#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "Configuration.h" #include "util.h" using namespace libconfig; Configuration::Configuration(const char *config_file) { //Read config file try { cfg.readFile(config_file); } catch(const FileIOException &e) { log_printf(ERROR, "I/O Error while reading %s: %s", config_file, e.what()); throw e; } catch(const ParseException &e) { log_printf(ERROR, "Parse error in %s, line %d: %s", e.getFile(), e.getLine(), e.getError()); throw e; } const Setting &root = cfg.getRoot(); Setting* _devices; try { _devices = &root["devices"]; } catch(const SettingNotFoundException &e) { log_printf(WARN, "No devices listed in config file."); return; } for(int i = 0; i < _devices->getLength(); i++) { const Setting &device = (*_devices)[i]; std::string name; try { if(!device.lookupValue("name", name)) { log_printf(WARN, "Line %d: 'name' must be a string, skipping device.", device["name"].getSourceLine()); continue; } } catch(SettingNotFoundException &e) { log_printf(WARN, "Line %d: Missing 'name' field, skipping device.", device.getSourceLine()); continue; } devices.insert({name, new DeviceConfig(device)}); } } DeviceConfig::DeviceConfig(const libconfig::Setting &root) { try { int d; if(!root.lookupValue("dpi", d)) throw SettingTypeException(root["dpi"]); dpi = new int(d); } catch(const SettingNotFoundException &e) { } catch(const SettingTypeException &e) { log_printf(WARN, "Line %d: DPI must me an integer; not setting.", root["dpi"].getSourceLine()); } try { const Setting& hr = root["hiresscroll"]; uint8_t hss = 0; try { bool b; if(!hr.lookupValue("hires", b)) throw SettingTypeException(root["hires"]); if(b) hss |= HIDPP20::IHiresScroll::HiRes; } catch(SettingNotFoundException &e) { } catch(SettingTypeException &e) { log_printf(INFO, "Line %d: hires field must be a boolean", hr["hires"].getSourceLine()); } try { bool b; if(!hr.lookupValue("invert", b)) throw SettingTypeException(root["invert"]); if(b) hss |= HIDPP20::IHiresScroll::Inverted; } catch(SettingNotFoundException &e) { } catch(SettingTypeException &e) { log_printf(INFO, "Line %d: invert field must be a boolean", hr["invert"].getSourceLine()); } try { bool b; if(!hr.lookupValue("target", b)) throw SettingTypeException(root["target"]); if(b) hss |= HIDPP20::IHiresScroll::Target; } catch(SettingNotFoundException &e) { } catch(SettingTypeException &e) { log_printf(INFO, "Line %d: target field must be a boolean", hr["target"].getSourceLine()); } hiresscroll = new uint8_t(hss); } catch(const SettingNotFoundException &e) { log_printf(INFO, "Missing hiresscroll option, not setting."); } catch(const SettingTypeException &e) { log_printf(WARN, "Line %d: hiresscroll should be an object", root["hiresscroll"].getSourceLine()); } try { const Setting& ss = root["smartshift"]; smartshift = new HIDPP20::ISmartShift::SmartshiftStatus {}; bool on; int threshold; try { if (ss.lookupValue("on", on)) smartshift->Active = new bool(on); else log_printf(WARN, "Line %d: on field must be a boolean", ss["on"].getSourceLine()); } catch(const SettingNotFoundException &e) { } try { if (ss.lookupValue("threshold", threshold)) { if(threshold < 0) { threshold = 1; log_printf(INFO, "Smartshift threshold must be > 0 or < 100, setting to 1."); } if(threshold >= 100) { threshold = 99; log_printf(INFO, "Smartshift threshold must be > 0 or < 100, setting to 99."); } smartshift->AutoDisengage = new uint8_t(threshold); smartshift->DefaultAutoDisengage = new uint8_t(threshold); } else log_printf(WARN, "Line %d: threshold must be an integer", ss["threshold"].getSourceLine()); } catch(const SettingNotFoundException &e) { } } catch(const SettingNotFoundException &e) { } catch(const SettingTypeException &e) { log_printf(WARN, "Line %d: smartshift field must be an object", root["smartshift"].getSourceLine()); } Setting* buttons; try { buttons = &root["buttons"]; } catch(const SettingNotFoundException &e) { log_printf(WARN, "No button configuration found, reverting to null config."); new std::map(); return; } for(int i = 0; i < buttons->getLength(); i++) { const Setting &button = (*buttons)[i]; int cid; try { button.lookupValue("cid", cid); } catch(SettingNotFoundException &e) { log_printf(WARN, "Entry on line %d is missing a cid", button.getSourceLine()); continue; } if(actions.find(cid) != actions.end()) { log_printf(WARN, "Duplicate entries for cid 0x%x, skipping entry on line %d", cid, button.getSourceLine()); continue; } Setting* action_config; try { action_config = &button["action"]; } catch(SettingNotFoundException &e) { log_printf(WARN, "cid 0x%x is missing an action, not diverting!", cid); continue; } Action action_type; try { std::string action_type_str; action_config->lookupValue("type", action_type_str); action_type = string_to_action(action_type_str); } catch(SettingNotFoundException &e) { log_printf(WARN, "cid 0x%x is missing an action type, not diverting!", cid); continue; } catch(std::invalid_argument &e) { log_printf(WARN, "Line %d: %s", (*action_config)["type"].getSourceLine(), e.what()); continue; } try { actions.insert({cid, parse_action(action_type, action_config)}); } catch(std::exception &e) { log_printf(ERROR, "%s", e.what()); } } } ButtonAction* parse_action(Action type, const Setting* action_config, bool is_gesture) { if(type == Action::None) return new NoAction(); if(type == Action::Keypress) { std::vector keys; try { const Setting &keys_config = (*action_config)["keys"]; for (int i = 0; i < keys_config.getLength(); i++) { int keycode = libevdev_event_code_from_name(EV_KEY, keys_config[i]); if(keycode == -1) { const char* keyname = keys_config[i]; log_printf(WARN, "%s is not a valid keycode, skipping", keyname); } else keys.push_back(keycode); } } catch(SettingNotFoundException &e) { log_printf(WARN, "Expected keys parameter on line %d", action_config->getSourceLine()); } return new KeyAction(keys); } else if(type == Action::Gestures) { if(is_gesture) { log_printf(WARN, "Line %d: Recursive gesture, defaulting to no action.", action_config->getSourceLine()); return new NoAction(); } std::map gestures; Setting* gestures_config; try { gestures_config = &(*action_config)["gestures"]; } catch(SettingNotFoundException &e) { log_printf(WARN, "No gestures parameter for line %d, skipping", action_config->getSourceLine()); throw e; } for(int i = 0; i < gestures_config->getLength(); i++) { const Setting &gesture_config = (*gestures_config)[i]; std::string direction_str; Direction direction; try { gesture_config.lookupValue("direction", direction_str); direction = string_to_direction(direction_str); } catch(SettingNotFoundException &e) { log_printf(WARN, "No direction set on line %d", gesture_config.getSourceLine()); continue; } catch(std::invalid_argument &e) { log_printf(WARN, "Line %d: %s", gesture_config["direction"].getSourceLine(), e.what()); continue; } if(gestures.find(direction) != gestures.end()) { log_printf(WARN, "Entry on line %d is a duplicate, skipping...", gesture_config["direction"].getSourceLine()); continue; } GestureMode mode; try { std::string mode_str; gesture_config.lookupValue("mode", mode_str); mode = string_to_gesturemode(mode_str); } catch (SettingNotFoundException &e) { log_printf(INFO, "Gesture mode on line %d not found, defaulting to OnRelease", gesture_config.getSourceLine()); mode = GestureMode::OnRelease; } if(mode == GestureMode::NoPress) { gestures.insert({direction, new Gesture(new NoAction(), mode)}); continue; } if(mode == GestureMode::Axis) { uint axis; try { std::string axis_str; if(!gesture_config.lookupValue("axis", axis_str)) throw SettingTypeException(gesture_config["axis"]); axis = libevdev_event_code_from_name(EV_REL, axis_str.c_str()); } catch(SettingNotFoundException &e) { log_printf(WARN, "Line %d: No axis found, defaulting to no action.", gesture_config.getSourceLine()); gestures.insert({direction, new Gesture(new NoAction(), GestureMode::NoPress)}); continue; } catch(SettingTypeException &e) { log_printf(WARN, "Line %d: Axis must be a string (e.g. 'REL_WHEEL')", gesture_config["axis"].getSourceLine()); gestures.insert({direction, new Gesture(new NoAction(), GestureMode::NoPress)}); continue; } float multiplier = 1; try { if(!gesture_config.lookupValue("axis_multiplier", multiplier)) { int im = 1; if(!gesture_config.lookupValue("axis_multiplier", im)) throw SettingTypeException(gesture_config["axis_multiplier"]); multiplier = im; } } catch(SettingNotFoundException &e) { } catch(SettingTypeException &e) { log_printf(WARN, "Line %d: axis_multiplier must be a float/integer", gesture_config["axis_multiplier"].getSourceLine()); continue; } gestures.insert({direction, new Gesture(new NoAction(), GestureMode::Axis, 0, axis, multiplier)}); continue; } Setting* g_action; try { g_action = &gesture_config["action"]; } catch(SettingNotFoundException &e) { log_printf(WARN, "No action set for %s", direction_str.c_str()); continue; } Action g_type; try { std::string type_str; g_action->lookupValue("type", type_str); g_type = string_to_action(type_str); } catch(SettingNotFoundException &e) { log_printf(INFO, "Missing an action type on line %d, skipping", g_action->getSourceLine()); continue; } catch(std::invalid_argument &e) { log_printf(WARN, "Line %d: %s", (*g_action)["type"].getSourceLine(), e.what()); continue; } ButtonAction* ba; try { ba = parse_action(g_type, g_action, true); } catch(std::exception &e) { continue; } if(mode == GestureMode::OnFewPixels) { try { int pp; gesture_config.lookupValue("pixels", pp); gestures.insert({direction, new Gesture(ba, mode, pp)}); } catch(SettingNotFoundException &e) { log_printf(WARN, "Line %d: OnFewPixels requires a 'pixels' field.", gesture_config.getSourceLine()); } } else gestures.insert({direction, new Gesture(ba, mode)}); } return new GestureAction(gestures); } else if(type == Action::ToggleSmartshift) return new SmartshiftAction(); else if(type == Action::ToggleHiresScroll) return new HiresScrollAction(); else if(type == Action::CycleDPI) { std::vector dpis; try { const Setting &keys_config = (*action_config)["dpis"]; for (int i = 0; i < keys_config.getLength(); i++) { dpis.push_back((int)keys_config[i]); } } catch(SettingNotFoundException &e) { log_printf(ERROR, "Line %d: CycleDPI action is missing 'dpis' field, defaulting to NoAction.", action_config->getSourceLine()); } return new CycleDPIAction(dpis); } else if(type == Action::ChangeDPI) { int inc; try { action_config->lookupValue("inc", inc); } catch(SettingNotFoundException &e) { log_printf(ERROR, "Line %d: ChangeDPI action is missing an 'inc' field, defaulting to NoAction.",action_config->getSourceLine()); return new NoAction(); } return new ChangeDPIAction(inc); } log_printf(ERROR, "This shouldn't have happened. Unhandled action type? Defaulting to NoAction"); return new NoAction(); } DeviceConfig::DeviceConfig(DeviceConfig* dc, Device* dev) : baseConfig (false) { dpi = dc->dpi; smartshift = dc->smartshift; hiresscroll = dc->hiresscroll; for(auto it : dc->actions) actions.insert( { it.first, it.second->copy(dev) } ); } DeviceConfig::DeviceConfig() { dpi = nullptr; hiresscroll = nullptr; smartshift = nullptr; actions = {}; }