// import { createMachine, interpret, InterpreterStatus } from "xstate"; const { createMachine, interpret, InterpreterStatus } = require('xstate'); // import { access, mkdir, writeFile, readFile } from "fs"; const { access, mkdir, writeFile, readFile } = require('fs'); // ANGRAM_PREFIX='MINECRAFT' const { MINECRAFT_DATA_FOLDER } = process.env || require("dotenv-packed").parseEnv().parsed; const storage_dir = MINECRAFT_DATA_FOLDER || './data/' + "/sm/"; // import { createBot } from "mineflayer" // let { pathfinder, Movements, goals } = require('mineflayer-pathfinder') // let cfg // let bot = createBot({ username: 'statebot' }) let bot; let quiet; let updateRate = 20; const machines = { list: {}, running: {}, }; let webserver; let cfg = { statemachine: { webserver: null, // quiet: true, quiet: quiet, list: {}, running: {}, draft: null, recent: null, // debug: null, debug: true, updateRate: updateRate } // FIXME temp variables to satisfy typescript autocomplete // , quiet: null , bot: bot, plugins: { statemachine: null } }; // Edit your machine(s) here function init(smName = "dummy", webserver) { access(storage_dir, err => { if (err?.code === 'ENOENT') { mkdir(storage_dir, e => e && console.warn("sm init: create dir", e)); } else if (err) { console.warn("sm init: create dir", err); } }); // const machine = newSM(smName) // machine.states.idle.on.TOGGLE = "start" // machine.states.start.on.TOGGLE = "idle" const machine = createMachine({ id: smName, initial: "idle", states: { idle: { on: { TOGGLE: "start", NEXT: "start", PREV: "look", STOP: "finish" } }, start: { on: { TOGGLE: "look", NEXT: "look", PREV: "idle" }, entry: 'lookAtPlayerOnce', }, look: { on: { TOGGLE: "idle", NEXT: "idle", PREV: "start" }, // entry: ['look', 'blah'] // entry: 'lookAtPlayerOnce', activities: 'lookAtPlayer', meta: { debug: true } }, finish: { type: 'final' }, }, on: { START: '.start', STOP: '.idle' }, meta: { debug: true }, context: { player: null, rate: updateRate }, }, { actions: { // action implementation lookAtPlayerOnce: (context, event) => { const player = context?.player || bot.nearestEntity(entity => entity.type === 'player'); if (player.position || player.entity) { context.player = player; bot.lookAt((player.entity || player).position.offset(0, 1, 0)); } } }, activities: { lookAtPlayer: (context, event) => { const player = context?.player || bot.nearestEntity(entity => entity.type === 'player'); // TODO check every event? if (player.position || player.entity) { context.player = player; function looks() { bot.lookAt((player.entity || player).position.offset(0, 1, 0)); } bot.on("time", looks); return () => bot.off("time", looks); } } }, delays: { /* ... */ }, guards: { /* ... */ }, services: { /* ... */ } }); console.log("sm init: machine", machine); const service = runSM(saveSM(machine)); if (service?.send) { setTimeout(service.send, 200, "TOGGLE"); // setTimeout(service.send, 400, "TOGGLE") } else { console.warn("sm init: service", service); } } function newSM(smName = "sm_" + Object.keys(cfg.statemachine.list).length) { smName = smName.replace(/\s+/, '_'); if (cfg.statemachine.list[smName]) { console.warn("sm exists", smName); quiet || bot.chat(`sm ${smName} already exists, edit or use another name instead`); return; } const machine = createMachine({ id: smName, initial: "start", // TODO use history states for PAUSE and RESUME states: { idle: { on: { START: "start" } }, start: { on: { STOP: "idle" } } } }); cfg.statemachine.draft = machine; return machine; } function saveSM(machine = cfg.statemachine.draft) { if (!machine?.id) { console.warn("sm save: invalid", machine); quiet || bot.chat("sm: couldn't save, invalid"); return; } // TODO do tests and validation // 1. ensure default states [start, idle] // 2. ensure closed cycle from start to idle cfg.statemachine.list[machine.id] = machine; if (machine.id === cfg.statemachine.draft?.id) { cfg.statemachine.draft = null; } writeFile( // TODO // `${storage_dir}/${player}/${machine.id}.json` `${storage_dir}/${machine.id}.json`, // TODO decide which data to store // https://xstate.js.org/docs/guides/states.html#persisting-state // JSON.stringify(machine.toJSON), // JSON.stringify(machine.states.toJSON), // + activities, delays, etc JSON.stringify({ config: machine.config, context: machine.context }), e => e && console.log("sm load sm: write file", e)); // return run ? runSM(machine) : machine return machine; } function loadSM(name, run = true) { //: StateMachine { readFile( // readFileSync( // TODO // `${storage_dir}/${player}/${machine.id}.json` `${storage_dir}/${name}.json`, afterRead // JSON.stringify(machine.toJSON), ); function afterRead(err, jsonString) { if (err) { console.warn("sm load sm: read file", err); return; } else { const machine = createMachine(JSON.parse(jsonString).config); // TODO do tests and validation // 1. ensure default states [start, idle] // 2. ensure closed cycle from start to idle cfg.statemachine.list[machine.id] = machine; if (machine.id === cfg.statemachine.draft?.id) { cfg.statemachine.draft = machine; } if (run) { runSM(machine); } } } // return run ? runSM(machine) : machine // return machine } // function isInterpreter(SMorService: StateMachine | Interpreter): SMorService is Interpreter { // return (SMorService as Interpreter).start !== undefined; // } function getSM(name = cfg.statemachine.draft || cfg.statemachine.recent, asService = false, quiet = false) { const machine = typeof name === "string" ? cfg.statemachine.list[name] : name; if (!machine) { console.warn("sm get: doesn't exist", name); cfg.statemachine.quiet || bot.chat(`sm ${name} doesn't exist`); return; } if (asService) { const service = cfg.statemachine.running[machine?.id]; if (!service) { quiet || console.warn("sm get: already stopped", machine); quiet || cfg.statemachine.quiet || bot.chat(`sm ${machine?.id} isn't running`); return interpret(machine); } return service; } else { // return machine.machine ? machine.machine : machine return machine; } } function runSM(name = getSM(undefined, undefined, true), player // or supervisor? , restart = false) { if (!name) return; const service = getSM(name, true, true); if (!service) return; const machine = service.machine; if (!machine) return; switch (service.status) { case InterpreterStatus.Running: if (!restart) { console.warn("sm run: already running", service.id); quiet || bot.chat(`sm ${service.id} already running`); return service; } stopSM(machine); case InterpreterStatus.NotStarted: case InterpreterStatus.Stopped: break; default: console.warn("sm run: unknown status:", service.status, service); return; break; } if (cfg.statemachine.debug || machine.meta?.debug) { service.onTransition((state) => { quiet || bot.chat(`sm trans: ${machine.id}, ${state.value}`); quiet || state.meta?.debug && bot.chat(`sm next events: ${machine.id}, ${state.nextEvents}`); console.log("sm debug: trans", state.value, state); }).onDone((done) => { quiet || bot.chat(`sm done: ${machine.id}, ${done}`); console.log("sm debug: done", done.data, done); }); } cfg.statemachine.running[machine.id] = service; cfg.statemachine.recent = machine; service.start(); // // TODO check if idle state is different (maybe?) console.log("sm run", service.state.value === machine.initialState.value, service.state); console.log("sm run", service.state !== machine.initialState, machine.initialState); // return machine return service; } function stopSM(name = getSM(), quiet = false) { let service = getSM(name, true, quiet); if (!service) return; const machine = service.machine; switch (service.status) { case InterpreterStatus.NotStarted: case InterpreterStatus.Stopped: console.log("sm stop status", service.status, service.id, cfg.statemachine.running[service.id]); // TODO check if any bugs case InterpreterStatus.Running: break; default: console.warn("sm stop: unknown status:", service.status); break; } service?.stop?.(); cfg.statemachine.running[machine.id] = null; delete cfg.statemachine.running[machine.id]; // return machine return service; } function actionSM(action, name = getSM()) { if (!action) { return console.warn("sm action", action); } let service = getSM(name, true, true); if (service.status !== InterpreterStatus.Running) return; // const machine = service.machine service.send(action.toLowerCase()); } function stepSM(command = "", ...message_parts) { let service = getSM(undefined, true); if (!service) return; if (!service.send) { console.warn("sm step: can't send", service.machine); // TODO start a temporary service to interpret quiet || bot.chat("sm: step doesn't support machines that aren't running yet"); return; } if (service?.status !== InterpreterStatus.Running) { console.warn("sm step: machine not running, attempting start", service); runSM; } // const machine = service.machine switch (command) { case "edit": // maybe `edit `, like `add`? // where type: // context // action // timeout | all timeout break; case "undo": break; case "del": break; case "p": case "prev": service?.send("PREV"); break; case "add": // maybe `add `? // where type: // context // action // timeout case "new": break; // case "with": // console.log(this) // stepSM(getSM(message_parts[0], true, true), ...message_parts.slice(1)) // break; case "help": quiet || bot.chat("![sm ]step [ p(rev) | n(ext) ]"); break; case "n": case "next": default: service?.send("NEXT"); quiet || bot.chat("stepped"); break; } } function tickSM(time = bot.time.timeOfDay, rate = 20) { if (time % rate !== 0) { return; } console.log("sm tick", rate, time); } function debugSM(name = getSM()) { if (!name) return; let service = getSM(name, true); if (!service) return; const machine = service.machine; machine.meta.debug = !!!machine.meta.debug; console.info("sm debug", machine.meta, service, machine); cfg.statemachine.quiet || machine.meta.debug && bot.chat("sm debug: " + machine.id); } function command(message_parts) { const message_parts2 = message_parts.slice(1); switch (message_parts[0]) { case "add": command(["new"].concat(message_parts2)); break; case "finish": case "done": case "end": command(["save"].concat(message_parts2)); break; case "do": case "load": case "start": command(["run"].concat(message_parts2)); break; case "debug": switch (message_parts[1]) { case "sm": case "global": case "meta": cfg.statemachine.debug = !!!cfg.statemachine.debug; quiet || bot.chat(`sm debug: ${cfg.statemachine.debug}`); break; } case "new": case "save": case "run": case "step": case "stop": // temp case "action": switch (message_parts2.length) { case 0: console.warn(`sm ${message_parts[0]}: no name, using defaults`); case 1: // FIXME `this` doesn't work always (this.runSM && this || cfg.plugins.statemachine)[message_parts[0] + "SM"](...message_parts2); break; default: if (["action"].includes(message_parts[0])) { (this.runSM && this || cfg.plugins.statemachine)[message_parts[0] + "SM"](...message_parts2); } else { console.warn(`sm ${message_parts[0]}: more than 1 arg passed`, message_parts2); } break; } break; case "undo": break; case "list": case "status": // TODO current/recent, updateRate const { list, running } = cfg.statemachine; console.log("sm list", running, list); quiet || bot.chat(`${Object.keys(running).length} of ${Object.keys(list).length} active: ${Object.keys(running)}` + (message_parts[1] === "all" ? `${Object.keys(list)}` : '')); break; case "quiet": quiet = cfg.statemachine.quiet = !!!cfg.statemachine.quiet; quiet || bot.chat(`sm: ${cfg.statemachine.quiet ? "" : "not "}being quiet`); break; default: // TODO general helper from declarative commands object quiet || bot.chat(`sm help: !sm [new | step| save | run | list | quiet | debug]`); console.warn("sm unknown command", message_parts); break; } return true; } function load(config) { webserver = cfg.statemachine.webserver = config.statemachine?.webserver || webserver; config.statemachine = cfg.statemachine || { webserver: null, // quiet: true, quiet: false, list: {}, running: {}, draft: null, recent: null, // debug: null, debug: true, updateRate: updateRate }; cfg = config; bot = cfg.bot; // pathfinder = bot.pathfinder || bot.loadPlugin(require('mineflayer-pathfinder').pathfinder) // mcData = bot.mcData || (bot.mcData = require('minecraft-data')(bot.version)) init(undefined, webserver); updateRate = cfg.statemachine.updateRate || updateRate; bot.on('time', tickSM); // bot.once('time', tickSM, 5) console.log("sm load", cfg.statemachine); } function unload() { const { list, running } = cfg.statemachine; bot.off('time', tickSM); Object.keys(running).forEach(sm => { stopSM(sm); }); // delete cfg.statemachine; cfg.statemachine = null; console.log("sm unload: deleted", cfg.statemachine); } module.exports = { load, unload, command, init, newSM, saveSM, loadSM, runSM, stopSM, actionSM, stepSM, debugSM };