您最多能選擇 25 個主題 主題必須以字母或數字為開頭,可包含連接號「-」且最長為 35 個字元。
Tanner Collin 3b68728339 Remove need for unused permissions and add Play Store link 7 年前
android Remove need for unused permissions and add Play Store link 7 年前
imagesrc Add photography for tips page and Play Store feature graphic 7 年前
ios Initial commit from boilerplate 7 年前
media Add photography for tips page and Play Store feature graphic 7 年前
src Add photography for tips page and Play Store feature graphic 7 年前
.buckconfig Fix whitespace 7 年前
.flowconfig Initial commit from boilerplate 7 年前
.gitignore Display numbers based on significant digits and format app menu 7 年前
.watchmanconfig Initial commit from boilerplate 7 年前
LICENSE Customize boilerplate for project 7 年前
README.md Remove need for unused permissions and add Play Store link 7 年前
index.android.js Customize boilerplate for project 7 年前
index.ios.js Customize boilerplate for project 7 年前
package.json Upgrade to React Native 0.41.1 7 年前


Exact Resistor Calculator

Recommends resistors to combine in parallel to meet an exact target.


Enter the target resistance you wish to make in the first field. The app will then recommend a value for a resistor to start with. It will be the same value as you entered because that will obviously get you to your target.

Next go find a resistor as close to the recommended value and then measure it. Enter the reading into the list of resistors that you have. Then keep doing this for all the resistor values that the app recommends.

Within 2-3 resistors, you'll notice the percent error from your target will drop well into a suitable range.


Demo Recording Calculator Screenshot Menu Screenshot

Demo Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FazQK4teZ5o


Please install Exact Resistor Calculator from the Google Play Store on your Android phone for free.


Source Code


Exact Resistor Calculator is free and open-source software released under the MIT License.


Building Exact Resistor Calculator from source is very easy. Clone this repository, set up react-native, and then run these commands:

$ npm install
$ react-native run-android
	# A red error screen should now appear: "Could not get BatchedBridge..."
$ react-native start
	# Once it's started, press Reload on the red screen

If you want to debug on your physical phone, be sure to run adb reverse tcp:8081 tcp:8081 first.