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import pymumble_py3 as pymumble_py3
from pymumble_py3.callbacks import PYMUMBLE_CLBK_SOUNDRECEIVED as PCS
# Connection details for mumble server. Hardcoded for now, will have to be
# command line arguments eventually
pwd = "" # password
server = "" # server address
nick = "python"
port = 64738 # port number
audio_file = open('audio.wav', 'wb')
# mumble client set up
def sound_received_handler(user, soundchunk):
""" play sound received from mumble server upon its arrival """
# Spin up a client and connect to mumble server
mumble = pymumble_py3.Mumble(server, nick, password=pwd, port=port)
# set up callback called when PCS event occurs
mumble.callbacks.set_callback(PCS, sound_received_handler)
mumble.set_receive_sound(1) # Enable receiving sound from mumble server
mumble.is_ready() # Wait for client is ready
# constant capturing sound and sending it to mumble server
while True: