if __name__ == '__main__': print('Run main.py instead.') exit(1) import os import time import importlib from math import floor, ceil USERNAME = os.environ['USERNAME'] PASSWORD = os.environ['PASSWORD'] SERVER = os.environ['SERVER'] import monkey_patch # must be before any possible pyCraft imports from minecraft import authentication from minecraft.exceptions import YggdrasilError from minecraft.networking.connection import Connection from minecraft.networking.packets import Packet, clientbound, serverbound from protocol.managers import DataManager, ChunksManager, ChatManager, ChunkNotLoadedException from protocol.packets import TimeUpdatePacket, SetSlotPacket from bunch import Bunch from panda3d.core import LPoint3f, LVector3f import packet_handlers importlib.reload(packet_handlers) import blocks importlib.reload(blocks) import utils importlib.reload(utils) import path importlib.reload(path) TICK = 0.05 last_tick = time.time() PITCH_ANGLE_DIR = LVector3f(x=0, y=1, z=0) YAW_ANGLE_DIR = LVector3f(x=0, y=0, z=-1) YAW_ANGLE_REF = LVector3f(x=0, y=1, z=0) YAW_LOOK_AHEAD = 4 def tick(global_state): g = global_state l = g.local_state p = g.pos target = None try: g.chunks.get_block_at(*utils.pint(p)) except ChunkNotLoadedException: return #l.jobstate.run() if l.path and len(l.path): target = LPoint3f(l.path[0]) target.x += 0.5 target.z += 0.5 if target: d = p - target # jump up block if d.y < -0.9 and not l.y_v: l.y_v = 8.5 l.y_a = -36.0 # jump gap if d.xz.length() > 1.6 and not l.y_v: l.y_v = 8.5 l.y_a = -36.0 if d.length() > 0: if l.y_v < 5: p.x -= utils.cap(d.x, 0.2) p.z -= utils.cap(d.z, 0.2) if len(l.path) > 1 and d.length() < 0.2: # removes some jitter in walking l.path.pop(0) elif d.length() == 0: l.path.pop(0) if l.y_v or l.y_a: p.y += l.y_v * TICK l.y_v += l.y_a * TICK block_below = g.chunks.get_block_at(floor(p.x), ceil(p.y-1), floor(p.z)) in_air = block_below in blocks.NON_SOLID_IDS if in_air: l.y_a = -36.0 else: p.y = ceil(p.y) l.y_v = 0 l.y_a = 0 if l.look_at: look_at = LPoint3f(l.look_at) elif l.path and len(l.path) > YAW_LOOK_AHEAD: look_at = LPoint3f(l.path[YAW_LOOK_AHEAD]) elif l.path and len(l.path): look_at = LPoint3f(l.path[-1]) else: look_at = None if look_at: look_at.x += 0.5 look_at.z += 0.5 look_at_d = p - look_at if look_at_d.length() > 0.6: target_pitch = look_at_d.normalized().angleDeg(PITCH_ANGLE_DIR) target_pitch = (target_pitch - 90) * -1 target_pitch_d = target_pitch - l.pitch l.pitch += utils.cap(target_pitch_d, 10) # remove vertical component for yaw calculation look_at_d.y = 0 target_yaw = look_at_d.normalized().signedAngleDeg(other=YAW_ANGLE_DIR, ref=YAW_ANGLE_REF) target_yaw_d = target_yaw - l.yaw target_yaw_d = (target_yaw_d + 180) % 360 - 180 l.yaw += utils.cap(target_yaw_d, 30) else: target_pitch_d = 0 - l.pitch l.pitch += utils.cap(target_pitch_d, 10) packet = serverbound.play.PositionAndLookPacket(x=p.x, feet_y=p.y, z=p.z, pitch=l.pitch, yaw=l.yaw, on_ground=(not in_air)) g.connection.write_packet(packet, force=True) def init(global_state): g = global_state l = g.local_state l.time = 0 l.path = [] l.look_at = None l.y_v = 0 l.y_a = 0 l.yaw = 360 l.pitch = 0 #l.break = None #l.break_time = 0 #l.break_timeout = 0 #l.break_finished_packet = None #l.jobstate = JobStates(connection, player_info) #l.jobstate.run() def bot(global_state): g = global_state g.local_state = Bunch() if not g.mcdata: g.mcdata = DataManager('./mcdata') if not g.connection: auth_token = authentication.AuthenticationToken() try: auth_token.authenticate(USERNAME, PASSWORD) except YggdrasilError as e: print(e) sys.exit() print("Logged in as %s..." % auth_token.username) g.connection = Connection(SERVER, 25565, auth_token=auth_token) g.chunks = ChunksManager(g.mcdata) g.connection.connect() def packet_wrapper(handler): def wrapper(packet): handler(packet, g) return wrapper g.chunks.register(g.connection) def x(p): print(p) h = packet_wrapper(packet_handlers.handle_block_change) g.connection.register_packet_listener(h, clientbound.play.BlockChangePacket) h = packet_wrapper(packet_handlers.handle_join_game) g.connection.register_packet_listener(h, clientbound.play.JoinGamePacket) h = packet_wrapper(packet_handlers.handle_position_and_look) g.connection.register_packet_listener(h, clientbound.play.PlayerPositionAndLookPacket) g.chat = ChatManager(g) h = packet_wrapper(packet_handlers.handle_chat) g.chat.set_handler(h) h = packet_wrapper(packet_handlers.handle_time_update) g.connection.register_packet_listener(h, TimeUpdatePacket) h = packet_wrapper(packet_handlers.handle_set_slot) g.connection.register_packet_listener(h, SetSlotPacket) try: while not g.pos: time.sleep(TICK) print('Player loaded.') x, y, z = utils.pint(g.pos) while (floor(x/16), floor(y/16), floor(z/16)) not in g.chunks.chunks: time.sleep(TICK) print('Chunks loaded.') init(g) while g.running: tick(g) global last_tick sleep_time = TICK + last_tick - time.time() if sleep_time < 0: sleep_time = 0 time.sleep(sleep_time) last_tick = time.time() finally: print('Removing listeners...') g.connection.packet_listeners = [] g.connection.early_packet_listeners = [] g.connection.outgoing_packet_listeners = [] g.connection.early_outgoing_packet_listeners = [] print('Bot module loaded.')