers import ChunkNotLoadedException
import utils
import path
import blocks
import items
import mcdata
import mobs
class GrabSaplingStates:
def idle(self):
return None
def init(self):
self.state = self.find_saplings
print('Trying to grab a sapling')
def find_saplings(self):
w =
p = utils.pint(self.g.pos)
saplings = w.find_objects(items.SAPLING_IDS)
if not saplings:
print('No sapling objects found, aborting')
self.state = self.cleanup
saplings.sort(key=lambda s: utils.phyp(p, (s.x, s.y, s.z)))
for s in saplings:
s_pos = utils.pint((s.x, s.y, s.z))
check = utils.padd(s_pos, path.BLOCK_BELOW)
if s.entity_id in self.eid_blacklist:
# skip if the sapling is floating
if self.g.chunks.get_block_at(*check) in blocks.LEAF_IDS | {0}:
navpath = w.path_to_place(p, s_pos)
if navpath:
self.g.path = navpath
self.state = self.going_to_sapling
self.sapling = s_pos
print('Going to sapling', self.sapling)
print('Cant get to any more saplings, aborting')
self.state = self.cleanup
def going_to_sapling(self):
if utils.pint(self.g.pos) == self.sapling:
self.state = self.find_saplings
def cleanup(self):
self.g.look_at = None
self.state = self.done
def done(self):
# never gets ran, placeholder
return None
def __init__(self, global_state):
self.g = global_state
self.state = self.idle
self.sapling = None
self.eid_blacklist = []
def run(self):