import re import time import importlib from panda3d.core import LPoint3f from minecraft.networking.packets import Packet, clientbound, serverbound import utils importlib.reload(utils) import path importlib.reload(path) def handle_join_game(packet, g): print('Connected.') print(packet) = packet def handle_block_change(packet, g): l = g.local_state if packet.block_state_id == 3887: try: l.goal = LPoint3f(x=packet.location[0], y=packet.location[1], z=packet.location[2]) print('new waypoint:', l.goal) start = time.time() solution = path.Pathfinder(g.chunks).astar(utils.pint(g.pos), utils.pint(l.goal)) if solution: solution = list(solution) l.path = solution #l.jobstate.state = l.jobstate.stop print(len(solution)) print(solution) print(round(time.time() - start, 3), 'seconds') else: print('No path found') #say(connection, 'No path found') #l.y_v = 10.0 #l.y_a = -36.0 except BaseException as e: import traceback print(traceback.format_exc()) def handle_position_and_look(packet, g): print('pos and look:') print(packet) p = LPoint3f(x=packet.x, y=packet.y, z=packet.z) g.pos = p def handle_chat(message, g): source, text = message reply = None match = re.match(r'<(\w+)> (.*)', text) if match: sender, text = match.groups() else: return if text.startswith('! '): text = text[2:] elif text.startswith('!'): text = text[1:] else: return if ' ' in text: command = text.split(' ', 1)[0] data = text.split(' ', 1)[1] else: command = text if command == 'ping': reply = 'pong' if command == 'echo' and data: reply = data if command == 'respawn': packet = packet.action_id = g.connection.write_packet(packet) reply = 'ok' if command == 'pos': reply = str(utils.pint(g.pos))[1:-1] if command == 'afk': reply = '/afk' if command == 'error': reply = 'ok' raise if reply: print(reply)