import re import time import random from itertools import count from munch import Munch from minecraft.networking.packets import Packet, clientbound, serverbound from minecraft.networking.types import BlockFace from mosfet.protocol.packets import ( SetSlotPacket, PlayerDiggingPacket, BlockBreakAnimationPacket, AcknowledgePlayerDiggingPacket, HeldItemChangePacket, PickItemPacket, OpenWindowPacket, ClickWindowPacket, CloseWindowPacket, ServerWindowConfirmationPacket, ClientWindowConfirmationPacket, EntityMetadataPacket, SpawnLivingEntityPacket, EntityPositionRotationPacket, DestroyEntitiesPacket, EntityActionPacket, EntityTeleport, InteractEntityPacket, TradeListPacket, SelectTradePacket, DisconnectPacket, ) from mosfet.protocol.types import Slot from mosfet import utils from mosfet import path from mosfet import bot from mosfet import vector from import blocks from import items from import mcdata from import mobs class Game: def __init__(self, global_state): self.g = global_state register = self.g.connection.register_packet_listener register(self.handle_login_success, clientbound.login.LoginSuccessPacket) register(self.handle_block_change, register(self.handle_join_game, register(self.handle_position_and_look, register(self.handle_time_update, register(self.handle_set_slot, SetSlotPacket) register(self.handle_break_animation, BlockBreakAnimationPacket) register(self.handle_break_ack, AcknowledgePlayerDiggingPacket) register(self.handle_window, OpenWindowPacket) register(self.handle_window_confirmation, ClientWindowConfirmationPacket) register(self.handle_spawn_object, register(self.handle_entity_metadata, EntityMetadataPacket) register(self.handle_spawn_living, SpawnLivingEntityPacket) register(self.handle_entity_position, register(self.handle_entity_position_rotation, EntityPositionRotationPacket) register(self.handle_destroy_entities, DestroyEntitiesPacket) register(self.handle_spawn_player, register(self.handle_respawn, register(self.handle_player_list, register(self.handle_entity_teleport, EntityTeleport) register(self.handle_update_health, #register(self.handle_entity_velocity, register(self.handle_trade_list, TradeListPacket) register(self.handle_disconnect, DisconnectPacket) #register(self.handle_packet, Packet, early=True) def handle_login_success(self, packet): print(packet) = packet.Username def handle_join_game(self, packet): print('Received join game packet') print('Connected.') = packet self.g.eid = packet.entity_id self.g.dimension = packet.world_name.replace('minecraft:', '') def handle_block_change(self, packet): if packet.block_state_id == blocks.SOUL_TORCH: try: self.g.goal = vector.Point3D((packet.location[0], packet.location[1], packet.location[2])) print('new waypoint:', self.g.goal) start = time.time() solution = path.Pathfinder(self.g).astar(utils.pint(self.g.pos), utils.pint(self.g.goal)) if solution: solution = list(solution) self.g.path = solution if self.g.job: self.g.job.stop() print(len(solution)) print(solution) print(round(time.time() - start, 3), 'seconds') else: print('No path found') #say(connection, 'No path found') #g.y_v = 10.0 #g.y_a = -36.0 except BaseException as e: import traceback print(traceback.format_exc()) #print(packet) def handle_position_and_look(self, packet): print(packet) p = vector.Point3D((packet.x, packet.y, packet.z)) self.g.pos = p confirm_packet = confirm_packet.teleport_id = packet.teleport_id self.g.connection.write_packet(confirm_packet) self.g.correction_count += 1 if self.g.get('path', None) and self.g.correction_count > 5: self.g.correction_count = 0 dest = self.g.path[-1] w = p = utils.pint(self.g.pos) new_path = w.path_to_place(p, dest) if new_path: self.g.path = new_path def handle_time_update(self, packet): self.g.time = packet.time_of_day % 24000 def handle_set_slot(self, packet): g = self.g print(packet) if packet.window_id == 0: g.inv[packet.slot] = packet.slot_data elif g.window: g.window.contents[packet.slot] = packet.slot_data if g.item_lock and packet.window_id >= 0 and not packet.slot_data.present: print('Unlocking item lock') g.item_lock = False def break_block(self, location): p = utils.pint(self.g.pos) #if utils.phyp(p, location) > blocks.BREAK_DISTANCE + 1: # return False bid = self.g.chunks.get_block_at(*location) if bid == 0: return False packet = PlayerDiggingPacket() packet.status = 0 packet.location = location packet.face = 1 self.g.connection.write_packet(packet) self.g.breaking = location self.g.break_time = time.time() + utils.break_time(bid, self.g.holding) return True def break_finish(self): packet = PlayerDiggingPacket() packet.status = 2 packet.location = self.g.breaking packet.face = 1 self.g.connection.write_packet(packet) #self.g.chunks.set_block_at(*self.g.breaking, 0) if self.g.chunks.get_block_at(*self.g.breaking) == 0: self.g.breaking = None def handle_break_animation(self, packet): return print(packet) def handle_break_ack(self, packet): #print(packet) return def respawn(self): packet = packet.action_id = self.g.connection.write_packet(packet) def animate(self): packet = packet.hand = packet.HAND_MAIN self.g.connection.write_packet(packet) def place_block(self, location, face): packet = packet.hand = 0 packet.location = location packet.face = face packet.x = 0.5 packet.y = 0.5 packet.z = 0.5 packet.inside_block = False self.g.connection.write_packet(packet) def pick(self, slot): packet = PickItemPacket() packet.slot_to_use = slot self.g.connection.write_packet(packet) def hold(self, slot): packet = HeldItemChangePacket() packet.slot = slot self.g.connection.write_packet(packet) def choose_slot(self, slot): if slot >= 36: slot -= 36 self.hold(slot) else: self.pick(slot) def count_items(self, items): # count how many items are in inv count = 0 for slot, item in self.g.inv.items(): if item.item_id in items: count += item.item_count return count def count_inventory_slots(self): # count how many inventory slots are filled # excludes armour, crafting slots, off-hand count = 0 for slot, item in self.g.inv.items(): if item.present and slot >= 9 and slot <= 45: count += 1 return count def count_window_slots(self): # count how many window slots are filled # excludes player inventory w = self.g.window w_info = mcdata.WINDOWS[] w_container_slots = w_info.container count = 0 for slot, item in w.contents.items(): if item.present and slot in w_container_slots: count += 1 return count def get_window_slot(self, item_id): # get the first slot that matches item of a window window_items = list(self.g.window.contents.items()) for slot, item in window_items: if not item.present: continue if item.item_id == item_id: return slot, item else: #for return False, False def select_item(self, items): # select the first match from items of inv # uses smallest stack of that match # and optionally the most damaged item inv_items = list(self.g.inv.items()) inv_items.sort(key=lambda x: (x[1].nbt or {}).get('Damage', 0), reverse=True) inv_items.sort(key=lambda x: x[1].item_count or 0) for slot, item in inv_items: if item.item_id in items: self.g.holding = item.item_id return True else: #for return False def select_random_item(self, items): # select a random match from items of inv # this is random per item type # example: 5 stacks wood, 1 stack glass # -> still 50/50 chance between them matches = set() for slot, item in self.g.inv.items(): if item.item_id in items: matches.add(item.item_id) if matches: return self.select_item([random.choice(list(matches))]) else: return False def select_next_item(self): # select the next item slot that has an item for slot, item in self.g.inv.items(): if slot < 9: continue # skip armour slots if item.present: print('slot:', slot, 'item:', item) self.g.holding = item.item_id return True else: # for return False def drop_stack(self): packet = PlayerDiggingPacket() packet.status = 3 packet.location = utils.pint(self.g.pos) packet.face = 1 self.g.connection.write_packet(packet) def open_container(self, location): bid = self.g.chunks.get_block_at(*location) # TODO: check if block is a chest?? self.place_block(location, BlockFace.TOP) def handle_window(self, packet): print(packet) self.g.window = Munch(data=packet, contents=dict(), count=0) def click_window(self, slot, button, mode, item): w = self.g.window packet = ClickWindowPacket() packet.window_id = packet.slot = slot packet.button = button packet.action_number = w.count packet.mode = mode packet.clicked_item = item self.g.connection.write_packet(packet) print('<--', packet) w.count += 1 def close_window(self): if self.g.window: packet = CloseWindowPacket() packet.window_id = self.g.connection.write_packet(packet) self.g.window = None def handle_window_confirmation(self, packet): print(packet) packet2 = ServerWindowConfirmationPacket() packet2.window_id = packet.window_id packet2.action_number = packet.action_number packet2.accepted = packet.accepted self.g.connection.write_packet(packet2) def handle_spawn_player(self, packet): print(packet) self.g.players[packet.entity_id] = Munch( entity_id=packet.entity_id, player_uuid=packet.player_UUID, x=packet.x, y=packet.y, z=packet.z, yaw=packet.yaw, pitch=packet.pitch, ) def handle_spawn_object(self, packet): #return if packet.type_id != 37: return #print(packet) self.g.objects[packet.entity_id] = Munch( entity_id=packet.entity_id, x=packet.x, y=packet.y, z=packet.z, velocity_x=packet.velocity_x, velocity_y=packet.velocity_y, velocity_z=packet.velocity_z, ) def check_gapple(self, packet): current_gapple_chest = self.g.job.find_gapple_states.current_chest if current_gapple_chest: for entry in packet.metadata: if entry.type != 6: continue if entry.value.item_id in items.GAPPLE_ID:'gapple found: ' + str(current_gapple_chest)[1:-1]) print('gapple found:', str(current_gapple_chest)[1:-1]) def handle_entity_metadata(self, packet): if not packet.metadata: return if self.g.job and self.g.job.state == self.g.job.find_gapple_states: self.check_gapple(packet) obj = self.g.objects.get(packet.entity_id, None) if obj: for entry in packet.metadata: if entry.type != 6: continue obj.item_id = entry.value.item_id obj.item_count = entry.value.item_count mob = self.g.mobs.get(packet.entity_id, None) if mob: for entry in packet.metadata: if mob.type == mobs.VILLAGER: if entry.index == 17: mob.profession = entry.value[1] player = self.g.players.get(packet.entity_id, None) if player: return def handle_spawn_living(self, packet): self.g.mobs[packet.entity_id] = Munch( entity_id=packet.entity_id, entity_uuid=packet.entity_uuid, type=packet.type, x=packet.x, y=packet.y, z=packet.z, ) def handle_entity_position(self, packet): mob = self.g.mobs.get(packet.entity_id, None) if mob: mob.x += packet.delta_x / 4096.0 mob.y += packet.delta_y / 4096.0 mob.z += packet.delta_z / 4096.0 player = self.g.players.get(packet.entity_id, None) if player: player.x += packet.delta_x / 4096.0 player.y += packet.delta_y / 4096.0 player.z += packet.delta_z / 4096.0 #if player.player_uuid == '0c123cfa-1697-4427-9413-4b645dee7ec0': print(packet) def handle_entity_position_rotation(self, packet): mob = self.g.mobs.get(packet.entity_id, None) if mob: mob.x += packet.delta_x / 4096.0 mob.y += packet.delta_y / 4096.0 mob.z += packet.delta_z / 4096.0 player = self.g.players.get(packet.entity_id, None) if player: player.x += packet.delta_x / 4096.0 player.y += packet.delta_y / 4096.0 player.z += packet.delta_z / 4096.0 #if player.player_uuid == '0c123cfa-1697-4427-9413-4b645dee7ec0': print(packet) def handle_entity_teleport(self, packet): mob = self.g.mobs.get(packet.entity_id, None) if mob: mob.x = packet.x mob.y = packet.y mob.z = packet.z player = self.g.players.get(packet.entity_id, None) if player: player.x = packet.x player.y = packet.y player.z = packet.z #if player.player_uuid == '0c123cfa-1697-4427-9413-4b645dee7ec0': print(packet) def handle_entity_velocity(self, packet): obj = self.g.objects.get(packet.entity_id, None) if obj: print(packet) #obj.velocity_x = packet.velocity_x #obj.velocity_y = packet.velocity_y #obj.velocity_z = packet.velocity_z def handle_destroy_entities(self, packet): for eid in packet.entity_ids: if eid in self.g.objects: del self.g.objects[eid] if eid in self.g.mobs: del self.g.mobs[eid] if eid in self.g.players: del self.g.players[eid] def leave_bed(self): packet = EntityActionPacket() packet.entity_id = self.g.eid packet.action_id = 2 packet.jump_boost = 0 self.g.connection.write_packet(packet) def handle_respawn(self, packet): print(packet) self.g.dimension = packet.world_name.replace('minecraft:', '') def handle_player_list(self, packet): for action in packet.actions: if isinstance(action, packet.AddPlayerAction): self.g.player_names[action.uuid] = self.g.player_names[] = action.uuid # porque no los dos? def handle_update_health(self, packet): print(packet) = = if == 0: print('Died, stopping') print('Use 1respawn to respawn the bot') self.close_window() bot.init(self.g) def use_item(self, hand): packet = packet.hand = hand self.g.connection.write_packet(packet) def interact(self, eid): packet = InteractEntityPacket() packet.entity_id = eid packet.type = 0 packet.hand = 0 packet.sneaking = False self.g.connection.write_packet(packet) def handle_trade_list(self, packet): print(packet) self.g.trades = packet.trades def select_trade(self, num): packet = SelectTradePacket() packet.selected_slot = num self.g.connection.write_packet(packet) def handle_disconnect(self, packet): print(packet) print('Client disconnected!') import os os._exit(1) def tick(self): if self.g.breaking: self.animate() if time.time() >= self.g.break_time: #- 2*utils.TICK: self.break_finish() if self.g.dumping and not self.g.item_lock: if self.select_item([self.g.dumping]): self.drop_stack() self.g.item_lock = True else: self.g.dumping = None if self.g.draining and not self.g.item_lock: if self.select_next_item(): self.drop_stack() self.g.item_lock = True else: self.g.draining = False if not self.g.path: self.g.correction_count = 0