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2021-04-19 01:34:54 +00:00
import re
import time
import importlib
import random
from itertools import count
from math import hypot, floor
from minecraft.networking.types import BlockFace
from protocol.managers import ChunkNotLoadedException
import utils
import path
import blocks
import items
import mcdata
import mobs
class GatherWartStates:
def idle(self):
return None
def init(self):
self.state = self.find_new_wart
def find_new_wart(self):
print('Finding new wart...')
w = self.g.world
p = utils.pint(self.g.pos)
mature_wart = max(blocks.NETHERWART_IDS)
for wart in w.find_blocks_3d(p, [mature_wart], 50, 20):
print('Found wart:', wart)
if wart not in self.bad_warts:
else: # for
print('No good warts left, aborting.')
self.state = self.cleanup
self.wart = wart
self.state = self.nav_to_wart
def nav_to_wart(self):
w = self.g.world
p = utils.pint(self.g.pos)
navpath = w.path_to_place(p, self.wart)
if navpath:
self.g.path = navpath
self.g.look_at = utils.padd(self.wart, path.BLOCK_BELOW)
self.state = self.going_to_wart
self.state = self.find_new_wart
def going_to_wart(self):
if utils.pint(self.g.pos) == self.wart:
print('At the wart')
self.state = self.break_wart
def break_wart(self):
self.wait_time = 0.5
self.state = self.wait
def wait(self):
# wait for the item
if self.wait_time > 0:
self.wait_time -= utils.TICK
self.state = self.select_wart
def select_wart(self):
p = utils.pint(self.g.pos)
if self.g.game.select_item([items.NETHERWART_ID]):
self.state = self.wait_select
self.wait_time = 0.5
print('Aborting planting, no wart')
self.state = self.cleanup
def wait_select(self):
# wait a bit to select
if self.wait_time > 0:
self.wait_time -= utils.TICK
self.state = self.place_wart
def place_wart(self):
p = utils.pint(self.g.pos)
self.g.game.place_block(p, BlockFace.TOP)
print('Placed wart')
self.state = self.wait_place
self.wait_time = 0.5
def wait_place(self):
# wait a bit for chunk data to update
if self.wait_time > 0:
self.wait_time -= utils.TICK
self.state = self.cleanup
def cleanup(self):
self.g.look_at = None
self.state = self.done
def done(self):
# never gets ran, placeholder
return None
def __init__(self, global_state):
self.g = global_state
self.state = self.idle
self.wart = None
self.bad_warts = []
self.wait_time = 0
def run(self):