from bs4 import BeautifulSoup def get_icons(markup, url): soup = BeautifulSoup(markup, features='html.parser') icon32 = soup.find_all('link', rel="icon", href=True, sizes="32x32") icon16 = soup.find_all('link', rel="icon", href=True, sizes="16x16") favicon = soup.find_all('link', rel="shortcut icon", href=True) others = soup.find_all('link', rel="icon", href=True) icons = icon32 + icon16 + favicon + others base_url = '/'.join(url.split('/')[:3]) icons = list(set([i.get('href') for i in icons])) icons = [i if i.startswith('http') else base_url + i for i in icons] return icons def parse_extruct(s, data): rdfa_keys = { 'title': [ '', '', ], 'date': [ '', '', '', '', ] } for rdfa in data['rdfa']: for key, props in rdfa.items(): for attribute, properties in rdfa_keys.items(): for prop in properties: if prop in props: for values in props[prop]: s[attribute] = values['@value'] for og in data['opengraph']: titles = list(filter(None, [value if 'og:title' in key else None for key, value in og['properties']])) modified = list(filter(None, [value if 'article:modified_time' in key else None for key, value in og['properties']])) published = list(filter(None, [value if 'article:published_time' in key else None for key, value in og['properties']])) if len(modified): s['date'] = modified[0] if len(published): s['date'] = published[0] if len(titles): s['title'] = titles[0] for md in data['microdata']: if md['type'] in ['', '']: props = md['properties'] s['title'] = props['headline'] if props['dateModified']: s['date'] = props['dateModified'] if props['datePublished']: s['date'] = props['datePublished'] if 'author' in props and props['author']: if 'properties' in props['author']: s['author'] = props['author']['properties']['name'] elif isinstance(props['author'], list): s['author'] = props['author'][0]['properties']['name'] for ld in data['json-ld']: if '@type' in ld and ld['@type'] in ['Article', 'NewsArticle']: s['title'] = ld['headline'] if ld['dateModified']: s['date'] = ld['dateModified'] if ld['datePublished']: s['date'] = ld['datePublished'] if 'author' in ld and ld['author']: if 'name' in ld['author']: s['author'] = ld['author']['name'] elif isinstance(ld['author'], list): s['author'] = ld['author'][0]['name'] if '@graph' in ld: for gld in ld['@graph']: if '@type' in gld and gld['@type'] in ['Article', 'NewsArticle']: s['title'] = gld['headline'] if gld['dateModified']: s['date'] = gld['dateModified'] if gld['datePublished']: s['date'] = gld['datePublished'] return s