A high-level, general purpose and modular minecraft bot using hot re-loadable (without restarting the bot!) plugins. Batteries included, launch to run!
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

190 lines
4.9 KiB

* Using the inventory is one of the first things you learn in Minecraft,
* now it's time to teach your bot the same skill.
* Command your bot with chat messages and make him toss, equip, use items
* and even craft new items using the built-in recipe book.
* To learn more about the recipe system and how crafting works
* remember to read the API documentation!
const mineflayer = require('mineflayer')
// if (process.argv.length < 4 || process.argv.length > 6) {
// console.log('Usage : node inventory.js <host> <port> [<name>] [<password>]')
// process.exit(1)
// }
// const bot = mineflayer.createBot({
// host: process.argv[2],
// port: parseInt(process.argv[3]),
// username: process.argv[4] ? process.argv[4] : 'inventory',
// password: process.argv[5]
// })
let cfg = {}
let bot = {}
// let mcd
function inventory(username, message) {
if (username === bot.username) return
const command = message.split(' ')
switch (true) {
// case message === 'loaded':
// bot.waitForChunksToLoad(() => {
// bot.chat('Ready!')
// })
// break
case /^list$/.test(message):
case /^toss \d+ \w+$/.test(message):
// toss amount name
// ex: toss 64 diamond
tossItem(command[2], command[1])
case /^toss \w+$/.test(message):
// toss name
// ex: toss diamond
case /^equip \w+ \w+$/.test(message):
// equip destination name
// ex: equip hand diamond
equipItem(command[2], command[1], quiet = cfg.quiet)
case /^unequip \w+$/.test(message):
// unequip testination
// ex: unequip hand
case /^use$/.test(message):
case /^craft \d+ \w+$/.test(message):
// craft amount item
// ex: craft 64 stick
craftItem(command[2], command[1])
function sayItems(items = bot.inventory.items()) {
const output = items.map(itemToString).join(', ')
if (output) {
console.info("inventory:", output)
!cfg.quiet && bot.chat(output)
} else {
!cfg.quiet && bot.chat('empty')
function tossItem(name, amount) {
amount = parseInt(amount, 10)
const item = itemByName(name)
if (!item) {
bot.chat(`I have no ${name}`)
} else if (amount) {
bot.toss(item.type, null, amount, checkIfTossed)
} else {
bot.tossStack(item, checkIfTossed)
function checkIfTossed(err) {
if (err) {
bot.chat(`unable to toss: ${err.message}`)
} else if (amount) {
bot.chat(`tossed ${amount} x ${name}`)
} else {
bot.chat(`tossed ${name}`)
function equipItem(name, destination, quiet = false) {
const item = itemByName(name)
if (item) {
bot.equip(item, destination, checkIfEquipped)
} else {
!quiet && bot.chat(`I have no ${name}`)
function checkIfEquipped(err) {
if (err) {
bot.chat(`cannot equip ${name}: ${err.message}`)
} else {
!quiet && bot.chat(`equipped ${name}`)
function unequipItem(destination) {
bot.unequip(destination, (err) => {
if (err) {
bot.chat(`cannot unequip: ${err.message}`)
} else {
function useEquippedItem() {
bot.chat('activating item')
function craftItem(name, amount) {
amount = parseInt(amount, 10)
const item = require('minecraft-data')(bot.version).findItemOrBlockByName(name)
const craftingTable = bot.findBlock({
matching: 58
if (item) {
const recipe = bot.recipesFor(item.id, null, 1, craftingTable)[0]
if (recipe) {
bot.chat(`I can make ${name}`)
bot.craft(recipe, amount, craftingTable, (err) => {
if (err) {
bot.chat(`error making ${name}`)
} else {
bot.chat(`did the recipe for ${name} ${amount} times`)
} else {
bot.chat(`I cannot make ${name}`)
} else {
bot.chat(`unknown item: ${name}`)
function itemToString(item) {
if (item) {
return `${item.name} x ${item.count}`
} else {
return '(nothing)'
function itemByName(name) {
return bot.inventory.items().filter(item => item.name === name)[0]
const load = (config) => {
cfg = config
bot = cfg.bot
// cfg.inventory = {
// auto: true,
// quiet: false
// }
bot.on('chat', inventory)
const unload = () => {
bot.off('chat', inventory)
module.exports = { load, unload, equipItem }