#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "DeviceFinder.h" #include "util.h" #include "Device.h" void DeviceFinder::addDevice(const char *path) { std::string string_path(path); // Asynchronously scan device std::thread{[=]() { const int max_tries = 10; const int try_delay = 250000; //Check if device is an HID++ device and handle it accordingly try { HIDPP::SimpleDispatcher dispatcher(string_path.c_str()); bool has_receiver_index = false; for(HIDPP::DeviceIndex index: { HIDPP::DefaultDevice, HIDPP::CordedDevice, HIDPP::WirelessDevice1, HIDPP::WirelessDevice2, HIDPP::WirelessDevice3, HIDPP::WirelessDevice4, HIDPP::WirelessDevice5, HIDPP::WirelessDevice6}) { if(!has_receiver_index && index == HIDPP::WirelessDevice1) break; for(int i = 0; i < max_tries; i++) { try { HIDPP::Device d(&dispatcher, index); auto version = d.protocolVersion(); uint major, minor; std::tie(major, minor) = version; if(index == HIDPP::DefaultDevice && version == std::make_tuple(1, 0)) has_receiver_index = true; if(major > 1) // HID++ 2.0 devices only { auto dev = new Device(string_path, index); this->devicesMutex.lock(); this->devices.insert({ dev, std::thread{[dev]() { dev->start(); }} }); this->devicesMutex.unlock(); log_printf(INFO, "%s detected: device %d on %s", d.name().c_str(), index, string_path.c_str()); } break; } catch(HIDPP10::Error &e) { if(e.errorCode() != HIDPP10::Error::UnknownDevice) { if(i == max_tries - 1) log_printf(ERROR, "Error while querying %s, wireless device %d: %s", string_path.c_str(), index, e.what()); else usleep(try_delay); } else break; } catch(HIDPP20::Error &e) { if(e.errorCode() != HIDPP20::Error::UnknownDevice) { if(i == max_tries - 1) log_printf(ERROR, "Error while querying %s, device %d: %s", string_path.c_str(), index, e.what()); else usleep(try_delay); } else break; } catch(HIDPP::Dispatcher::TimeoutError &e) { if(i == max_tries - 1) log_printf(ERROR, "Device %s (index %d) timed out.", string_path.c_str(), index); else usleep(try_delay); } catch(std::runtime_error &e) { if(i == max_tries - 1) log_printf(ERROR, "Runtime error on device %d on %s: %s", index, string_path.c_str(), e.what()); else usleep(try_delay); } } } } catch(HIDPP::Dispatcher::NoHIDPPReportException &e) { } catch(std::system_error &e) { log_printf(WARN, "Failed to open %s: %s", string_path.c_str(), e.what()); } }}.detach(); } void DeviceFinder::removeDevice(const char* path) { devicesMutex.lock(); // Iterate through Devices, stop all in path for (auto it = devices.begin(); it != devices.end(); it++) { if(it->first->path == path) { log_printf(INFO, "%s on %s disconnected.", it->first->name.c_str(), path); it->first->stop(); it->second.join(); delete(it->first); devices.erase(it); } } devicesMutex.unlock(); }