#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "DeviceFinder.h" #include "util.h" #include "Device.h" #define NON_WIRELESS_DEV(index) (index) == HIDPP::DefaultDevice ? "default" : "corded" using namespace logid; void stopAndDeleteConnectedDevice (ConnectedDevice &connected_device) { if(!connected_device.device->waiting_for_receiver) log_printf(INFO, "%s (Device %d on %s) disconnected", connected_device.device->name.c_str(), connected_device.device->index, connected_device.device->path.c_str()); connected_device.device->stop(); connected_device.associatedThread.join(); delete(connected_device.device); } DeviceFinder::~DeviceFinder() { this->devices_mutex.lock(); for (auto it = this->devices.begin(); it != this->devices.end(); it++) { for (auto jt = it->second.begin(); jt != it->second.end(); jt++) { stopAndDeleteConnectedDevice(jt->second); } } this->devices_mutex.unlock(); } Device* DeviceFinder::insertNewDevice(const std::string &path, HIDPP::DeviceIndex index) { auto device = new Device(path, index); device->init(); this->devices_mutex.lock(); log_printf(INFO, "%s detected: device %d on %s", device->name.c_str(), index, path.c_str()); auto path_bucket = this->devices.emplace(path, std::map()).first; path_bucket->second.emplace(index, ConnectedDevice{ device, std::thread([device]() { device->start(); }) }); this->devices_mutex.unlock(); return device; } Device* DeviceFinder::insertNewReceiverDevice(const std::string &path, HIDPP::DeviceIndex index) { auto *device = new Device(path, index); this->devices_mutex.lock(); auto path_bucket = this->devices.emplace(path, std::map()).first; path_bucket->second.emplace(index, ConnectedDevice{ device, std::thread([device]() { device->waitForReceiver(); }) }); this->devices_mutex.unlock(); return device; } void DeviceFinder::stopAndDeleteAllDevicesIn (const std::string &path) { this->devices_mutex.lock(); auto path_bucket = this->devices.find(path); if (path_bucket != this->devices.end()) { for (auto& index_bucket : path_bucket->second) { stopAndDeleteConnectedDevice(index_bucket.second); } this->devices.erase(path_bucket); } this->devices_mutex.unlock(); } void DeviceFinder::stopAndDeleteDevice (const std::string &path, HIDPP::DeviceIndex index) { this->devices_mutex.lock(); auto path_bucket = this->devices.find(path); if (path_bucket != this->devices.end()) { auto index_bucket = path_bucket->second.find(index); if (index_bucket != path_bucket->second.end()) { stopAndDeleteConnectedDevice(index_bucket->second); path_bucket->second.erase(index_bucket); } } this->devices_mutex.unlock(); log_printf(WARN, "Attempted to disconnect not previously connected device %d on %s", index, path.c_str()); } void DeviceFinder::addDevice(const char *path) { using namespace std::chrono_literals; std::string string_path(path); // Asynchronously scan device std::thread{[=]() { //Check if device is an HID++ device and handle it accordingly try { HIDPP::SimpleDispatcher dispatcher(string_path.c_str()); for(HIDPP::DeviceIndex index: { HIDPP::DefaultDevice, HIDPP::CordedDevice }) { bool device_not_connected = true; bool device_unknown = false; int remaining_tries = MAX_CONNECTION_TRIES; do { try { HIDPP::Device d(&dispatcher, index); auto version = d.protocolVersion(); uint major, minor; std::tie(major, minor) = version; if(index == HIDPP::DefaultDevice && version == std::make_tuple(1, 0)) { HIDPP10::Device receiver(&dispatcher, index); HIDPP10::IReceiver irecv(&receiver); log_printf(INFO, "Found %s on %s", receiver.name().c_str(), string_path.c_str()); for(HIDPP::DeviceIndex recv_index : { HIDPP::WirelessDevice1, HIDPP::WirelessDevice2, HIDPP::WirelessDevice3, HIDPP::WirelessDevice4, HIDPP::WirelessDevice5, HIDPP::WirelessDevice6 }) this->insertNewReceiverDevice(string_path, recv_index); irecv.getPairedDevices(); return; } if(major > 1) // HID++ 2.0 devices only { this->insertNewDevice(string_path, index); } device_not_connected = false; } catch(HIDPP10::Error &e) { if (e.errorCode() == HIDPP10::Error::ResourceError) { if(remaining_tries == 1) { log_printf(WARN, "While querying %s (possibly asleep), %s device: %s", string_path.c_str(), NON_WIRELESS_DEV(index), e.what()); remaining_tries += MAX_CONNECTION_TRIES; // asleep devices may raise a resource error, so do not count this try } } else if(e.errorCode() != HIDPP10::Error::UnknownDevice) { if(remaining_tries == 1) log_printf(ERROR, "While querying %s, %s device: %s", string_path.c_str(), NON_WIRELESS_DEV(index), e.what()); } else device_unknown = true; } catch(HIDPP20::Error &e) { if(e.errorCode() != HIDPP20::Error::UnknownDevice) { if(remaining_tries == 1) log_printf(ERROR, "Error while querying %s, device %d: %s", string_path.c_str(), NON_WIRELESS_DEV(index), e.what()); } else device_unknown = true; } catch(HIDPP::Dispatcher::TimeoutError &e) { if(remaining_tries == 1) { log_printf(ERROR, "Time out on %s device: %s (possibly asleep)", NON_WIRELESS_DEV(index), string_path.c_str()); remaining_tries += MAX_CONNECTION_TRIES; // asleep devices may raise a timeout error, so do not count this try } } catch(std::runtime_error &e) { if(remaining_tries == 1) log_printf(ERROR, "Runtime error on %s device on %s: %s", NON_WIRELESS_DEV(index), string_path.c_str(), e.what()); } remaining_tries--; std::this_thread::sleep_for(TIME_BETWEEN_CONNECTION_TRIES); } while (device_not_connected && !device_unknown && remaining_tries > 0); } } catch(HIDPP::Dispatcher::NoHIDPPReportException &e) { } catch(std::system_error &e) { log_printf(WARN, "Failed to open %s: %s", string_path.c_str(), e.what()); } }}.detach(); } void DeviceFinder::removeDevice(const char* path) { this->stopAndDeleteAllDevicesIn(std::string(path)); }