
118 lines
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2021-04-19 01:34:54 +00:00
import re
import time
import importlib
import random
from itertools import count
from math import hypot, floor
from minecraft.networking.types import BlockFace
2021-04-22 00:46:54 +00:00
from mosfet.protocol.managers import ChunkNotLoadedException
from mosfet import utils
from mosfet import path
from mosfet.info import blocks
from mosfet.info import items
from mosfet.info import mcdata
from mosfet.info import mobs
2021-04-19 01:34:54 +00:00
class FindGappleStates:
def idle(self):
return None
def init(self):
self.state = self.go_spectator
def go_spectator(self):
print('Going spectator...')
self.g.chat.send('/gamemode spectator')
self.state = self.tp_to_coord
def tp_to_coord(self):
step = utils.spiral(self.count)
step_scaled = utils.pmul(step, 192)
self.coord = utils.padd(self.origin, step_scaled)
self.coord = (self.coord[0], 50, self.coord[2])
print('count:', self.count, 'teleporting to:', self.coord)
self.g.chat.send('/tp {} {} {}'.format(*self.coord))
self.g.command_lock = True
self.state = self.wait_for_load
def wait_for_load(self):
if self.g.command_lock:
if self.g.chunks.check_loaded(self.g.pos, 169):
print('chunks have been loaded')
self.state = self.pick_chest
def pick_chest(self):
chest_list = []
for chest_id in blocks.CHEST_IDS:
chest_list.extend(self.g.chunks.index.get(chest_id, []))
for chest in chest_list:
if chest in self.checked_chests:
# slow but simple
if utils.phyp_king(self.coord, chest) > 96:
# skip because we can't detect item drops
self.current_chest = chest
self.state = self.break_chest
else: # for
print('exhausted chest list')
self.state = self.cleanup
def break_chest(self):
print('Breaking chest', self.current_chest)
self.g.command_lock = True
self.g.item_lock = True
self.g.chat.send('/setblock {} {} {} air destroy'.format(*self.current_chest))
self.wait_time = 0.5
self.state = self.wait_for_items
def wait_for_items(self):
# wait for command to execute
if self.g.command_lock:
# wait for items to drop
if self.wait_time > 0:
self.wait_time -= utils.TICK
print('done waiting for items')
self.state = self.pick_chest
def cleanup(self):
self.count += 1
self.state = self.done
def done(self):
# never gets ran, placeholder
return None
def __init__(self, global_state):
self.g = global_state
self.state = self.idle
self.origin = utils.pint(self.g.pos)
self.count = 0
self.coord = None
self.current_chest = None
self.checked_chests = []
self.wait_time = 0
def run(self):