import re import time import importlib from panda3d.core import LPoint3f from minecraft.networking.packets import Packet, clientbound, serverbound from protocol.packets import TimeUpdatePacket, SetSlotPacket, PlayerDiggingPacket, BlockBreakAnimationPacket, AcknowledgePlayerDiggingPacket import utils importlib.reload(utils) import path importlib.reload(path) import blocks importlib.reload(blocks) class Game: def __init__(self, global_state): self.g = global_state self.l = self.g.local_state register = self.g.connection.register_packet_listener register(self.handle_block_change, register(self.handle_join_game, register(self.handle_position_and_look, register(self.handle_time_update, TimeUpdatePacket) register(self.handle_set_slot, SetSlotPacket) register(self.handle_break_animation, BlockBreakAnimationPacket) register(self.handle_break_ack, AcknowledgePlayerDiggingPacket) def handle_join_game(self, packet): print('Connected.') print(packet) = packet self.g.eid = packet.entity_id def handle_block_change(self, packet): l = self.g.local_state if packet.block_state_id == blocks.SOUL_TORCH: try: l.goal = LPoint3f(x=packet.location[0], y=packet.location[1], z=packet.location[2]) print('new waypoint:', l.goal) start = time.time() solution = path.Pathfinder(self.g.chunks).astar(utils.pint(self.g.pos), utils.pint(l.goal)) if solution: solution = list(solution) l.path = solution #l.jobstate.state = l.jobstate.stop print(len(solution)) print(solution) print(round(time.time() - start, 3), 'seconds') else: print('No path found') #say(connection, 'No path found') #l.y_v = 10.0 #l.y_a = -36.0 except BaseException as e: import traceback print(traceback.format_exc()) def handle_position_and_look(self, packet): print('pos and look:') print(packet) p = LPoint3f(x=packet.x, y=packet.y, z=packet.z) self.g.pos = p def handle_chat(self, message): source, text = message reply = None match = re.match(r'<(\w+)> (.*)', text) if match: sender, text = match.groups() else: return if text.startswith('! '): text = text[2:] elif text.startswith('!'): text = text[1:] else: return if ' ' in text: command = text.split(' ', 1)[0] data = text.split(' ', 1)[1] else: command = text if command == 'ping': reply = 'pong' if command == 'echo' and data: reply = data if command == 'respawn': packet = packet.action_id = self.g.connection.write_packet(packet) reply = 'ok' if command == 'pos': reply = str(utils.pint(self.g.pos))[1:-1] if command == 'afk': reply = '/afk' if command == 'error': reply = 'ok' raise if command == 'break': self.break_block((616, 78, 496)) reply = 'ok' if reply: print(reply) def handle_time_update(self, packet): l = self.g.local_state l.time = packet.time_of_day % 24000 def handle_set_slot(self, packet): print(packet) if packet.window_id == 0: self.g.inv[packet.slot] = packet.slot_data def break_block(self, location): bid = self.g.chunks.get_block_at(*location) if bid != 0: packet = PlayerDiggingPacket() packet.status = 0 packet.location = location packet.face = 1 self.g.connection.write_packet(packet) self.l.breaking = location self.l.break_time = time.time() + utils.break_time(bid) def break_finish(self): packet = PlayerDiggingPacket() packet.status = 2 packet.location = self.l.breaking packet.face = 1 self.g.connection.write_packet(packet) self.l.breaking = None def handle_break_animation(self, packet): print(packet) def handle_break_ack(self, packet): print(packet) def animate(self): packet = packet.hand = packet.HAND_MAIN self.g.connection.write_packet(packet) def tick(self): if self.l.breaking: self.animate() if time.time() >= self.l.break_time - 2*utils.TICK: self.break_finish()