/* MESSAGES is a list of: {id:int, src, title, subject, body, sender, tel:string, new:true // not read yet } */ /* For example for maps: // a message require("messages").pushMessage({"t":"add","id":1575479849,"src":"Clock","title":"Timer","body":"test"}) // maps require("messages").pushMessage({"t":"add","id":1,"src":"Maps","title":"0 yd - High St","body":"Campton - 11:48 ETA","img":"GhqBAAAMAAAHgAAD8AAB/gAA/8AAf/gAP/8AH//gD/98B//Pg/4B8f8Afv+PP//n3/f5//j+f/wfn/4D5/8Aef+AD//AAf/gAD/wAAf4AAD8AAAeAAADAAA="}); // call require("messages").pushMessage({"t":"add","id":"call","src":"Phone","title":"Bob","body":"12421312",positive:true,negative:true}) // message require("messages").pushMessage({"t":"add","id":"1234","src":"Telegram","title":"testing","body":"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur.",positive:true,negative:true}) */ var Layout = require("Layout"); var settings = require('Storage').readJSON("messages.settings.json", true) || {}; var fontSmall = "6x8"; var fontMedium = g.getFonts().includes("6x15")?"6x15":"6x8:2"; var fontBig = g.getFonts().includes("12x20")?"12x20":"6x8:2"; var fontLarge = g.getFonts().includes("6x15")?"6x15:2":"6x8:4"; var active; // active screen var openMusic = false; // go back to music screen after we handle something else? // hack for 2v10 firmware's lack of ':size' font handling try { g.setFont("6x8:2"); } catch (e) { g._setFont = g.setFont; g.setFont = function(f,s) { if (f.includes(":")) { f = f.split(":"); return g._setFont(f[0],f[1]); } return g._setFont(f,s); }; } /** this is a timeout if the app has started and is showing a single message but the user hasn't seen it (eg no user input) - in which case we should start a timeout for settings.unreadTimeout to return to the clock. */ var unreadTimeout; /// List of all our messages var MESSAGES = require("messages").getMessages(); if (Bangle.MESSAGES) { // fast loading messages Bangle.MESSAGES.forEach(m => require("messages").apply(m, MESSAGES)); delete Bangle.MESSAGES; } var onMessagesModified = function(type,msg) { if (msg.handled) return; msg.handled = true; require("messages").apply(msg, MESSAGES); // TODO: if new, show this new one if (msg && msg.id!=="music" && msg.new && active!="map" && !((require('Storage').readJSON('setting.json', 1) || {}).quiet)) { require("messages").buzz(msg.src); } if (msg && msg.id=="music") { if (msg.state && msg.state!="play") openMusic = false; // no longer playing music to go back to if (active!="music") return; // don't open music over other screens } showMessage(msg&&msg.id); }; Bangle.on("message", onMessagesModified); function saveMessages() { require("messages").write(MESSAGES); } E.on("kill", saveMessages); function showMapMessage(msg) { active = "map"; var m, distance, street, target, eta; m=msg.title.match(/(.*) - (.*)/); if (m) { distance = m[1]; street = m[2]; } else street=msg.title; m=msg.body.match(/(.*) - (.*)/); if (m) { target = m[1]; eta = m[2]; } else target=msg.body; layout = new Layout({ type:"v", c: [ {type:"txt", font:fontMedium, label:target, bgCol:g.theme.bg2, col: g.theme.fg2, fillx:1, pad:2 }, {type:"h", bgCol:g.theme.bg2, col: g.theme.fg2, fillx:1, c: [ {type:"txt", font:"6x8", label:"Towards" }, {type:"txt", font:fontLarge, label:street } ]}, {type:"h",fillx:1, filly:1, c: [ msg.img?{type:"img",src:atob(msg.img), scale:2}:{}, {type:"v", fillx:1, c: [ {type:"txt", font:fontLarge, label:distance||"" } ]}, ]}, {type:"txt", font:"6x8:2", label:eta } ]}); g.reset().clearRect(Bangle.appRect); layout.render(); function back() { // mark as not new and return to menu msg.new = false; layout = undefined; checkMessages({clockIfNoMsg:1,clockIfAllRead:1,showMsgIfUnread:1,openMusic:0}); } Bangle.setUI({mode:"updown", back: back}, back); // any input takes us back } let updateLabelsInterval; function showMusicMessage(msg) { active = "music"; // defaults, so e.g. msg.xyz.length doesn't error. `msg` should contain up to date info msg = Object.assign({artist: "", album: "", track: "Music"}, msg); openMusic = msg.state=="play"; var trackScrollOffset = 0; var artistScrollOffset = 0; var albumScrollOffset = 0; var trackName = ''; var artistName = ''; var albumName = ''; function fmtTime(s) { var m = Math.floor(s/60); s = (parseInt(s%60)).toString().padStart(2,0); return m+":"+s; } function reduceStringAndPad(text, offset, maxLen) { var sliceLength = offset + maxLen > text.length ? text.length - offset : maxLen; return text.substr(offset, sliceLength).padEnd(maxLen, " "); } function back() { clearInterval(updateLabelsInterval); updateLabelsInterval = undefined; openMusic = false; var wasNew = msg.new; msg.new = false; layout = undefined; if (wasNew) checkMessages({clockIfNoMsg:1,clockIfAllRead:1,showMsgIfUnread:0,openMusic:0}); else checkMessages({clockIfNoMsg:0,clockIfAllRead:0,showMsgIfUnread:0,openMusic:0}); } function updateLabels() { trackName = reduceStringAndPad(msg.track, trackScrollOffset, 13); artistName = reduceStringAndPad(msg.artist, artistScrollOffset, 21); albumName = reduceStringAndPad(msg.album, albumScrollOffset, 21); trackScrollOffset++; artistScrollOffset++; albumScrollOffset++; if ((trackScrollOffset + 13) > msg.track.length) trackScrollOffset = 0; if ((artistScrollOffset + 21) > msg.artist.length) artistScrollOffset = 0; if ((albumScrollOffset + 21) > msg.album.length) albumScrollOffset = 0; } updateLabels(); layout = new Layout({ type:"v", c: [ {type:"h", fillx:1, bgCol:g.theme.bg2, col: g.theme.fg2, c: [ { type:"v", fillx:1, c: [ { type:"txt", font:fontMedium, bgCol:g.theme.bg2, label:artistName, pad:2, id:"artist" }, { type:"txt", font:fontMedium, bgCol:g.theme.bg2, label:albumName, pad:2, id:"album" } ]} ]}, {type:"txt", font:fontLarge, bgCol:g.theme.bg, label:trackName, fillx:1, filly:1, pad:2, id:"track" }, Bangle.musicControl?{type:"h",fillx:1, c: [ {type:"btn", pad:8, label:"\0"+atob("FhgBwAADwAAPwAA/wAD/gAP/gA//gD//gP//g///j///P//////////P//4//+D//gP/4A/+AD/gAP8AA/AADwAAMAAA"), cb:()=>Bangle.musicControl("play")}, // play {type:"btn", pad:8, label:"\0"+atob("EhaBAHgHvwP/wP/wP/wP/wP/wP/wP/wP/wP/wP/wP/wP/wP/wP/wP/wP/wP/wP/wP/wP3gHg"), cb:()=>Bangle.musicControl("pause")}, // pause {type:"btn", pad:8, label:"\0"+atob("EhKBAMAB+AB/gB/wB/8B/+B//B//x//5//5//x//B/+B/8B/wB/gB+AB8ABw"), cb:()=>Bangle.musicControl("next")}, // next ]}:{}, {type:"txt", font:"6x8:2", label:msg.dur?fmtTime(msg.dur):"--:--" } ]}, { back : back }); g.reset().clearRect(Bangle.appRect); layout.render(); updateLabelsInterval = setInterval(function() { updateLabels(); layout.artist.label = artistName; layout.album.label = albumName; layout.track.label = trackName; layout.render(); }, 400); } function showMessageScroller(msg) { active = "scroller"; var bodyFont = fontLarge; g.setFont(bodyFont); var lines = []; if (msg.title) lines = g.wrapString(msg.title, g.getWidth()-10); lines = [lines[0]]; var titleCnt = lines.length; //if (titleCnt) lines.push(""); // add blank line after title lines = lines.concat(g.wrapString(msg.body, g.getWidth()-10)); //,["",/*LANG*/"< Back"]); E.showScroller({ h : g.getFontHeight(), // height of each menu item in pixels c : lines.length, // number of menu items // a function to draw a menu item draw : function(idx, r) { // FIXME: in 2v13 onwards, clearRect(r) will work fine. There's a bug in 2v12 g.setBgColor(idx=lines.length-2) // showMessage(msg.id); //}, //back : () => showMessage(msg.id) }, select : () => load(), back : () => load() }); } function showMessageSettings(msg) { active = "settings"; E.showMenu({"":{"title":/*LANG*/"Message"}, "< Back" : () => showMessage(msg.id), /*LANG*/"View Message" : () => { showMessageScroller(msg); }, /*LANG*/"Delete" : () => { MESSAGES = MESSAGES.filter(m=>m.id!=msg.id); checkMessages({clockIfNoMsg:0,clockIfAllRead:0,showMsgIfUnread:0,openMusic:0}); }, /*LANG*/"Mark Unread" : () => { msg.new = true; checkMessages({clockIfNoMsg:0,clockIfAllRead:0,showMsgIfUnread:0,openMusic:0}); }, /*LANG*/"Mark all read" : () => { MESSAGES.forEach(msg => msg.new = false); checkMessages({clockIfNoMsg:0,clockIfAllRead:0,showMsgIfUnread:0,openMusic:0}); }, /*LANG*/"Delete all messages" : () => { E.showPrompt(/*LANG*/"Are you sure?", {title:/*LANG*/"Delete All Messages"}).then(isYes => { if (isYes) { MESSAGES = []; } checkMessages({clockIfNoMsg:0,clockIfAllRead:0,showMsgIfUnread:0,openMusic:0}); }); }, }); } function showMessage(msgid) { var msg = MESSAGES.find(m=>m.id==msgid); if (updateLabelsInterval) { clearInterval(updateLabelsInterval); updateLabelsInterval=undefined; } if (!msg) return checkMessages({clockIfNoMsg:1,clockIfAllRead:0,showMsgIfUnread:0,openMusic:openMusic}); // go home if no message found if (msg.id=="music") { cancelReloadTimeout(); // don't auto-reload to clock now return showMusicMessage(msg); } if (msg.src=="Maps") { cancelReloadTimeout(); // don't auto-reload to clock now return showMapMessage(msg); } active = "message"; // Normal text message display //var title=msg.title, titleFont = fontLarge, lines; //var body=msg.body, bodyFont = fontLarge; //// If no body, use the title text instead... //if (body===undefined) { // body = title; // title = undefined; //} //if (title) { // var w = g.getWidth()-48; // if (g.setFont(titleFont).stringWidth(title) > w) { // titleFont = fontBig; // if (settings.fontSize!=1 && g.setFont(titleFont).stringWidth(title) > w) // titleFont = fontMedium; // } // if (g.setFont(titleFont).stringWidth(title) > w) { // lines = g.wrapString(title, w); // title = (lines.length>2) ? lines.slice(0,2).join("\n")+"..." : lines.join("\n"); // } //} //// If body of message is only two lines long w/ large font, use large font. //if (body) { // var w = g.getWidth()-10; // if (false && g.setFont(bodyFont).stringWidth(body) > w * 2) { // bodyFont = fontBig; // if (settings.fontSize!=1 && g.setFont(bodyFont).stringWidth(body) > w * 3) // bodyFont = fontMedium; // } // if (g.setFont(bodyFont).stringWidth(body) > w) { // lines = g.setFont(bodyFont).wrapString(msg.body, w); // var maxLines = Math.floor((g.getHeight()-75) / g.getFontHeight()); // body = (lines.length>maxLines) ? lines.slice(0,maxLines).join("\n")+"..." : lines.join("\n"); // } //} //function goBack() { // layout = undefined; // msg.new = false; // read mail // cancelReloadTimeout(); // don't auto-reload to clock now // checkMessages({clockIfNoMsg:1,clockIfAllRead:0,showMsgIfUnread:0,openMusic:openMusic}); //} //var buttons = [ //]; //if (false && msg.positive) { // buttons.push({type:"btn", src:atob("GRSBAAAAAYAAAcAAAeAAAfAAAfAAAfAAAfAAAfAAAfBgAfA4AfAeAfAPgfAD4fAA+fAAP/AAD/AAA/AAAPAAADAAAA=="), cb:()=>{ // msg.new = false; // cancelReloadTimeout(); // don't auto-reload to clock now // Bangle.messageResponse(msg,true); // checkMessages({clockIfNoMsg:1,clockIfAllRead:1,showMsgIfUnread:1,openMusic:openMusic}); // }}); //} //if (false && msg.negative) { // if (buttons.length) buttons.push({width:32}); // nasty hack... // buttons.push({type:"btn", src:atob("FhaBADAAMeAB78AP/4B/fwP4/h/B/P4D//AH/4AP/AAf4AB/gAP/AB/+AP/8B/P4P4fx/A/v4B//AD94AHjAAMA="), cb:()=>{ // msg.new = false; // cancelReloadTimeout(); // don't auto-reload to clock now // Bangle.messageResponse(msg,false); // checkMessages({clockIfNoMsg:1,clockIfAllRead:1,showMsgIfUnread:1,openMusic:openMusic}); // }}); //} //layout = new Layout({ type:"v", c: [ // {type:"h", fillx:1, bgCol:g.theme.bg2, col: g.theme.fg2, c: [ // { type:"v", fillx:1, c: [ // {type:"txt", font:fontSmall, label:msg.src||/*LANG*/"Message", bgCol:g.theme.bg2, col: g.theme.fg2, fillx:1, pad:2, halign:1 }, // title?{type:"txt", font:titleFont, label:title, bgCol:g.theme.bg2, col: g.theme.fg2, fillx:1, pad:2 }:{}, // ]}, // { type:"btn", // src:require("messageicons").getImage(msg), // col:require("messageicons").getColor(msg, {settings:settings, default:g.theme.fg2}), // pad: 3, cb:()=>{ // cancelReloadTimeout(); // don't auto-reload to clock now // showMessageSettings(msg); // } // }, // ]}, // {type:"txt", font:bodyFont, label:body, fillx:1, filly:1, pad:2, cb:()=>{ // // allow tapping to show a larger version // showMessageScroller(msg); // } }, // {type:"h",fillx:1, c: buttons} //]},{back:goBack}); //g.reset().clearRect(Bangle.appRect); //layout.render(); showMessageScroller(msg); } /* options = { clockIfNoMsg : bool clockIfAllRead : bool showMsgIfUnread : bool openMusic : bool // open music if it's playing } */ function checkMessages(options) { options=options||{}; var goBack = false; while (MESSAGES.length && ( MESSAGES[0].title == "Timer" || MESSAGES[0].title == "Clock" || MESSAGES[0].title == "Stopwatch" || MESSAGES[0].title == "Navigation" || MESSAGES[0].title.startsWith("Protostable Chatspace") || MESSAGES[0].title.includes("Jason") || MESSAGES[0].body.toLowerCase().startsWith("!chat") || MESSAGES[0].body.toLowerCase().startsWith("! chat") )) { MESSAGES.pop(0); goBack = true; } if (goBack) { return load(); } // If no messages, just show 'no messages' and return if (!MESSAGES.length) { if (!options.clockIfNoMsg) return E.showPrompt(/*LANG*/"No Messages",{ title:/*LANG*/"Messages", img:require("heatshrink").decompress(atob("kkk4UBrkc/4AC/tEqtACQkBqtUDg0VqAIGgoZFDYQIIM1sD1QAD4AIBhnqA4WrmAIBhc6BAWs8AIBhXOBAWz0AIC2YIC5wID1gkB1c6BAYFBEQPqBAYXBEQOqBAnDAIQaEnkAngaEEAPDFgo+IKA5iIOhCGIAFb7RqAIGgtUBA0VqobFgNVA")), buttons : {/*LANG*/"Ok":1} }).then(() => { load() }); return load(); } // we have >0 messages var newMessages = MESSAGES.filter(m=>m.new&&m.id!="music"); // If we have a new message, show it if (options.showMsgIfUnread && newMessages.length) { delete newMessages[0].show; // stop us getting stuck here if we're called a second time showMessage(newMessages[0].id); // buzz after showMessage, so being busy during layout doesn't affect the buzz pattern if (global.BUZZ_ON_NEW_MESSAGE) { // this is set if we entered the messages app by loading `messagegui.new.js` // ... but only buzz the first time we view a new message global.BUZZ_ON_NEW_MESSAGE = false; // messages.buzz respects quiet mode - no need to check here require("messages").buzz(newMessages[0].src); } return; } // no new messages: show playing music? Only if we have playing music, or state=="show" (set by messagesmusic) if (options.openMusic && MESSAGES.some(m=>m.id=="music" && ((m.track && m.state=="play") || m.state=="show"))) return showMessage('music'); // no new messages - go to clock? if (options.clockIfAllRead && newMessages.length==0) return load(); active = "main"; // Otherwise show a menu E.showScroller({ h : 48, c : Math.max(MESSAGES.length,3), // workaround for 2v10.219 firmware (min 3 not needed for 2v11) draw : function(idx, r) {"ram" var msg = MESSAGES[idx]; if (msg && msg.new) g.setBgColor(g.theme.bgH).setColor(g.theme.fgH); else g.setBgColor(g.theme.bg).setColor(g.theme.fg); g.clearRect(r.x,r.y,r.x+r.w, r.y+r.h); if (!msg) return; var x = r.x+2, title = msg.title, body = msg.body; var img = require("messageicons").getImage(msg); if (msg.id=="music") { title = msg.artist || /*LANG*/"Music"; body = msg.track; } if (img) { var fg = g.getColor(), col = require("messageicons").getColor(msg, {settings:settings, default:fg}); g.setColor(col).drawImage(img, x+24, r.y+24, {rotate:0}) // force centering .setColor(fg); // only color the icon x += 50; } var m = msg.title+"\n"+msg.body, longBody=false; if (title) g.setFontAlign(-1,-1).setFont(fontBig).drawString(title, x,r.y+2); if (body) { g.setFontAlign(-1,-1).setFont("6x8"); var l = g.wrapString(body, r.w-(x+14)); if (l.length>3) { l = l.slice(0,3); l[l.length-1]+="..."; } longBody = l.length>2; g.drawString(l.join("\n"), x+10,r.y+20); } if (!longBody && msg.src) g.setFontAlign(1,1).setFont("6x8").drawString(msg.src, r.x+r.w-2, r.y+r.h-2); g.setColor("#888").fillRect(r.x,r.y+r.h-1,r.x+r.w-1,r.y+r.h-1); // dividing line between items }, select : idx => showMessage(MESSAGES[idx].id), back : () => load() }); } function cancelReloadTimeout() { if (!unreadTimeout) return; clearTimeout(unreadTimeout); unreadTimeout = undefined; } g.clear(); Bangle.loadWidgets(); require("messages").toggleWidget(false); Bangle.drawWidgets(); setTimeout(() => { if (!isFinite(settings.unreadTimeout)) settings.unreadTimeout=60; if (settings.unreadTimeout) unreadTimeout = setTimeout(load, settings.unreadTimeout*1000); // only openMusic on launch if music is new, or state=="show" (set by messagesmusic) var musicMsg = MESSAGES.find(m => m.id === "music"); checkMessages({ clockIfNoMsg: 0, clockIfAllRead: 0, showMsgIfUnread: 1, openMusic: ((musicMsg&&musicMsg.new) && settings.openMusic) || (musicMsg&&musicMsg.state=="show") }); }, 10); // if checkMessages wants to 'load', do that