/* MESSAGES is a list of: {id:int, src, title, subject, body, sender, tel:string, new:true // not read yet } */ /* For example for maps: // a message require("messages").pushMessage({"t":"add","id":1575479849,"src":"Hangouts","title":"A Name","body":"message contents"}) // maps require("messages").pushMessage({"t":"add","id":1,"src":"Maps","title":"0 yd - High St","body":"Campton - 11:48 ETA","img":"GhqBAAAMAAAHgAAD8AAB/gAA/8AAf/gAP/8AH//gD/98B//Pg/4B8f8Afv+PP//n3/f5//j+f/wfn/4D5/8Aef+AD//AAf/gAD/wAAf4AAD8AAAeAAADAAA="}); // call require("messages").pushMessage({"t":"add","id":"call","src":"Phone","title":"Bob","body":"12421312",positive:true,negative:true}) */ var Layout = require("Layout"); var settings = require('Storage').readJSON("messages.settings.json", true) || {}; var fontSmall = "6x8"; var fontMedium = g.getFonts().includes("6x15")?"6x15":"6x8:2"; var fontBig = g.getFonts().includes("12x20")?"12x20":"6x8:2"; var fontLarge = g.getFonts().includes("6x15")?"6x15:2":"6x8:4"; var active; // active screen var openMusic = false; // go back to music screen after we handle something else? // hack for 2v10 firmware's lack of ':size' font handling try { g.setFont("6x8:2"); } catch (e) { g._setFont = g.setFont; g.setFont = function(f,s) { if (f.includes(":")) { f = f.split(":"); return g._setFont(f[0],f[1]); } return g._setFont(f,s); }; } /** this is a timeout if the app has started and is showing a single message but the user hasn't seen it (eg no user input) - in which case we should start a timeout for settings.unreadTimeout to return to the clock. */ var unreadTimeout; /// List of all our messages var MESSAGES = require("messages").getMessages(); if (Bangle.MESSAGES) { // fast loading messages Bangle.MESSAGES.forEach(m => require("messages").apply(m, MESSAGES)); delete Bangle.MESSAGES; } var onMessagesModified = function(type,msg) { if (msg.handled) return; msg.handled = true; require("messages").apply(msg, MESSAGES); // TODO: if new, show this new one if (msg && msg.id!=="music" && msg.new && active!="map" && !((require('Storage').readJSON('setting.json', 1) || {}).quiet)) { require("messages").buzz(msg.src); } if (msg && msg.id=="music") { if (msg.state && msg.state!="play") openMusic = false; // no longer playing music to go back to if (active!="music") return; // don't open music over other screens } showMessage(msg&&msg.id); }; Bangle.on("message", onMessagesModified); function saveMessages() { require("messages").write(MESSAGES); } E.on("kill", saveMessages); function showMapMessage(msg) { active = "map"; var m, distance, street, target, eta; m=msg.title.match(/(.*) - (.*)/); if (m) { distance = m[1]; street = m[2]; } else street=msg.title; m=msg.body.match(/(.*) - (.*)/); if (m) { target = m[1]; eta = m[2]; } else target=msg.body; layout = new Layout({ type:"v", c: [ {type:"txt", font:fontMedium, label:target, bgCol:g.theme.bg2, col: g.theme.fg2, fillx:1, pad:2 }, {type:"h", bgCol:g.theme.bg2, col: g.theme.fg2, fillx:1, c: [ {type:"txt", font:"6x8", label:"Towards" }, {type:"txt", font:fontLarge, label:street } ]}, {type:"h",fillx:1, filly:1, c: [ msg.img?{type:"img",src:atob(msg.img), scale:2}:{}, {type:"v", fillx:1, c: [ {type:"txt", font:fontLarge, label:distance||"" } ]}, ]}, {type:"txt", font:"6x8:2", label:eta } ]}); g.reset().clearRect(Bangle.appRect); layout.render(); function back() { // mark as not new and return to menu msg.new = false; layout = undefined; checkMessages({clockIfNoMsg:1,clockIfAllRead:1,showMsgIfUnread:1,openMusic:0}); } Bangle.setUI({mode:"updown", back: back}, back); // any input takes us back } let updateLabelsInterval; function showMusicMessage(msg) { active = "music"; // defaults, so e.g. msg.xyz.length doesn't error. `msg` should contain up to date info msg = Object.assign({artist: "", album: "", track: "Music"}, msg); openMusic = msg.state=="play"; var trackScrollOffset = 0; var artistScrollOffset = 0; var albumScrollOffset = 0; var trackName = ''; var artistName = ''; var albumName = ''; function fmtTime(s) { var m = Math.floor(s/60); s = (parseInt(s%60)).toString().padStart(2,0); return m+":"+s; } function reduceStringAndPad(text, offset, maxLen) { var sliceLength = offset + maxLen > text.length ? text.length - offset : maxLen; return text.substr(offset, sliceLength).padEnd(maxLen, " "); } function back() { clearInterval(updateLabelsInterval); updateLabelsInterval = undefined; openMusic = false; var wasNew = msg.new; msg.new = false; layout = undefined; if (wasNew) checkMessages({clockIfNoMsg:1,clockIfAllRead:1,showMsgIfUnread:0,openMusic:0}); else checkMessages({clockIfNoMsg:0,clockIfAllRead:0,showMsgIfUnread:0,openMusic:0}); } function updateLabels() { trackName = reduceStringAndPad(msg.track, trackScrollOffset, 13); artistName = reduceStringAndPad(msg.artist, artistScrollOffset, 21); albumName = reduceStringAndPad(msg.album, albumScrollOffset, 21); trackScrollOffset++; artistScrollOffset++; albumScrollOffset++; if ((trackScrollOffset + 13) > msg.track.length) trackScrollOffset = 0; if ((artistScrollOffset + 21) > msg.artist.length) artistScrollOffset = 0; if ((albumScrollOffset + 21) > msg.album.length) albumScrollOffset = 0; } updateLabels(); layout = new Layout({ type:"v", c: [ {type:"h", fillx:1, bgCol:g.theme.bg2, col: g.theme.fg2, c: [ { type:"v", fillx:1, c: [ { type:"txt", font:fontMedium, bgCol:g.theme.bg2, label:artistName, pad:2, id:"artist" }, { type:"txt", font:fontMedium, bgCol:g.theme.bg2, label:albumName, pad:2, id:"album" } ]} ]}, {type:"txt", font:fontLarge, bgCol:g.theme.bg, label:trackName, fillx:1, filly:1, pad:2, id:"track" }, Bangle.musicControl?{type:"h",fillx:1, c: [ {type:"btn", pad:8, label:"\0"+atob("FhgBwAADwAAPwAA/wAD/gAP/gA//gD//gP//g///j///P//////////P//4//+D//gP/4A/+AD/gAP8AA/AADwAAMAAA"), cb:()=>Bangle.musicControl("play")}, // play {type:"btn", pad:8, label:"\0"+atob("EhaBAHgHvwP/wP/wP/wP/wP/wP/wP/wP/wP/wP/wP/wP/wP/wP/wP/wP/wP/wP/wP/wP3gHg"), cb:()=>Bangle.musicControl("pause")}, // pause {type:"btn", pad:8, label:"\0"+atob("EhKBAMAB+AB/gB/wB/8B/+B//B//x//5//5//x//B/+B/8B/wB/gB+AB8ABw"), cb:()=>Bangle.musicControl("next")}, // next ]}:{}, {type:"txt", font:"6x8:2", label:msg.dur?fmtTime(msg.dur):"--:--" } ]}, { back : back }); g.reset().clearRect(Bangle.appRect); layout.render(); updateLabelsInterval = setInterval(function() { updateLabels(); layout.artist.label = artistName; layout.album.label = albumName; layout.track.label = trackName; layout.render(); }, 400); } function showMessageScroller(msg) { active = "scroller"; var bodyFont = fontBig; g.setFont(bodyFont); var lines = []; if (msg.title) lines = g.wrapString(msg.title, g.getWidth()-10) var titleCnt = lines.length; if (titleCnt) lines.push(""); // add blank line after title lines = lines.concat(g.wrapString(msg.body, g.getWidth()-10),["",/*LANG*/"< Back"]); E.showScroller({ h : g.getFontHeight(), // height of each menu item in pixels c : lines.length, // number of menu items // a function to draw a menu item draw : function(idx, r) { // FIXME: in 2v13 onwards, clearRect(r) will work fine. There's a bug in 2v12 g.setBgColor(idx=lines.length-2) showMessage(msg.id); }, back : () => showMessage(msg.id) }); } function showMessageSettings(msg) { active = "settings"; E.showMenu({"":{"title":/*LANG*/"Message"}, "< Back" : () => showMessage(msg.id), /*LANG*/"View Message" : () => { showMessageScroller(msg); }, /*LANG*/"Delete" : () => { MESSAGES = MESSAGES.filter(m=>m.id!=msg.id); checkMessages({clockIfNoMsg:0,clockIfAllRead:0,showMsgIfUnread:0,openMusic:0}); }, /*LANG*/"Mark Unread" : () => { msg.new = true; checkMessages({clockIfNoMsg:0,clockIfAllRead:0,showMsgIfUnread:0,openMusic:0}); }, /*LANG*/"Mark all read" : () => { MESSAGES.forEach(msg => msg.new = false); checkMessages({clockIfNoMsg:0,clockIfAllRead:0,showMsgIfUnread:0,openMusic:0}); }, /*LANG*/"Delete all messages" : () => { E.showPrompt(/*LANG*/"Are you sure?", {title:/*LANG*/"Delete All Messages"}).then(isYes => { if (isYes) { MESSAGES = []; } checkMessages({clockIfNoMsg:0,clockIfAllRead:0,showMsgIfUnread:0,openMusic:0}); }); }, }); } function showMessage(msgid) { var msg = MESSAGES.find(m=>m.id==msgid); if (updateLabelsInterval) { clearInterval(updateLabelsInterval); updateLabelsInterval=undefined; } if (!msg) return checkMessages({clockIfNoMsg:1,clockIfAllRead:0,showMsgIfUnread:0,openMusic:openMusic}); // go home if no message found if (msg.id=="music") { cancelReloadTimeout(); // don't auto-reload to clock now return showMusicMessage(msg); } if (msg.src=="Maps") { cancelReloadTimeout(); // don't auto-reload to clock now return showMapMessage(msg); } active = "message"; // Normal text message display var title=msg.title, titleFont = fontLarge, lines; var body=msg.body, bodyFont = fontLarge; // If no body, use the title text instead... if (body===undefined) { body = title; title = undefined; } if (title) { var w = g.getWidth()-48; if (g.setFont(titleFont).stringWidth(title) > w) { titleFont = fontBig; if (settings.fontSize!=1 && g.setFont(titleFont).stringWidth(title) > w) titleFont = fontMedium; } if (g.setFont(titleFont).stringWidth(title) > w) { lines = g.wrapString(title, w); title = (lines.length>2) ? lines.slice(0,2).join("\n")+"..." : lines.join("\n"); } } // If body of message is only two lines long w/ large font, use large font. if (body) { var w = g.getWidth()-10; if (g.setFont(bodyFont).stringWidth(body) > w * 2) { bodyFont = fontBig; if (settings.fontSize!=1 && g.setFont(bodyFont).stringWidth(body) > w * 3) bodyFont = fontMedium; } if (g.setFont(bodyFont).stringWidth(body) > w) { lines = g.setFont(bodyFont).wrapString(msg.body, w); var maxLines = Math.floor((g.getHeight()-110) / g.getFontHeight()); body = (lines.length>maxLines) ? lines.slice(0,maxLines).join("\n")+"..." : lines.join("\n"); } } function goBack() { layout = undefined; msg.new = false; // read mail cancelReloadTimeout(); // don't auto-reload to clock now checkMessages({clockIfNoMsg:1,clockIfAllRead:0,showMsgIfUnread:0,openMusic:openMusic}); } var buttons = [ ]; if (msg.positive) { buttons.push({type:"btn", src:atob("GRSBAAAAAYAAAcAAAeAAAfAAAfAAAfAAAfAAAfAAAfBgAfA4AfAeAfAPgfAD4fAA+fAAP/AAD/AAA/AAAPAAADAAAA=="), cb:()=>{ msg.new = false; cancelReloadTimeout(); // don't auto-reload to clock now Bangle.messageResponse(msg,true); checkMessages({clockIfNoMsg:1,clockIfAllRead:1,showMsgIfUnread:1,openMusic:openMusic}); }}); } if (msg.negative) { if (buttons.length) buttons.push({width:32}); // nasty hack... buttons.push({type:"btn", src:atob("FhaBADAAMeAB78AP/4B/fwP4/h/B/P4D//AH/4AP/AAf4AB/gAP/AB/+AP/8B/P4P4fx/A/v4B//AD94AHjAAMA="), cb:()=>{ msg.new = false; cancelReloadTimeout(); // don't auto-reload to clock now Bangle.messageResponse(msg,false); checkMessages({clockIfNoMsg:1,clockIfAllRead:1,showMsgIfUnread:1,openMusic:openMusic}); }}); } layout = new Layout({ type:"v", c: [ {type:"h", fillx:1, bgCol:g.theme.bg2, col: g.theme.fg2, c: [ { type:"v", fillx:1, c: [ {type:"txt", font:fontSmall, label:msg.src||/*LANG*/"Message", bgCol:g.theme.bg2, col: g.theme.fg2, fillx:1, pad:2, halign:1 }, title?{type:"txt", font:titleFont, label:title, bgCol:g.theme.bg2, col: g.theme.fg2, fillx:1, pad:2 }:{}, ]}, { type:"btn", src:require("messageicons").getImage(msg), col:require("messageicons").getColor(msg, {settings:settings, default:g.theme.fg2}), pad: 3, cb:()=>{ cancelReloadTimeout(); // don't auto-reload to clock now showMessageSettings(msg); } }, ]}, {type:"txt", font:bodyFont, label:body, fillx:1, filly:1, pad:2, cb:()=>{ // allow tapping to show a larger version showMessageScroller(msg); } }, {type:"h",fillx:1, c: buttons} ]},{back:goBack}); g.reset().clearRect(Bangle.appRect); layout.render(); } /* options = { clockIfNoMsg : bool clockIfAllRead : bool showMsgIfUnread : bool openMusic : bool // open music if it's playing } */ function checkMessages(options) { options=options||{}; // If no messages, just show 'no messages' and return if (!MESSAGES.length) { if (!options.clockIfNoMsg) return E.showPrompt(/*LANG*/"No Messages",{ title:/*LANG*/"Messages", img:require("heatshrink").decompress(atob("kkk4UBrkc/4AC/tEqtACQkBqtUDg0VqAIGgoZFDYQIIM1sD1QAD4AIBhnqA4WrmAIBhc6BAWs8AIBhXOBAWz0AIC2YIC5wID1gkB1c6BAYFBEQPqBAYXBEQOqBAnDAIQaEnkAngaEEAPDFgo+IKA5iIOhCGIAFb7RqAIGgtUBA0VqobFgNVA")), buttons : {/*LANG*/"Ok":1} }).then(() => { load() }); return load(); } // we have >0 messages var newMessages = MESSAGES.filter(m=>m.new&&m.id!="music"); // If we have a new message, show it if (options.showMsgIfUnread && newMessages.length) { delete newMessages[0].show; // stop us getting stuck here if we're called a second time showMessage(newMessages[0].id); // buzz after showMessage, so being busy during layout doesn't affect the buzz pattern if (global.BUZZ_ON_NEW_MESSAGE) { // this is set if we entered the messages app by loading `messagegui.new.js` // ... but only buzz the first time we view a new message global.BUZZ_ON_NEW_MESSAGE = false; // messages.buzz respects quiet mode - no need to check here require("messages").buzz(newMessages[0].src); } return; } // no new messages: show playing music? Only if we have playing music, or state=="show" (set by messagesmusic) if (options.openMusic && MESSAGES.some(m=>m.id=="music" && ((m.track && m.state=="play") || m.state=="show"))) return showMessage('music'); // no new messages - go to clock? if (options.clockIfAllRead && newMessages.length==0) return load(); active = "main"; // Otherwise show a menu E.showScroller({ h : 48, c : Math.max(MESSAGES.length,3), // workaround for 2v10.219 firmware (min 3 not needed for 2v11) draw : function(idx, r) {"ram" var msg = MESSAGES[idx]; if (msg && msg.new) g.setBgColor(g.theme.bgH).setColor(g.theme.fgH); else g.setBgColor(g.theme.bg).setColor(g.theme.fg); g.clearRect(r.x,r.y,r.x+r.w, r.y+r.h); if (!msg) return; var x = r.x+2, title = msg.title, body = msg.body; var img = require("messageicons").getImage(msg); if (msg.id=="music") { title = msg.artist || /*LANG*/"Music"; body = msg.track; } if (img) { var fg = g.getColor(), col = require("messageicons").getColor(msg, {settings:settings, default:fg}); g.setColor(col).drawImage(img, x+24, r.y+24, {rotate:0}) // force centering .setColor(fg); // only color the icon x += 50; } var m = msg.title+"\n"+msg.body, longBody=false; if (title) g.setFontAlign(-1,-1).setFont(fontBig).drawString(title, x,r.y+2); if (body) { g.setFontAlign(-1,-1).setFont("6x8"); var l = g.wrapString(body, r.w-(x+14)); if (l.length>3) { l = l.slice(0,3); l[l.length-1]+="..."; } longBody = l.length>2; g.drawString(l.join("\n"), x+10,r.y+20); } if (!longBody && msg.src) g.setFontAlign(1,1).setFont("6x8").drawString(msg.src, r.x+r.w-2, r.y+r.h-2); g.setColor("#888").fillRect(r.x,r.y+r.h-1,r.x+r.w-1,r.y+r.h-1); // dividing line between items }, select : idx => showMessage(MESSAGES[idx].id), back : () => load() }); } function cancelReloadTimeout() { if (!unreadTimeout) return; clearTimeout(unreadTimeout); unreadTimeout = undefined; } g.clear(); Bangle.loadWidgets(); require("messages").toggleWidget(false); Bangle.drawWidgets(); setTimeout(() => { if (!isFinite(settings.unreadTimeout)) settings.unreadTimeout=60; if (settings.unreadTimeout) unreadTimeout = setTimeout(load, settings.unreadTimeout*1000); // only openMusic on launch if music is new, or state=="show" (set by messagesmusic) var musicMsg = MESSAGES.find(m => m.id === "music"); checkMessages({ clockIfNoMsg: 0, clockIfAllRead: 0, showMsgIfUnread: 1, openMusic: ((musicMsg&&musicMsg.new) && settings.openMusic) || (musicMsg&&musicMsg.state=="show") }); }, 10); // if checkMessages wants to 'load', do that