#include #include #include "2048_engine.h" void gravitate(struct gamestate *g, direction d, void (*callback)(struct gamestate *g)) { #define swap_if_space(xoff, yoff)\ do {\ if (g->grid[x][y] == 0 && g->grid[x+xoff][y+yoff] != 0) {\ g->grid[x][y] = g->grid[x+xoff][y+yoff];\ g->grid[x+xoff][y+yoff] = 0;\ done = 0;\ g->moved = 1;\ }\ } while (0) int x, y; int done = 0; if (d == dir_left) { while (!done) { done = 1; for (x = 0; x < g->opts->grid_width - 1; ++x) { for (y = 0; y < g->opts->grid_height; ++y) { swap_if_space(1, 0); } } if (callback) callback(g); } } else if (d == dir_right) { while (!done) { done = 1; for (x = g->opts->grid_width - 1; x > 0; --x) { for (y = 0; y < g->opts->grid_height; ++y) { swap_if_space(-1, 0); } } if (callback) callback(g); } } else if (d == dir_down) { while (!done) { done = 1; for (y = g->opts->grid_height - 1; y > 0; --y) { for (x = 0; x < g->opts->grid_width; ++x) { swap_if_space(0, -1); } } if (callback) callback(g); } } else if (d == dir_up) { while (!done) { done = 1; for (y = 0; y < g->opts->grid_height - 1; ++y) { for (x = 0; x < g->opts->grid_width; ++x) { swap_if_space(0, 1); } } if (callback) callback(g); } } else { fatal("Invalid direction passed to gravitate()"); /* Not reached */ } #undef swap_if_space } void merge(struct gamestate *g, direction d, void (*callback)(struct gamestate *g)) { #define merge_if_equal(xoff, yoff)\ do {\ if (g->grid[x][y] && (g->grid[x][y] == g->grid[x+xoff][y+yoff])) {\ g->grid[x][y] += g->grid[x+xoff][y+yoff];\ g->grid[x+xoff][y+yoff] = 0;\ g->score_last += g->grid[x][y];\ g->score += g->grid[x][y];\ g->moved = 1;\ }\ } while (0) int x, y; g->score_last = 0; if (d == dir_left) { for (x = 0; x < g->opts->grid_width - 1; ++x) { for (y = 0; y < g->opts->grid_height; ++y) { merge_if_equal(1, 0); } } } else if (d == dir_right) { for (x = g->opts->grid_width - 1; x > 0; --x) { for (y = 0; y < g->opts->grid_height; ++y) { merge_if_equal(-1, 0); } } } else if (d == dir_down) { for (y = g->opts->grid_height - 1; y > 0; --y) { for (x = 0; x < g->opts->grid_width; ++x) { merge_if_equal(0, -1); } } } else if (d == dir_up) { for (y = 0; y < g->opts->grid_height - 1; ++y) { for (x = 0; x < g->opts->grid_width; ++x) { merge_if_equal(0, 1); } } } else { fatal("Invalid direction passed to merge()"); /* Not reached */ } if (callback) callback(g); #undef merge_if_equal } /* Return -1 on lose condition, 1 on win condition, 0 on * haven't ended */ int end_condition(struct gamestate *g) { int ret = -1; int x, y; for (x = 0; x < g->opts->grid_width; ++x) { for (y = 0; y < g->opts->grid_height; ++y) { if (g->grid[x][y] >= g->opts->goal) return 1; if (!g->grid[x][y] || ((x + 1 < g->opts->grid_width) && (g->grid[x][y] == g->grid[x+1][y])) || ((y + 1 < g->opts->grid_height) && (g->grid[x][y] == g->grid[x][y+1]))) ret = 0; } } return ret; } void random_block(struct gamestate *g) { /* pick random square, if it is full, then move forward until we find * an empty square. This is biased */ static int seeded = 0; if (!seeded) { seeded = 1; srand(time(NULL)); } int x = rand() % g->opts->grid_width; int y = rand() % g->opts->grid_height; while (g->grid[x][y]) { x++; if (x == g->opts->grid_width) { x = 0; y++; if (y == g->opts->grid_height) y = 0; } } g->grid[x][y] = (rand() & 3) ? g->opts->spawn_value : g->opts->spawn_value * 2; } static int flog10(unsigned int n) { int l = 0; while (n) n /= 10, ++l; return l; } struct gamestate* gamestate_init(struct gameoptions *opt) { if (!opt) return NULL; struct gamestate *g = malloc(sizeof(struct gamestate)); if (!g) goto gamestate_alloc_fail; //long *grid_back = malloc(opt->grid_width * opt->grid_height * sizeof(long)); //if (!grid_back) goto grid_back_alloc_fail; g->grid = malloc(opt->grid_width * sizeof(long*)); if (!g->grid) goto grid_alloc_fail; int i; for (i = 0; i < opt->grid_height; ++i) g->grid[i] = calloc(opt->grid_height, sizeof(long)); g->moved = 0; g->score = 0; g->score_high = 0; g->score_last = 0; g->print_width = flog10(opt->goal); g->opts = opt; random_block(g); return g; grid_alloc_fail: grid_back_alloc_fail: free(g); gamestate_alloc_fail: return NULL; } struct gameoptions* gameoptions_default(void) { struct gameoptions *opt = malloc(sizeof(struct gameoptions)); if (!opt) return NULL; opt->grid_height = 4; opt->grid_width = 4; opt->goal = 2048; opt->spawn_value = 2; opt->spawn_rate = 1; opt->enable_color = 0; opt->animate = 1; return opt; } int gamestate_tick(struct gamestate *g, direction d, void (*callback)(struct gamestate*)) { g->moved = 0; gravitate(g, d, callback); merge(g, d, callback); gravitate(g, d, callback); random_block(g); return g->moved; } void gamestate_clear(struct gamestate *g) { free(g->opts); free(g->grid[0]); free(g->grid); free(g); } /* The following may be moved into own file */ void reset_highscore(void) { printf("Are you sure you want to reset your highscores? (Y)es/(N)o: "); int response; if ((response = getchar()) == 'y' || response == 'Y') { printf("Resetting highscore...\n"); } } void print_usage(void) { printf( "usage: 2048 [-cCaArh] [-g ] [-b ] [-s ]\n" "\n" "controls\n" " hjkl movement keys\n" " q quit current game\n" "\n" "options\n" " -s set the grid side lengths\n" " -b set the block spawn rate\n" " -g set a new goal (default 2048)\n" " -a enable animations (default)\n" " -A disable animations\n" " -c enable color support\n" " -C disable color support (default)\n" ); } #include struct gameoptions* parse_options(struct gameoptions *opt, int argc, char **argv) { int c; while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "aArcChg:s:b:")) != -1) { switch (c) { case 'a': opt->animate = 1; break; case 'A': opt->animate = 0; break; case 'c': opt->enable_color = 1; break; case 'C': opt->enable_color = 0; break; case 'g': opt->goal = strtol(optarg, NULL, 10); break; case 's':; /* Stick with square for now */ int optint = strtol(optarg, NULL, 10); opt->grid_height = optint > 4 ? optint : 4; opt->grid_width = optint > 4 ? optint : 4; break; case 'b': opt->spawn_rate = strtol(optarg, NULL, 10); break; case 'r': reset_highscore(); exit(0); case 'h': print_usage(); exit(0); } } return opt; }