#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "Device.h" #include "util.h" #include "EvdevDevice.h" using namespace std::chrono_literals; Device::Device(std::string p, const HIDPP::DeviceIndex i) : path(std::move(p)), index (i) { // Initialise variables DeviceRemoved = false; dispatcher = new HIDPP::SimpleDispatcher(path.c_str()); hidpp_dev = new HIDPP20::Device(dispatcher, index); name = hidpp_dev->name(); features = get_features(); // Set config, if none is found for this device then use default if(global_config->devices.find(name) == global_config->devices.end()) { log_printf(INFO, "Device %s not configured, using default config.", hidpp_dev->name().c_str()); config = new DeviceConfig(); } else config = global_config->devices.find(name)->second; } void Device::configure(bool scanning) { // Divert buttons divert_buttons(); // Set DPI if it is set if(config->dpi != nullptr) set_dpi(*config->dpi, scanning); // Set Smartshift if it is set if(config->smartshift != nullptr) set_smartshift(*config->smartshift, scanning); // Set Hires Scroll if it is set if(config->hiresscroll != nullptr) set_hiresscroll(*config->hiresscroll, scanning); } void Device::divert_buttons(bool scanning) { try { HIDPP20::IReprogControls irc = HIDPP20::IReprogControls::auto_version(hidpp_dev); for(auto it = config->actions.begin(); it != config->actions.end(); ++it) { uint8_t flags = 0; flags |= HIDPP20::IReprogControls::ChangeTemporaryDivert; flags |= HIDPP20::IReprogControls::TemporaryDiverted; if(it->second->type == Action::Gestures) { flags |= HIDPP20::IReprogControls::ChangeRawXYDivert; flags |= HIDPP20::IReprogControls::RawXYDiverted; } irc.setControlReporting(it->first, flags, it->first); log_printf(DEBUG, "Diverted 0x%x.", it->first); } } catch(HIDPP20::UnsupportedFeature &e) { log_printf(DEBUG, "%s does not support Reprog controls, not diverting!", name.c_str()); } } void Device::set_smartshift(HIDPP20::ISmartShift::SmartshiftStatus ops, bool scanning) { try { HIDPP20::ISmartShift ss(hidpp_dev); ss.setStatus(ops); } catch (HIDPP20::UnsupportedFeature &e) { log_printf(ERROR, "Device does not support SmartShift"); } catch (HIDPP20::Error &e) { log_printf(ERROR, "Error setting SmartShift options, code %d: %s\n", e.errorCode(), e.what()); } } void Device::set_hiresscroll(uint8_t ops, bool scanning) { try { HIDPP20::IHiresScroll hs(hidpp_dev); hs.setMode(ops); } catch (HIDPP20::UnsupportedFeature &e) { log_printf(ERROR, "Device does not support Hires Scrolling"); } catch (HIDPP20::Error &e) { log_printf(ERROR, "Error setting Hires Scrolling options, code %d: %s\n", e.errorCode(), e.what()); } } void Device::set_dpi(int dpi, bool scanning) { HIDPP20::IAdjustableDPI iad(hidpp_dev); try { for(int i = 0; i < iad.getSensorCount(); i++) iad.setSensorDPI(i, dpi); } catch (HIDPP20::Error &e) { if(scanning) throw e; log_printf(ERROR, "Error while setting DPI: %s", e.what()); } } void Device::start() { configure(); auto *d = new HIDPP::SimpleDispatcher(path.c_str()); listener = new SimpleListener(d, index); listener->addEventHandler( std::make_unique(hidpp_dev, this) ); listener->addEventHandler( std::make_unique(this) ); listener->start(); } void ButtonHandler::handleEvent (const HIDPP::Report &event) { switch (event.function()) { case HIDPP20::IReprogControls::Event::DivertedButtonEvent: { new_states = HIDPP20::IReprogControls::divertedButtonEvent(event); if (states.empty()) { for (uint16_t i : new_states) std::thread{[=]() { dev->press_button(i); }}.detach(); states = new_states; break; } std::vector::iterator it; std::vector cids(states.size() + new_states.size()); it = std::set_union(states.begin(), states.end(), new_states.begin(), new_states.end(), cids.begin()); cids.resize((ulong)(it - cids.begin())); for (uint16_t i : cids) { if (std::find(new_states.begin(), new_states.end(), i) != new_states.end()) { if (std::find(states.begin(), states.end(), i) == states.end()) std::thread{[=]() { dev->press_button(i); }}.detach(); } else std::thread{[=]() { dev->release_button(i); }}.detach(); } states = new_states; break; } case HIDPP20::IReprogControlsV4::Event::DivertedRawXYEvent: { auto raw_xy = HIDPP20::IReprogControlsV4::divertedRawXYEvent(event); for(uint16_t i : states) std::thread{[=]() { dev->move_diverted(i, raw_xy); }}.detach(); break; } default: break; } } void ReceiverHandler::handleEvent(const HIDPP::Report &event) { switch(event.featureIndex()) { case HIDPP10::IReceiver::DeviceUnpaired: { // Find device, stop it, and delete it auto it = finder->devices.begin(); while (it != finder->devices.end()) { if(it->first->path == dev->path && it->first->index == event.deviceIndex()) { log_printf(INFO, "%s (Device %d on %s) unpaired.", it->first->name.c_str(), event.deviceIndex(), dev->path); it->first->stop(); it->second.join(); finder->devices.erase(it); } else it++; } break; } case HIDPP10::IReceiver::DevicePaired: { break; } case HIDPP10::IReceiver::ConnectionStatus: { auto status = HIDPP10::IReceiver::connectionStatusEvent(event); if(status == HIDPP10::IReceiver::LinkLoss) log_printf(INFO, "Link lost to device %d on %s", event.deviceIndex(), dev->path.c_str()); else if (status == HIDPP10::IReceiver::ConnectionEstablished) { dev->configure(); log_printf(INFO, "Connection established to device %d on %s", event.deviceIndex(), dev->path.c_str()); } break; } default: break; } } void EventListener::removeEventHandlers () { for (const auto &p: iterators) dispatcher->unregisterEventHandler(p.second); handlers.clear(); iterators.clear(); } EventListener::~EventListener() { removeEventHandlers(); } void EventListener::addEventHandler(std::unique_ptr &&handler) { EventHandler *ptr = handler.get(); for(uint8_t feature : handler->featureIndices()) { handlers.emplace(feature, std::move(handler)); dispatcher->registerEventHandler(index, feature, [=](const HIDPP::Report &report) { ptr->handleEvent(report); return true; }); } } void SimpleListener::start() { try { dispatcher->listen(); } catch(std::system_error &e) { } } void SimpleListener::stop() { dispatcher->stop(); } bool SimpleListener::event (EventHandler *handler, const HIDPP::Report &report) { handler->handleEvent (report); return true; } void Device::stop() { listener->stop(); } void Device::press_button(uint16_t cid) { if(config->actions.find(cid) == config->actions.end()) { log_printf(DEBUG, "0x%x was pressed but no action was found.", cid); return; } config->actions.find(cid)->second->press(); } void Device::release_button(uint16_t cid) { if(config->actions.find(cid) == config->actions.end()) { log_printf(DEBUG, "0x%x was released but no action was found.", cid); return; } config->actions.find(cid)->second->release(); } void Device::move_diverted(uint16_t cid, HIDPP20::IReprogControlsV4::Move m) { auto action = config->actions.find(cid)->second; switch(action->type) { case Action::Gestures: ((GestureAction*)action)->move(m); break; default: break; } } std::map Device::get_features() { std::map _features; HIDPP20::IFeatureSet ifs (hidpp_dev); unsigned int feature_count = ifs.getCount(); for(int i = 0; i < feature_count; i++) _features.insert( {i, ifs.getFeatureID(i) } ); return _features; }